
  1. 而且特别有趣的是,是这些BPM软件商们曾在推广电子软件重回财务。

    And intriguingly , it is the BPM vendors themselves who are pushing spreadsheets back up to the coalface of finance .

  2. 该研究的经验可以推广到软件工程的其它领域。

    The experience can be drawn on to other domains in software engineering .

  3. 随着系统化、规范化、标准化的软件开发的推广,软件复用和构件化的开发方法必将对仪器仪表行业嵌入式软件开发产生深远影响。

    With the promotion of systematic and standardized software development , development based on software-reuse and component will influence the embedded software development of instrument industrial .

  4. 随着软件开发技术和工具的提高,软件工程和软件过程实践的推广,软件测试日益得到重视和专业化。

    Along with the development of software developing technology and tools as well as the popularity of software engineering and software process practice , software testing attracts more and more attention and becomes a professional area .

  5. 文章从人员配置、宣传推广、软件选择、咨询问题类型、服务评估等方面对8个美国高校图书馆的实时参考咨询试验项目进行了研究分析与经验总结。

    This paper analyzes the eight pilot chat reference services programs offered by academic libraries in USA from the perspectives of staffing , marketing , software selection , question types , service evaluation , and summarized their experiences .

  6. 开发推广应用财会软件再思考

    The Rethinking of Developing , Popularizing and Applying the Financial Software

  7. 随着信息技术的普及推广和工具软件的不断推出,概念图已经成为信息技术与课程整合的有效手段之一。

    With the popularization of information technology and constant introduction of the tool software , the concept map has already become one of the effective means of integration between information technology and curriculum .

  8. 软件危机一直是软件开发者的噩梦,而随着Web技术的推广和应用,软件危机在Web应用系统开发中也表现的愈加明显。

    Software crisis , which has been being the nightmare to software developer , goes worse with the promotion and application of Web technology .

  9. 加入WTO后,推广工程项目管理软件以提高工程效率是亟待解决的问题。

    After entering WTO , it 's a urgent problem that extends the software for engineering project management for improving efficiency .

  10. 人们发现,客户关系管理的经营理念在企业中的应用推广往往依托于软件系统,即CRM系统。

    And people find that the application and extension of the idea of customer relationship management in enterprises always depend on software system , CRM system .

  11. 本文的研究工作对Flash播放器在嵌入式平台下商业应用的推广和嵌入式应用软件开发的理论研究具有一定的理论价值。

    The research work of the paper has a certain value for commercial applications of the flash player in the embedded platform , for the promotion and development of embedded applications theoretical study of the theory .

  12. 因此,基于SaaS模式医药管理软件安全性的研究,对推广SaaS模式的软件具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the safety studies of medical management software based on SaaS model , to provide security for the SaaS model to promote the software is of great significance .

  13. 它已经被广泛用于推广第三方软件、数字音乐和促销活动。

    It 's already used liberally to distribute third-party software , digital music , and promotional offers .

  14. 在泰国还没有高级别的部门进行工作推广自由/开源软件的使用。

    The team has not yet seen a high-profile effort to promote the use of FOSS in Thailand .

  15. 介绍一个通用性较强已在企业中推广应用的会计软件。其主要功能包括帐务处理、报表编制、工资核算、固定资产核算等。

    Main functions of the software are account processing , statement drawing , wage accounting and fixed asset accounting etc.

  16. 通过开发、推广各类公路业务软件,实现公路管理政务电子化,公路管理规范化、科学化。

    Through developing , popularizing all kinds of roads of business software , realize the electronization , standardization , and scientific process in the road management .

  17. 然而,由于技术力量、项目多力量分散、经费、管理方式差异等原因造成HIS软件水平较低,难以通用化,全国没有一个较高水平、可广泛推广的医院管理软件包。

    However , due to technical strength , more projects and power scattered , funding , management differences , HIS software level is low and difficult to achieve generality . It does not have a high level hospital management software package which can be widely promoting throughout our country .