
xiàn dài rén
  • modern;modern people
现代人 [xiàn dài rén]
  • [modern] 当今时代的人。在我国历史上一般指五四运动以后的人

  1. 现用的多功能护理床已无法满足现代人的需求,功能单一、安全系数低、操作不便等问题都没有得到相应的改善。

    The multifunctional nursing bed which is with the shortcoming as ingle function , low safety factor , and inconvenient operation has been unable to meet the needs of modern people .

  2. 那样的传统服装由现代人穿在身上,做着现代人的事情,那些服装所承载的文化价值只会被减少而不是被提升。

    With such traditional clothes worn ( wear ) by modern people doing ( do ) modern jobs , the cultural values carried ( carry ) by these clothes would be reduced rather than enhanced .

  3. 焦虑是现代人的自然状态。

    Anxiety is modern man 's natural state .

  4. 有观点认为,现代人正在不可避免地为大浅滩式灾难播种。

    There is a view that modern humans are inevitably sowing the seeds of a global Grand Banks-style disaster .

  5. 现代人的大脑平均有1200-1400平方厘米。

    Modern man has a brain averaging 1200-1400 cm2 .

  6. 现代人的大脑约占其总体重的2-3%,但当身体处于休息状态时,它消耗的能量占身体的25%。

    In modern man , the brain accounts for about 2-3 % of total body weight but it consumes 25 % of the body 's energy when the body is at rest .

  7. 现代人可以阅读中国古代的经典著作。

    People in modern times can read the classic works which were written by Chinese in ancient times .

  8. 而现代人的消化能力与原始人有些不同,因此这种饮食法的核心前提站不住脚。

    The digestive abilities of modern humans are somewhat different from those of paleolithic humans , undermining the diet 's core premise3 .

  9. 作为大部分现代人衣橱中必不可少的元素,牛仔裤的不同款式及其对应的说法在过去几十年间也有了爆炸性增长。

    The very staple7 of most modern wardrobes , there 's been an explosion in terminology8 for the different types of jeans on offer over the last couple of decades .

  10. 因为传统的PSTN网络已经不能很好地满足现代人通信的需要,并且随着语音质量和可靠性的逐步提高,价格低廉等优势,VoIP通信市场正在迅速扩大。

    As the traditional PSTN network has been unable to meet the needs of modern communications , and due to the advantages of low cost and the good quality and performance of communications , VoIP communications market is expanding rapidly .

  11. 这种无法专注是现代人忙碌状态的副产品,有关它的著述不少,它会引起作家布里吉德•舒尔特(BrigidSchulte)所说的淹没感。

    Such an inability to focus is a well-documented byproduct of the modern busyness , leading to what writer Brigid Schulte described as the overwhelm .

  12. 由于成年南方古猿sediba(据此可推知他们的子女)头部很小,这表明现代人的盆骨可带来直立行走的好处。

    Adult sediba ( and therefore , presumably , their babies ) had small heads , which indicates that walking upright was the advantage brought by the modern pelvis .

  13. 人性化空间是现代人所追求的生活品质。

    The human nature space is a life-quality pursuing for modern-man .

  14. 亚健康状态严重影响着现代人的生活质量。

    Subhealth is seriously undermining the living quality of modem people .

  15. 如果没有电影和电视,现代人的生活将是不可想象的。

    If no film and television , modern life would be unimaginable .

  16. 公民精神是一种现代人精神,表征着人自身的发展和历史进步。

    Civility is a modern people spirit , symbolizing the human development .

  17. 庄子和谐观对现代人的启示

    The Enlightenment of Zhuang Zi 's View of Harmony to the Moderns

  18. 合作精神成为现代人必备的一种极为重要的素质。

    Cooperation spirit become a necessary an extremely important qualities .

  19. 浅论现代人的素质与培养

    On contemporary people 's quality and it 's developing

  20. 他的看法是:现代人的智力并不高超。

    His opinion is that the intellect of modern man is not superior .

  21. 现代人生活困境的写照

    A Portrayal of the Living Straits of Modern People

  22. 民族精神与现代人的生存境遇

    National Spirit and the Existence Circumstances of Modern Human

  23. 现代人的精神追求

    The Spiritual Pursuit of Human Beings in Science Age

  24. 论现代人之自杀问题及其对策

    On Suicide of Contemporary People and Countermeasures Against It

  25. 太原地区现代人头骨的研究

    A study on the skulls from taiyuan , Shanxi

  26. 徽州民居&现代人向往的精神寓所

    Folk House of Huizhou : a Spirit Room that the Modernist Yearning for

  27. 寻找灵魂的现代人&陈染小说思想内涵探析

    A Modern Man Seeking Soul & ideological connotation analysis of Chen Ran 's fictions

  28. 对生态环境的差异认可是更高层次的对现代化的理解以及更高层次的对现代人的尊重。

    Recognizing the ecological divergence is better understanding to modernization and respecting modern human .

  29. 现代人起源的多地区进化学说在中国的实证

    Evidence of multiregional human evolution hypothesis from China

  30. 并非任何现代人所创作的戏剧都可称为现代戏剧。

    Not all dramas written by modern people can be labeled as modern theatre .