
  • 网络Hector
  1. 赫克托耳统帅着东部最好的军队。

    Hector commands the finest army in the east .

  2. 最好的朋友死后,阿咯琉斯开始密谋(或:策划)报复赫克托耳。

    After his best friend 's death , Achilles schemes his revenge against Hector .

  3. 这就是赫克托耳,以为自己杀死了阿喀琉斯的傻瓜。

    This is hector , the fool who thought he killed achilles .

  4. 赫克托耳:特洛伊王子,普里阿摩斯的长子,被阿喀琉斯杀死。

    A Trojan prince , the eldest son of Priam , killed by Achilles .

  5. 安德洛玛刻:赫克托耳忠贞的妻子,在特洛伊沦陷时被俘。

    The faithful wife of Hector , captured by the Greeks at the fall of Troy .

  6. 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。

    A Greek warrior , the attendant and friend of Achilles , who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War .

  7. 赫克托耳,安德拉卡和维内表示父母的支持,互联网和社会媒体相结合已经帮助他们取得了成功,但是,最重要的仍然是源于自己的内心。

    Hector , Andraka , and Vinecki say a combination of supportive parents , the Internet and social media have helped them succeed ; but , what 's most important comes from within .