
  • 网络troy;the city of Troy
  1. 伊利莎白天生具有特洛伊城的海伦的丽质。

    Elizabeth was endowed with the beauty of Helen of Troy .

  2. 希腊人围攻特洛伊城历时十年。

    For ten years the Greeks besieged the city of Troy .

  3. 在特洛伊城附近,有很美国的田园风光。

    Around Troy City , there is very beautiful rural sight .

  4. 其实特洛伊城包括九个时期的不同遗址。

    In fact Troy City witnessed nine separate ruins of successive periods .

  5. 他不跟我打,特洛伊城就会沦陷。

    LF he doesn 't fight , Troy is doomed .

  6. 阿溪里的勇武是攻克特洛伊城的原因。

    The valor of Achilles was the cause of the capture of Troy .

  7. 他书写了住在特洛伊城的特洛伊人。

    He wrote about the Trojans who lived in the city of Troy .

  8. 荷马吟咏特洛伊城。

    Oklahoma City Zoo Homer sang of Troy .

  9. 古特洛伊城已不复存在了。

    The ancient city Troy is no more .

  10. 特洛伊城被围困了十年。

    Troy was under siege for ten years .

  11. 感叹于特洛伊城的繁荣昌盛。

    We are marveled by the prospering troy .

  12. 特洛伊城被希腊人包围了。

    Troy was besieged by the Greeks .

  13. 趁着国王不在,帕里斯说服海伦与他一起私奔到特洛伊城。

    In the king 's absence he persuaded Helen to elope with him to Troy .

  14. 描述围攻特洛伊城的希腊史诗(作者荷马)。

    A Greek epic poem ( attributed to Homer ) describing the siege of Troy .

  15. 而帕里斯又是特洛伊城的王子,于是这些威力强大的神便将矛头指向了他的城市。

    Being the prince of Troy , Paris turned these powerful gods against his city .

  16. 这天,宙斯变做一只老鹰,降临在特洛伊城的上空。

    On that day , Zeus transformed himself into a hawk flying over the sky of Troy .

  17. 《伊利亚特》说得很明白,特洛伊城之所以被毁,原因是特洛伊人拐走了希腊的妇女。

    The Iliad makes it clear that destruction came upon Troy because the Trojans stole Greek women .

  18. 奥迪赛是与特洛伊城作战的希腊国王之一。

    Odysseus was one of the Greek kings who fought the great war against the city of Troy .

  19. 希腊人袭击特洛伊城,想带回被特洛伊王子巴里斯绑走的海伦。

    The Greeks attacked Troy to recover Helen , who had been abducted by the Trojan prince Paris . abhor

  20. 当伊拉斯最初建造特洛伊城时,他祈求宙斯赐福于这座城市。

    When Ilus had first built his new seat , the city of Troy , he prayed Zeus of blessing for it .

  21. 奥德修斯已经建成并留下一大木马为“礼物”围墙外的特洛伊城。

    Odysseus had a large wooden horse built and left as a " gift " outside the walls of the city of Troy .

  22. 当仗打到第九年年底的时候,一位先知预言,只要城里的雅典娜神像在,特洛伊城就永远不会被攻陷。

    At the end of nine years a prophet predicted that Troy would not fall as long as the Palladium stayed within its walls .

  23. 他在那里代表观众,使这琐屑不足道的事情看上去更像是特洛伊城众神的撤离。

    He was there to represent spectatordom , and help make this seemingly insignificant event one with the removal of the gods of Troy .

  24. 阿基里斯一心一意要为朋友报仇,他不再与阿伽门农斗气。披上赫斐斯塔司为他赶制的新盔甲,他出征了。他杀死了海克特,拖着尸体绕特洛伊城跑了三圈。

    Bent on revenge , Achilles no longer fought with Agamemnon , and putting on his new armour made by Hephaestus , went out to avenge his friend .

  25. 一些专家认为,这两座港口城市是被一系列的大规模地震摧毁的,就像特洛伊城和杰里科城消失的原因一样。

    Some experts believe that the port cities were destroyed by a series of massive earthquakes , much like the quakes scientists believe felled Troy , Jericho and other ancient cities .

  26. 战争持续了很长时间,海伦发现自己还爱着曼纽拉斯,于是当俄底修斯和戴奥米底斯化妆进城来窃取帕拉斯(守护特洛伊城的神像)神像时,她帮助了他们。

    The battle continued for a very long time , Helen felt she still loved Menelaus , and she helped Odysseus and Diomedes when they came in disguise to steal the Palladium .

  27. 另外,考古发掘为研究历史提供了资料来源,如特洛伊城的发现,基本证实了希腊早期历史传说的真实性。

    Moreover , archaeology excavating has provided the source of material for the research of history . The discovery of the Troy city proved that the truthfulness of the early Greek history legend .

  28. 最后,帕里斯战败并被杀死。曼纽拉斯进入特洛伊城并急切地寻找海伦,后来在废墟中发现了她。

    Finally , Paris was defeated and killed in the battle.When Menelaus entered the city of Troy , he began searching anxiously for Helen and found her trembling in the ruins [ 4 ] .

  29. 大意是,狄俄墨得斯、阿喀琉斯、十年战事、上千首战船都无法攻下的特洛伊城,却沦陷于狡诈和泪水之中。

    So it befell that by false cunning and pretended tears those were conquered whom great Diomedes had never overcome , nor savage Achilles , nor ten years of warfare , nor a thousand ships .

  30. 首先我被希腊人推到特洛伊人的城门外,然后被特洛伊人发现,被拖进了城里。

    At first I was pushed into the Trojan Greek people outside the gates of trojans , then was found , was dragged into the city .