
shào nián duì
  • juvenile team
  1. 据美国乒乓球协会(USATableTennis)提供的资料,美国国家队和美国国家少年队的大多数球员都像出生在得克萨斯(Texas)的蒂莫西·王那样是中国移民的后代。

    Like Wang , who was born in Texas , most players on the U.S.national and junior teams are children of Chinese immigrants , according to USA Table Tennis .

  2. 在另一端,索尼公司在黑客攻击事件之前就已经面临困境,尽管它的《龙虎少年队2》(22JumpStreet)和《天堂真的存在》(HeavenIsforReal)非常突出。

    On the opposite end of the scale , Sony 's year was difficult even before it was attacked by hackers , although its " 22 Jump Street " and " Heaven Is for Real " were standouts .

  3. 随着米高梅逐渐恢复元气,以《霍比特人》三部曲、《龙虎少年队》(21JumpStreet)和《机械战警》(RoboCop)等影片提高产量,这些债券持有人得到了回报。

    Those bondholders have done nicely as the studio has recovered , upping its production with films such as the Hobbit trilogy , 21 Jump Street and RoboCop .

  4. 1974年加入皇马少年队,但进步不快。

    Joins Real Madrid as youngster , making slow progress through the ranks .

  5. 我在少年队给他当过教练。

    I coached him in little league .

  6. 他扩大了青年队和少年队的训练,这块由比尔勒负责,并挪出一部分钱来为以后的主教练建立了奖金基金。

    He expanded a youth and scouting programme began under Birrell , a move that was to pay dividends for future managers .

  7. 德普当时还未在好莱坞崭露头角,直到1987年才凭借电视剧《龙虎少年队》一炮而红。

    The future star had yet to get a break in Hollywood and would only later , in 1987 , make a splash on television in 21 Jump Street .

  8. 这真是非常不幸,因为当时我是儿子所在少年队的教练,经常教育他们炸土豆条和软饮料对一个成长中的运动员来说有多么大的坏处。

    That was rather unfortunate , because back then I was coaching my son 's youth team and would regularly lecture the kids on the evil effects of French fries and soft drinks on a budding athlete .

  9. 入选美国国家少年体育队的选拔赛

    tryouts for the U.S. junior national athletics team .

  10. 感谢CalabasasRaiders少年橄榄球队的队员

    Let 's hear from the Calabasas Raiders Youth Football Team .

  11. 他们是一支由五名酷男孩组成的少年演唱队。

    They are a teenager group made up of five cool boys .

  12. 2002年他开始为少年国家队比赛。

    Nguyen Since 2002 , he has started for the Junior National Team .

  13. 仪征市少年棒球队参加国际少年软式棒球锦标赛技术分析与研究

    Technical Analysis on Junior Baseball Team of Yizheng City Participating in International Junior Soft Baseball Championship

  14. 当我父亲十五岁的时候,他开始效力于斯德哥尔摩少年足球队。

    When he was fifteen , my father started to play for the Stockholm children 's football team .

  15. 当我在少年棒球队击球时,他坐在妈妈身边,为我欢呼。

    When I 'd strike out in little league , He 'd sit with mom , and cheer for me .

  16. 少年侦察队的表现特别精采,他们爬上了屋顶,把挂在烟囱上的横幅剪断。

    The Spies performed prodigies of activity in clambering over the rooftops and cutting the streamers that fluttered from the chimneys .

  17. 本年,小占专注在策划少年足球队与教会现存牧养系统的结连,当中的参与体验与互动的对话,让小占感到很兴奋。

    I focus on design the strategic plan of linking of youth soccer mission team with the current church caring system . I experience a lot in it and I feel so exciting about the interactive communication .

  18. 在业余体校少年篮球队的训练工作中,除了加强篮球基本技术和战术的训练外,还应注意培养他们的左手基本功,这是现代篮球运动发展趋势所需要的。

    In training basketball teams in amateur sports school , besides the training of basic skills and tactics , basic left hand skills are also supposed to be strengthened . This is the request of modern basketball development trend .

  19. 这位16岁的少年在弗拉门戈队的表现引起了相当大的关注,巴塞罗那同样展现出极强的兴趣。

    The 16-year-old has attracted significant attention with his performances for Flamengo , with Barcelona also emerging as an interested party .

  20. 她是她所在的少年联盟棒球队唯一的女孩,她希望成为美国职业棒球大联盟的首名女队员。

    She was the only girl on her Little League baseball team , and wanted to become the first woman in the major leagues .

  21. 对全国优秀少年女篮集训队35名运动员进行了身体形态、无氧代谢能力和身体素质的测试,结果表明与世界先进水平比较,她们在体重和高大锋线队员的人数上都存在差距;

    It made a test on 35 elite female junior basketball players ' physical build , function and the anaerobic metabolism with the result showing that compared with world level , there are gap in player 's weight and the quality of high forwards between home and abroad ;

  22. 少年团队:每队澳门币/港币四百元整

    Junior Team Entry : MOP / HK $ 400 per team