
  1. 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。

    Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto , who is already a minister in charge of dealing government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation , earlier this month .

  2. 少子化影响经济社会发展的主要途径

    The Main Channels of Below-Replacement Fertility on Economic and Social Development

  3. 日本少子化的现状及成因分析

    Present Situation and Origin about the Falling Population of Children in Japan

  4. 少子化与日本的学校教育改革

    Few-children in Families and School Education Reform in Japan

  5. 日本少子化比较严重,劳动力匮乏,青壮年的健康状况对于社会的发展尤为重要。

    Japan 's declining birthrate serious labor shortage , the health status of young adults is particularly important for social development .

  6. 本文通过对日本少子化发展趋势及养老金制度改革的分析,透视日本人口少子化对养老金体系的冲击及养老金制度改革的未来走向。

    Through analyzing this tendency and its influence on reforming on the system of retirement pension , we can understand it clearly .

  7. 随着经济的发展、社会的转型,老龄化、少子化等问题引起了养老保险的探讨热潮。

    With the developing of the economy and transformation of the society , aging and low birth rate issues cause the upsurge of discussing of endowment insurance .

  8. 日本战后少子化背景下女性两立问题研究

    The Research to the Two Roles of Japanese Women Both in Jobs and Family Care under the Background of Declining Birthrate in Japan after World War ⅱ

  9. 在现代的少子化社会更应该父母、学校、社会相结合,対孩子进行徳、智、体三方面的教育。

    In the current low birth-rate society , there 's a great need to integrate guidances from parent , school and society in order to properly deliver moral , intellectual and physical education to children .

  10. 为应对退休人口数量增加、人类寿命延长以及由少子化加速引起的劳动力短缺,各国纷纷提出延长退休年龄的政策改革。

    In response to the retirement population increases , human life expectancy and the labor shortage caused by low birth rate acceleration , many countries have proposed the policy reform to raises the retirement age .

  11. 与之对应的,生育率的下降造成了家庭规模的小型化和少子化,我国老年人的预期寿命延长、失能高龄老人逐渐增多,长期照护需求加剧,给社会带来了沉重的负担。

    Correspondingly , the declining fertility rate in China has caused small family size and low birth rate . However , with longer life expectancy of our elderly , the old with disability is gradually increasing and long-term care needs increase , which brings a heavy burden to the society .

  12. 上海市少子老龄化与可持续发展

    Aging Population with Fewer Children in Shanghai and Sustainable Development Strategy

  13. 少子老龄化时代人口学教育的若干思考

    Some Thoughts on Demographic Education Facing with the Aging and Few-children challenges

  14. 少子高龄化条件下战时人力资源动员研究

    The Research of Wartime Human Resource Mobilization under " SHAO ZI GAO LING HUA "

  15. 上海少子·高龄化的劳动力效果与经济可持续发展

    Labor Force Effect of Shanghai Population Transition Aging and Sustainable Development of Economy