- rem;roentgen equivalent man

Now , many are converging on what Rem Koolhaas , the avant-garde architect , dubbed " the generic city . "
This paper describes the principle and construction of a modified Andersson-Braun ( A-B ) neutron rem counter which is used for the stray radiation field of high energy accelerator .
Cuoco , 32 , wore a lacy gown with a matching cape . Her ensemble was designed by Reem Acra . Cook , 27 , kept it classic with a traditional black tuxedo , according to Page Six .
A clutch of huge towers and the weirdly Baroque Morton h Meyerson Symphony Center are among the structures designed by Pei that caused Rem Koolhaas to refer to Dallas as the " epicentre of the generic " .
Rem-Meter Correction Factor for Measuring High Energy Neutrons Inside Shielding
Development of an extended range spherical neutron rem counter
The average yearly dose was 618 mrem , and nobody was above the permissible level .
The responses of two extended neutron rem counters as function of neutron energy was calculated .
Hign sensitivity neutron rem counter
And Rem Koolhaas 's headquarters for the CCTV television authority , whose slanting , interconnected forms are among the most imaginative architectural feats in recent memory .
Other examples include Dutch water management , Dutch masters such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt and , more recently , the success of architect Rem Koolhaas .
By1958 he had teamed up with his friend Liam Clancy and Liam 's brothers Paddy and Tom , who had come from Tipperary to America before him , and the gold continued to accrue .
In this work , superheated liquid drops were dispersed into a kind of soft polymer homogeneously . A personal neutron bubble dosimeter has been made , and the sensitivity reached to about 40 bubbles / mrem .
Ozrem , a remote Serbian mountain village , is hosting the seventh annual World Testicle Cooking Championship , where chefs cook up bull , boar , camel , ostrich and even kangaroo testicles , AP reported .
A new extended range spherical neutron rem counter was introduced in this paper . In a high energy stray radiation field the neutron response of the new machine is higher than that of standard A - B rem counter .