
zhènɡ jù zī liào
  • evidentiary material
  1. 药物证据资料检索系统

    System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence

  2. 此概念的解释既包括静态的证据资料,也包括动态的取得证据和法庭证明的过程。

    The illustration of the conception includes static materials as well as dynamic evidence getting and proving process in court .

  3. 后者主要从准备工作、证据资料的收集工作、和必要时的司法会计鉴定工作三个方面详细探讨司法会计在民事诉讼中的运用程序及存在的问题;

    The latter mainly inquiry into its use in civil procedure from prepare work , the collections work of the proof data and authenticate ;

  4. 州司法部长的律师们和布鲁克林地区检察官说,没有证据资料支持教授们对该条款的解释。

    And area of Brooklyn public procurator say and have evidence materials to professor at this the explanations of clause the lawyers of attorney general state .

  5. 如果通话一方具有一定的合理隐私期待,则侦查机关必须在合法监听下取得的证据资料才具有证据能力;

    If one telephone user has a reasonable privacy expectation , it is only the evidence being obtained legally by investigation organs would have the evidence ability .

  6. 客观、真实、准确、及时、完整记载的病历资料是证明医疗行为是否合法、适当、必要、安全的强有力的证据资料。

    Objective , actual , accurate , timely and complete medical record materials are powerful proofs to prove whether medical behavior is legal , proper , necessary and safe .

  7. 依据传统的辩论主义,任何一方当事人皆无义务必须为对方当事人提供武器,也无义务自我揭示不利事实的证据资料。

    On the basis of the traditional doctrine of debate , one of the parties are obliged to provide the other party with weapons , have no obligation self revealed unfavorable evidence .

  8. 所谓行政调查主要是指行政主体为了实现某一行政目的,而对于行政相对人所为的,了解事实信息、收集证据资料的活动。

    The so-called administrative investigation AI mainly refers to the activities , which aims to achieve a certain administrative objective , while the subject of administration finds out factual information , or gathers evidentiary materials against the administrative counterpart .

  9. 不过,疫苗安全咨委会注意到,没有支持接种Jeryl-Lynn株疫苗后发生无菌性脑膜炎的病毒学证据的资料。

    However , the committee noted that no data have been provided to support the occurrence of virologically proven aseptic meningitis following the Jeryl-Lynn strain vaccine .

  10. 研究我们掌握的他和证据的资料。

    Studying everything we know about him and the evidence .

  11. 疫苗安全咨询委员会邀请了更多的专家提交证据、资料和意见并参与讨论佐剂的安全性这问题。

    The discussions on the safety of adjuvants took place with additional experts who presented evidence , information and opinion , and participated in the discussions .

  12. 尽管现在没有证据表明信用卡资料被盗,不过我们不能排除这种可能性。

    While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken , we cannot rule out the possibility .

  13. 《论语》孔子所云“文献”是具有证据功能的文字资料。

    The " Wenxian ( document )" in the Confucian analects said by confucius is the literal materials which possess evidential functions .

  14. 但由于缺少直接或间接的地质证据及同位素年龄资料,故其时代问题一直悬而未决。

    In the past , it was are short of the geologic evidences and isotopic age data , the geochronologic determination unresolved .

  15. 20世纪70年代后,一些先进的技术被引进诉讼领域,从而产生了一种新型的证据种类&视听资料。

    After the 1970s , some advanced technology had been introduced into the lawsuit , producing a new kind of evidence , namely audio-visual material .

  16. 而数字图像处理技术是视听资料证据中图像证据资料技术性司法鉴定的常用手段,是图片原始性、真伪性、相关性认定的基本方法。

    Digital image processing technology is usually used by judicial expert to determining the evidence , the basic ways to determine the image is originally , authenticity and other related verifying .

  17. 专家证人的性质是证据方法,专家意见是证据资料,是裁判者认定事实的基础。

    The quality of the expert witness is the evidence method and the testimony of the expert is the evidence data and the foundation that the judge supposes the truth .

  18. 本文以证据概念为基础,分别从证据资料的内容、形式、来源和证据方法的取证、质证、认证方式来界定非法证据的概念,同时从广义和狭义两个范畴对非法证据进行了分类。

    This essay judges the conception of illegal evidence from the content , form and source of evidence materials and the methods of gaining , inquiring and attesting evidence while classifies the illegal evidence within both generalized and narrow categories .

  19. 鉴于贿赂犯罪证据的特殊性,在贿赂犯罪侦查中就要明晰证据资料形态,针对贿赂犯罪特点收集直接、间接证据,进行证据保全。

    Given the special characters of evidence of bribery , it is necessary to clear evidence form in the collection and focus on the characteristics of bribery , and to collect and preserve direct or indirect evidences .

  20. 心证指法官依据对证据的判断形成关于案件事实的内心确信。自由心证是法官在根据证据资料从事事实认定时,能够不受法律上的拘束而进行自由的判断。

    The state of evidence evaluation means that when identifying the fact basing on evidence materials , judges are free to judge without the constraint from the law .

  21. 证据之概念众说纷坛,本文通过对典籍解释、学界解释的分析,提出证据是证据资料和证据方法的结合体的概念。

    There are many explanations about evidence . This essay suggests evidence be the joint of evidence materials and methods through analyzing the explanations of authority and academia .

  22. 数字证据本身的技术性特点;以及使用数字证据概念来定义数字化过程中产生的应作为民事证据的资料,并列入民事证据体系中,而不应使用电子证据、计算机证据概念;

    Combining with the technological feature of digital evidence , we propose that we adopt the concept of digital evidence caused in the process of digitalization to define the material used as civil evidence and add to civil evidence system instead of using concepts of electronic evidence and computer evidence .

  23. 所以本文认为有必要将我国言词证据的概念与大陆法系和英美法系的言词证据加以比较,重新定义了言词证据:以口头陈述的方式向法官提供证据资料的证据。

    It is necessary for us to compare the concept of Chinese verbal evidence with the Continental Law system and the Common Law system . We re-define verbal evidence as It is the evidence that apply to the court by oral statement .