
  • 网络detection efficiency;DQE;QDE
  1. Si(Li)探测器对体状X射线源的探测效率

    The Detection Efficiency of Si ( Li ) Detector for Three-dimensional X-ray Source

  2. HP的液体闪烁测量法一种提高液体闪烁绝对测量探测效率的方法

    Method of improve detection efficiency for liquid scintillation absolute measurement

  3. 探测器对蒸汽管道内~(16)N的探测效率因子计算

    Calculation of Detecting Efficiency for ~ ( 16 ) N in Stream Pipeline

  4. 探测效率是X射线光电子能谱仪一个很重要的仪器参数。

    Detective efficiency is an important instrumental parameter of X ray photoelectron spectrometer .

  5. X射线光电子能谱仪探测效率的研究

    Axis series of imaging X-ray photoelectron spectrometer An Investigation on the Measurement of Detective Efficiency in XPS Spectrometer

  6. 用MonteCarlo方法计算锂玻璃的中子探测效率

    Calculation of neutron detection efficiency for the thick Lithium glass using Monte Carlo method

  7. Ge(Li)探测器系统的绝对全能峰探测效率计算

    Calculation and application of absolute full-energy peak efficiency for Ge ( Li ) detector-counted sample system

  8. 大型集装箱检测系统探测效率的MC模拟计算

    Efficiency calculation of the large container inspecting system using Monte Carlo method

  9. ~(252)Cf中子分布条件下的中子探测效率测量

    Neutron detection efficiency study under ~ ( 252 ) Cf neutron distribution

  10. 中微子探测器的低本底gamma测量和探测器探测效率刻度

    Low background gamma ray measurement of the neutrino detector and detection efficient calibration of gamma ray detector

  11. 扑热息痛在硝酸根溶液中的光解研究对~(147)Pm的仪器探测效率进行了刻度。

    Relative counting efficiency in the measurement of ~ ( 147 ) Pm for several measured solution is determined .

  12. NaI(Tl)晶体探测器对面源的γ绝对探测效率

    γ absolute efficiencies of NaI ( Tl ) scintillation detector for plate source

  13. 绘制了Si(Li)探测器相对探测效率曲线;讨论了影响探测效率的几个主要因素,并给出了定量估计。

    A relative efficiency curve of Si ( Li ) detector is drawn , and some factors that may affect the detector efficiency are discussed quantitatively .

  14. 该装置对60Co的总探测效率达到99.2%。

    The total efficiency of this device is 99.2 % for 60Co .

  15. 在衰变过程中,铀及其衰变子体放射出γ射线和特征X射线,通过能谱分析可以求出它们的峰面积和相对探测效率。

    Uranium isotopes and their daughters emit - rays and X-rays during the decay process , their peak area and relative efficiency can be calculated through spectrum analysis .

  16. BESⅡ上光子探测效率的研究

    Study of Photon Detection Efficiency at BES ⅱ

  17. MonteCarlo方法对不同尺寸NaI(Tl)晶体探测效率的刻度

    Polycrystal mineral scintillator detector Calibration of NaI ( Tl ) Detectors ' Detection Efficiency in Different Dimension Using Monte Carlo Method

  18. 在进行~(137)Cs比活度分析时,探测效率是影响测量准确性的关键因素,所以,研究探测效率的粒度效应,在核测量方面也有不可忽视重要性。

    The key factor affects the measuring accuracy is the detection efficiency in the analysis of specific activity of ~ ( 137 ) Cs .

  19. HPGe探测器对γ射线源峰探测效率的修正

    Modifying Methods of Gamma-Ray Source-Peak Detecting Efficiency for HPGe Detector

  20. 根据谱仪的探测效率曲线可以对原子灵敏度因子进行定标,这对于XPS定量分析具有很重要的应用价值。

    Atomic sensitivity factors can be calibrated by using the curve of detective efficiency . It plays an important role in XPS quantitative analysis .

  21. ~3He和BF3计数器热中子探测效率实测值与理论预言满意地符合。

    For ' He and BF , proportional counters , the measured detection efficiency of thermal neutron is consistent with the theoretic value satisfactorily .

  22. HPGe探测效率和符合相加修正系数的蒙特卡罗计算

    Monte-Carlo Calculations of HPGe Detection Efficiency and Coincidence-summing Correction

  23. 高纯锗探测器探测效率的MCNP模拟

    The MCNP Simulation of HPGe Detector Efficiency

  24. MCP带膜后电子增益下降,体电阻增加,暗电流降低,探测效率下降。

    The volume resistance increase , the electron gain , dark current and detection efficiency decreases for MCP with film .

  25. 4πβG-M计数器的探测效率

    Detection efficiency of 4 πβ G-M counter

  26. 本文研究了双圆筒型4πβG-M计数管的一些性能及其探测效率。

    The paper researches some performance and detection efficiency of di-cylindrical 4 πβ G-M connter .

  27. 通过测量19keV电子束轰击厚碳靶产生的韧致辐射能谱,在低能区(>1keV)对Si(Li)探测器进行了探测效率刻度。

    The detection efficiency calibration of Si ( Li ) detector in low-energy region down to 1 keV was carried out by measuring the bremsstrahlung spectrum of thick-carbon-target bombarded by 19 keV electron beam .

  28. 土壤样品中的含水量对HPGeγ谱仪探测效率的影响

    Effect of water content in soil samples on the γ detection efficiency for HPGe γ spectrometer

  29. 同时研究了电场强度和硼(10B)转换层厚度对探测效率的影响。

    The influences of electric field and converter thickness on detecting efficiency were also investigated .

  30. MarinelliBeaker型气体源γ射线的探测效率研究

    Study of γ - ray Efficiency for Gas Source in Marinelli Beaker