
zhènɡ mínɡ zé rèn
  • burden of proof
  1. 证明责任是以要件事实作为证明对象的。

    The object of burden of proof is the essential fact .

  2. 第二节研究证明责任的分配。

    The second section studies the distribution of burden of proof .

  3. 一个Z的证明责任产生器

    A Proof Obligation Generator for Z

  4. 因此,有必要对我国证明责任分配标准加以完善。

    Therefore , it is necessary to improve the distribution standard .

  5. 论民事诉讼中推定的运用对证明责任分配的影响&以美国民事诉讼为出发点

    Effects of Presumptions on the Burden of Proof in Civil Procedure

  6. 证明责任是证据制度的核心和关键所在。

    Proof responsibility is the key and core of proof system .

  7. 试论举证责任与证明责任

    On the Burden of Producing Evidence and the Burden of Proof

  8. 我国医疗纠纷诉讼中证明责任分配

    Study on Distribution the Legal Burden of Proof in Medical Dispute

  9. 认为证明责任规范本质上是实体法规范。

    It shows that burden of proof is essentially substantive provision .

  10. 论公诉案件的证明责任

    On the Burden of Proof in a Case of Public Prosecution

  11. 刑事诉讼结构与侦查机关的证明责任

    The criminal procedure structure and investigative organ 's identification responsibility

  12. 证明责任的分配是世界性的难题。

    The allocation of the burden of proof is a world puzzle .

  13. 论英国刑事证明责任

    A Study on the Burden of Proof in Criminal Cases in England

  14. 完善我国民事证明责任制度

    Improving the System of Civil Testification Responsibility in Our Country

  15. 论我国证明责任分配标准

    On China s Distribution Standard of the Burden of Proof

  16. 非法证据证明责任问题探析

    Research on the Burden of Proof of Evidence Illegally Obtained

  17. 诉讼时效证明责任分配问题研究

    Research on the Distribution of Burden of Proof to Limitation of Action

  18. 民事证明责任产生及运作的诉讼文化研究考察

    Research and Study on Culture of Lawsuit of Civil Burden of Proof

  19. 关于无罪推定与刑事证明责任的再思考

    Rethinking of Innocence Presumption and the Burden of Proof in Criminal Proceeding

  20. 行政诉讼证明责任的含义研究

    A Study of the Implication of Burden of Proof in Administrative Act

  21. 商业秘密侵权行为认定要素及相关案件证明责任

    Elements of Infringement in Trade Secret Cases and the Burden of Proof

  22. 刑法解释与证明责任具有一种值得玩味的契合关系。

    Criminal law explanation and proof responsibilities are a matter of harmony .

  23. 第一节主要研究证明责任的内涵。

    The first section mainly studies the essence of burden of proof .

  24. 论陷阱抗辩的证明责任分配

    How to Allot the Burden of Proof in Entrapment Defense

  25. 举证责任与证明责任是两个不同的概念。

    Burden of persuasion and burden of proof is two different concepts .

  26. 刑事证明责任分配研究

    Study on the Distribution of the Criminal Burden of Proof

  27. 行政诉讼的证明责任初探

    Preliminary Research on the Burden of Proof in Administration Litigation

  28. 公司出资证明责任主要是民事责任。

    Company funding testifying liability is mainly the civil liability .

  29. 刑事证明责任的含义及其相关问题

    The Concept of the Proof of the Criminal Procedure and the Relative Issues

  30. 证明责任的作用与免除

    Burden of Proof-the Ways It Affects and to Release