
  • 网络Push-Pull Theory;the push and pull theory;push-and-pull theory
  1. 然后对推拉理论进行了综述研究,总结了国内外学者的研究成果。

    Secondly , the author gives a summarize study of the Push and Pull Theory , and sums up the achievements of the national and foreign scholars .

  2. 推拉理论原用于解释人口转移等问题,却也能为学校社会工作提供创新的理念和服务倾向,引导学校教育增强吸引学生留驻学习的拉力,本文对此进行了初步研究。

    The push and pull theory originally used to explain the population transition , actually also can provide the innovative idea and service tendency for the school social work .

  3. 制度变迁背景下的水库移民返迁&人口迁移动因的推拉理论的完善

    The Reservoir Migrants ' Return Migration in the Institutional Perspective

  4. 推拉理论视阈下我国农民工社会流动的动因探析

    Reasons for the Floating of Migrant Workers in China by the Theory of Push and Pull

  5. 推拉理论视野下的青少年犯罪问题及增权途径

    The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency and " By Right " Ways in the Perspective of the Push-pull Theory

  6. 根据人口推拉理论,21世纪上半叶,发达国家华社人口,量将可能由目前的600700万,发展到20003000万,质将更为专业化、知识化、多元化。

    According to the population pull theory , the population will tend to be more specialized , intellectualized and diversified .

  7. 推拉理论揭示了青春期中青少年性行为何以发生,又何以约束的本质。

    The theory of " Push and Pull " reveals the essential reason of the happening and restriction of adolescent 's sex behavior .

  8. 越南难民和船民问题长期困扰香港之原因,可运用推拉理论做一解释。

    The push-pull theory may explain the origin of thousands of Vietnamese refugees and the boat people haunting Hong Kong for so long a time .

  9. 第三部分结合不同时期的政策制度使用推拉理论总结各个阶段的农民工适应状况特点。

    The third part summarizes the characteristics of each stage and the reasons for their emergence according to the different policies and systems in different stages .

  10. 本文运用推拉理论对影响中低层灵活就业群体最终实现就业的因素进行分析。

    Based on the push-and-pull theory , this paper analyzes the factors that influence the final realization of the mid and low class 's flexible employment .

  11. 推拉理论是新古典主义理论,该理论认为迁移行为通常同时受积极的(拉力)和消极的(推力)因素相互作用而成。

    Push-Pull Theory on Migration is a neoclassical theory that emphasizes a migratory move is being stimulated by positive ( pull ) and negative ( push ) factors .

  12. 在经验研究基础上,研究者讨论了旧的“推拉理论”模型的局限,主张将制度因素作为内生变量引入模型之中,进一步完善推拉理论。

    On the basis of empirical research the authors approach the limitation of traditional Push and Pull Theory , point out that institution as endogenous variable is put into theoretical model .

  13. 第三部分为理论介绍,主要介绍了推拉理论、双重劳动力市场理论、迁移文化理论、新家庭经济迁移理论、迁移选择理论以及迁移投资理论。

    Part three introduces some theories ; include Push-pull theory , dual labor market theory , and theory of migration cultural , new theory of family migration , migration choice theory and theory of migration investment .

  14. 在相关概念的基础上界定了城市旅游形象系统的内涵,并解释了相关理论如系统论、推拉理论和整合营销传播理论对本文的支撑作用。

    Which defines the concept of the urban tourism image system based on the related concepts , and explains the related theories such as the system theory , push-pull theory and integrated marketing communications theory on the support effect .

  15. 首先界定了相关概念并从推拉理论、二元理论、新劳动迁移经济学理论、社会融合理论等几方面阐述了本研究的理论基础。

    Firstly , this article defines the related concept and elaborated the theoretical foundation of the research , including push pull theory , the two element theory , the new labor migration theory of economics , social integration theory .

  16. 从影响饶平人迁台的因素来看,将推拉理论放置于不同的个案或是同一个案不同个体、不同的时空中时,显然不太适用。

    From the impact factor of Raoping people moved to Taiwan , it clearly shows the Push-pull theory is not applicable , which is placed in the different cases , or the same case in different individuals and different time and space .

  17. 第四章运用推拉理论、制度变迁理论和系统理论对农业科技成果资本化的影响因素进行定性分析,找出了农业科技成果资本化的障碍因素。

    The fourth chapter utilization on rollers theory , the system vicissitude theory and the system theory carry on the qualitative analysis to the agriculture scientific and technical payoffs capitalization influence factor , has discovered the agriculture scientific and technical payoffs capitalization barrier factor .

  18. 从建立有效激励机制的推拉理论,激活内部激励机制,灵活有效地实施激励制度等方面探讨了现代企业激励机制的建立与应用。

    This paper probes into the establishment and application of the motivation mechanism in the modern enterprise system from the aspects of establishing the push-pull theory of the effective motivation mechanism , activating the internal motivation mechanism and implementing effectively and flexibly the motivation mechanism .

  19. 接下来,本文运用推拉理论分析了农民参加新农保所受的原有养老方式的推力、新农保的拉力及面临的中间障碍因素,在此基础上构建出了农民参加新农保的动力机制。

    After that , this article analyzed the pull from existing pension system , the pull of the new rural social pension insurance and the barriers which farmers are faced of when they participate , and on this basis build the dynamic mechanism of farmers participating .

  20. 二是从社会学、人口学的角度谈移民的安置方式、社会整合和移民模式等研究,或者用推拉理论来解释移民动机和心态等等。

    The second is to discuss the studies about the ways of immigrants ' arrangement , social integration and patterns of the immigration from the angle of sociology and demography , or to explain and analyze the immigrants ' motives and mood according to the push-pull theory .

  21. 文中笔者利用推拉理论陈述了牧区的城镇化进程,并在此过程中证实了生态移民项目的实施是由于推力与拉力因素的影响使当地牧区人口在两种不同区域内的流转而形成的。

    From the perspective of " push-pull theory ", the writer states that the implementation of Ecological Migration Program in the urbanization process of pastoral area is formed by the transformation of local population in the two regions which is influenced by " push " and " pull " factors .

  22. 以推-拉理论为基础的人口流动研究发现,贸易、FDI均是影响人口流动的重要因素。

    The population mobility research based on " push-pull " theory finds that trade and FDI are both important affecting factors .

  23. 基于推&拉理论的旅沪入境游客旅游动机研究

    Research on Tourism Motivation of Foreign Tourists to Shanghai Based on Push-pull Theory

  24. 基于推-拉理论的杭州老年人出游动机研究

    A Study on Seniors ' Travel Motivation in Hangzhou Based on " Push-Pull " Theory

  25. 相关研究成果包括对生态移民的研究、自愿移民的推&拉理论以及非自愿移民的经验性总结。

    Relevant achievements include eco-migration study , " push-pull theory " in voluntary migration and empirical summary to involuntary migration .

  26. 外出务工人员向流出地的智力回流是促进欠发达地区经济发展和结构转型的重要途径,但这一机制的形成依赖于以“推&拉理论”为基础的个人决策结构。

    Based on the institutional approach , the formation mechanism of private enterprise cluster is discussed form two aspects including brains spilling over and the effect of entrepreneurs .

  27. 城市化的基本理论主要包括城市化进程的阶段性规律,经济发展与城市化的双向互推共进规律,农村人口向城市转移的推拉理论。

    The fundamental theories of urbanization mainly involve regularity of development stages and two-way mutual promotion and progress between economic development and urbanization , and " Pull-Push theory " on the transfer of rural population to cities .