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  1. 该Web服务器基于HTTP协议,采用TCP/IP套接子编程技术实现,并已在仿真环境下试用成功。

    Based on HTTP , the Web server works by using sub-programming of TCP / IP , and succeeded in resembling environment .

  2. 有一种特殊类型的子组,称为断接子组(breakoutsubgroup)。

    There 's a special type of subgroup we refer to as a breakout subgroup .

  3. 当处理可能包含断接子组的很大的组时,使用GROUPRECURSE选项很重要。

    When working with groups that may be large enough to contain breakout subgroups , it 's important to use the GROUP_RECURSE option .

  4. 注意:断接子组仅在递归模式下发挥其功能。

    NOTE : Breakout subgroup functionality only works in recursive mode .

  5. 湖南花垣中寒武世晚期至晚寒武世早期球接子类

    Late middle and early Late Cambrian agnostids in huayuan , Hunan

  6. 子组、断接子组和递归模式

    Subgroups , breakout subgroups , and recursive mode

  7. 当处理很大以致需要断接子组的组时,这一点很重要。

    This is important when working with groups that may be large enough to require breakout subgroups .

  8. 否则,可能会将断接子组中已经存在的某人添加到主组中。

    Otherwise , you may add someone to the main group who 's already in a breakout subgroup .

  9. 如前面例中所示,创建断接子组与创建普通子组没有任何不同。

    There 's no difference between creating a breakout subgroup and creating normal groups as in the previous example .

  10. 断接子组的名称是主组的名称后加上空格和数字。

    The name of a breakout subgroup is the name of the main group , followed by a space and a number .

  11. 当处理的组很大以致要分出断接子组的时候,应该为所有添加项指定这个选项,以避免重复。

    When you work with groups that may be large enough to overflow into breakout subgroups , you should specify this option for all adds to avoid duplication .

  12. 接子则认为这世上有造物者。万物是造物者一手造成的。老师,依您看,这两派的学说究竟哪一家比较合理可信?

    Jiezi hold instead that there is a creator that creates all things . Sir , in your opinion , which one of these two schools is rational ?

  13. 另一种删除组及其所有断接子组的方法是确定它们的名称并通过该名称像下面这样删除任何组

    Another way to delete a group and all of its breakout subgroups is to figure out which names they have and delete any group by that name like this

  14. 这是比较简单的编码,但是安全性比较差,因为不能绝对保证用户没有手工删除过一个断接子组,所以会漏删编号较大的组。

    This is easier coding , but less safe because there 's no absolute guarantee that someone may not have deleted one of the breakout subgroups manually , so you miss deleting higher-numbered groups .

  15. 黑色、色金属焊接、、压件机械加工,五金、磨、接材料、子塑胶零配件批发、售。

    Black , non-ferrous metal welding , left , ram disc mechanical processing , metal , grinding and welding materials , plastic electronic parts wholesale , retail .

  16. 配对为繁殖而配到一起的鸟、兽的一只没有接合体或配偶子融合的生殖或繁殖。

    Either of a pair of animals brought together for breeding . reproduction without the fusion of gametes .

  17. 为发展阿月浑子的生产,引进国内外阿月浑子优良品种接穗,开展了高接换优试验,探索出一套黄连木高接阿月浑子的实用技术。

    In order to develop pistachio industry , some fine varieties of scions from domestic and overseas were introduced , and a top grafting experiment was carried on .