
  • 网络reception aesthetics;Receptional Aesthetic;Aesthetic of Reception
  1. 接受美学为翻译研究提供了新的空间和思路。

    Reception Aesthetics finds new entrance and solutions for translation studies .

  2. 从接受美学角度看动画片字幕中隐喻的翻译

    Metaphor Translation in Cartoon Subtitling from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

  3. 接受美学对文学翻译策略的启示

    On the Inspiration of the Reception Theory on Practice in Translation

  4. 接受美学与文学翻译之间有着紧密的联系。

    The aesthetics of reception and translation studies are closely related .

  5. 接受美学与文学翻译中的读者关照

    Reception Aesthetics and Consideration of the TL Readers in Literary Translation

  6. 接受美学视角下的英汉广告翻译策略研究

    The Strategy of Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetic

  7. 从接受美学看弗洛斯特诗歌的艺术生命力

    The Artistic Eternity of Frost 's Poetry in View of Reception-Aesthetics

  8. 对《周易》的生态美学思想解读《周易》的文观与美学接受美学与作品内含的变迁

    The Concept of Figure in The Book of Change and Aesthetics

  9. 从《天净沙》的六种译文看接受美学理论

    A View on Reception Theory as Exemplified in Tian Jing Sha

  10. 试论谢晋电影的接受美学特征

    On the Aesthetic Features of the Movies Conducted by Xie Jin

  11. 论接受美学对电视编剧艺术的影响

    On the Influence of Receptive Aesthetics on Editing Arts of TV

  12. 全文分为四大部分:一、接受美学理论与对话式阅读教学。

    The theory of reception aesthetics and the Conversational Reading Instruction .

  13. 其次,介绍接受美学理论背景及主要观点。

    Secondly , the author gives an introduction of reception aesthetics .

  14. 第五章详细探究了译者在接受美学指导下完成广告英语汉译的策略。

    Chapter Five undertakes a detailed aesthetic strategy of advertising translation .

  15. 接受美学理论与多维艺术欣赏

    On the Theory of Response Aesthetics and Multidimensional Appreciation of Art

  16. 接受美学理论与音乐美学中的几个问题

    The Aesthetic Theory of Acceptance and Some Questions of Musical Aesthetics

  17. 当代接受美学理论认为文本意义是开放不确定的。

    Contemporary receptive aesthetics theory holds that text meaning is uncertain .

  18. 第一章介绍接受美学的发展和重要概念。

    Chapter one introduces Reception Aesthetics and its key concepts .

  19. 从接受美学看鲁迅小说的艺术魅力

    The Artistic Charm of LUXun 's Novels from the Aesthetics of Reception

  20. 接受美学对大学英语阅读教学改革的几点启示

    Inspirations from Reception Aesthetics on Reform in Teaching English Reading in Colleges

  21. 从接受美学角度看散文翻译之美学价值再现

    On Reproducing Aesthetic Value in Prose Translation from Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

  22. 接受美学视域下旅游汉英翻译的审美再现

    Aesthetic Reproduction in Chinese-English Tourism Translation from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

  23. 第二章介绍了接受美学理论的主要思想。

    Chapter Two introduces the reception theory which contributes to this thesis .

  24. 接受美学的文学本体论与翻译研究。

    The bearing of the literary ontology on translation studies .

  25. 俄国形式主义文学理论是接受美学的先驱。

    Reception aesthetics developed from the theory of Russian formalism .

  26. 接受美学对新闻理论的影响

    The Influence of Utilization of Aesthetics on the News Theory

  27. 接受美学自诞生之后便应用到众多研究领域。

    Reception aesthetics has been applied in different fields since its naissance .

  28. 接受美学影响下的语文教师功能

    The Function of Chinese Teacher Based on Aesthetics of Reception

  29. 接受美学视野下的网络体育新闻专题研究

    The Study of Cyber Sports Journalism in the Reception Aspect Theory View

  30. 审美经验是接受美学中的重要理论概念。

    Aesthetic experience is an important concept of reception aesthetics .