
  1. 以选拔性考试为主,推荐免试为辅。

    Give priority to selection exam , recommend an exemption of services .

  2. 其次,加强推荐免试制度自身设计的科学性和系统性;

    Besides , strengthen the scientific and systematic design of the system .

  3. 推荐免试硕士研究生中制度的规范与探析

    Standardization and Exploration of Recommending Exam-Free Postgraduate System

  4. 提出一种基于模糊积分的入学成绩的评价方法,研究推荐免试研究生成绩评价问题。

    The evaluation of the achievement of postgraduate candidates exempt from admission exam is studies , and an admission achievement evaluation method is given based on fuzzy integral .

  5. 所以,如何完善我国现有的硕士研究生推荐免试制度,在发挥其原有功效的同时更好地体现教育公平,是我们面临的重要课题。

    Therefore , how to improve our existing exemption system , and play the original effectiveness and meanwhile better reflect the educational equity is an important issue for us .

  6. 随着我国教育的跨越式发展,硕士研究生招生形势发生了巨大的变化,推荐免试选拔制度的改革势在必行。

    With the development of Chinese education by leaps and bounds and the enormous change that postgraduate enrollment has experienced , it 's imperative to reform the system of exam-free recommendation .

  7. 我国的硕士研究生推荐免试制度自建国初期创生以来,经过60余年的发展,在不断完善的同时也出现了一些问题。

    Since the admission exam exemption system for recommended postgraduate candidates is created around the founding of P.R.China , there have been some problems during 60 years ' continuous development and improvement .

  8. 其不公平性主要表现在专业课命题、复试、考试舞弊现象、单考制度及推荐免试制度等几个方面。

    There are many aspects of unfairness , such as setting questions of specialized courses , reexamination , phenomenon of cheating in examination , the system of specific tests , recommendation system , etc.