
jiē hé zhuǎn yí
  • conjugation transfer;conjugal transfer;conjugative mobilization
  1. 所有16株肺炎克雷伯菌的质粒接合转移试验结果均为阳性。

    Plasmid conjugation transfer experiments of 16 Klebsiella pneumoniae were positive .

  2. 方法用I类整合酶基因通用引物对临床分离大肠埃希菌进行PCR检测,并对阳性菌株进行接合转移实验。

    Methods To detect the gene of class ⅰ integrase by PCR with universal primer and conjugal transfer the plasmid of class ⅰ integron positive strains .

  3. 营养物质对细菌质粒pEA9∷Km在土壤中接合转移频率的影响

    Effects of carbon sources on conjugative transfer rate of bacterial plasmid pea9 ∷ km in soil

  4. 结果:所有经PEF处理的菌株均由正常的接合转移率42.4%~68.5%上升到100%。

    Result : The conjugation rate of the strains treaded with PEF was raised from normal 42.4 % ~ 68.5 % to 100 % .

  5. 纳米氧化铝对多重耐药质粒RP4接合转移影响

    Influence of Al2O3 nanoparticle on multidrug resistant plasmid RP4 conjugal transfer

  6. 鸡源肠杆菌质粒介导喹诺酮类耐药基因检测纳米氧化铝对多重耐药质粒RP4接合转移的影响

    Detection of Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Enterobacteriaceae from Avian Mechanism of Al_2O_3 Nanoparticle Influence on RP4-mediated Conjugation a Preliminary Research in Bacterium Morphology

  7. 接合转移诱动系统在遗传分析和体内基因操作中的应用

    In-vivo manipulations and genetic analyses by conjugal transfer Mobilizing System

  8. 相比于转化方式,接合转移的效率通常很低。

    Compared with transformation , the efficiency of conjugation is usually much lower .

  9. 接合转移是一种有效的基因转移手段。

    Intergeneric transfer is an effective gene transfer method .

  10. 高耐庆大霉素粪肠球菌质粒接合转移试验的方法探讨

    Plasmid Conjugation Method for High Level Gentamicin Resistant Enterococcus

  11. 有些可移动基因岛可以通过转化、转导或接合转移到新的宿主中。

    Some mobile GIs can be transfered to an appropriate chromosome by transformation , transduction or conjugation .

  12. 这暗示了万古霉素能增加质粒发生接合转移的可能性,并增强对外源细菌的感受性。

    This implied that vancomycin can increase the potential transmission of conjugation plasmids and improve sensitivity to exogenous bacteria .

  13. 其次,发现接合转移培养基中有机氮源含量是影响接合频率的另一重要因素。

    Secondly , the organic nitrogen source and its concentration is another important factor influencing the efficiency of conjugation transfer .

  14. 目的筛选出较好的高耐庆大霉素粪肠球菌质粒接合转移的试验方法。

    OBJECTIVE To choose the best methods of conjugation experiment for high level gentamicin resistant ( HLGR ) Enterococcus faecalis .

  15. 可自主转移质粒在环境中的接合转移对细菌耐药性的传播起着重要作用。

    Conjugative transfer of self-transmissible plasmid in environment plays a crucial role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes among bacterial populations .

  16. 接合转移试验表明耐头孢呋新基因未在8.0MD质粒上。

    The results showed that the gene carrying resistance to cefuroxime wasn 't situated at 8 . 0 HD plasmid by the transfer-conjugation test .

  17. 耐药质粒可通过接合转移方式转移至其他细菌,这在多重耐药克雷伯氏菌暴发流行中具有重要意义。

    The resistant plasmids can be transferred to other bacterial through conjugation and transformation , it is very important in the outbreak of KB infection .

  18. 但对于背景不很清楚,或没有转化或转导方法的菌株,接合转移是遗传物质转移的有效途径。

    However , conjugation is an effective pathway of genetic material transfer in bacterial strains whose background is unknown or for which there are no convenient or efficient methods of transformation or transduction .

  19. 抗生素等次级代谢的研究需要借助大肠杆菌菌株进行基因克隆,并通过特殊菌株介导属间接合转移以便开展基因中断或基因簇异源表达等研究。

    In the research of secondary metabolism , biosynthesis gene clusters are first cloned into E. coli strains , then transferred into actinomycetes to make gene disruption or heterologous expression by another E. coli strain .

  20. 这种评价系统还可推广至其他管理及决策工作。耐药质粒可通过接合转移方式转移至其他细菌,这在多重耐药克雷伯氏菌暴发流行中具有重要意义。

    This evaluation system can also be popularized to other management or policy-decision research . The resistant plasmids can be transferred to other bacterial through conjugation and transformation , it is very important in the outbreak of KB infection .

  21. 目前使用的基因突变方法,如自然转化,接合转移以及自杀质粒电转化的转化效率和发生同源重组双交换的效率比较低下,所以一套高效的突变系统的建立是非常必要的。

    The current methods of mutation including natural transformation , conjugation and electroporation using suicide plasmid are defective in the efficiency of transforming and double exchange of homologous recombination . So it is necessary to establish a set of effective mutation system .

  22. 大多数细菌和一些古细菌类群可以编码接合系统,存在多种接合转移单元,包括自转移接合质粒,诱动质粒,接合转座子以及一体化的接合单元。

    Most extant bacteria and some ancient bacterial populations encode ( d ) a conjugative system . There are several conjugative transfer units , including self-transmissible plasmids , mobilizable plasmids , transposons , and integrated conjugative units .

  23. 随着接合菌液浓度降低,能最大地促进RP4接合转移的纳米Al2O3的浓度也降低。

    As the donor and recipient in conjugation mixture decreased , the concentration of nano-Al2O3 that can stimulate RP4 conjugative transfer maximumly reduces too . 2 .