
tuī zhòng bǐ
  • thrust-weight ratio
推重比[tuī zhòng bǐ]
  1. 高推重比涡扇发动机性能寻优分析研究

    Performance optimization of high thrust-weight ratio turbofan engine

  2. 航空发动机一直向着高推重比、大载荷、高转速和高性能性发展。

    Aeroengine have been developing with high thrust-weight ratio , large load , high speed and high performance .

  3. 如果用TiAl基合金替代镍基合金应用与航空航天工业,十分有助于减轻零部件重量,提高航空发动机推重比。

    Therefore , the application of TiAl-based alloys in aero-industries would be very beneficial to weight reducing of machine parts and the enhancing of thrust loading of aero-engine .

  4. TiAl合金具有很好的高温强度和抗蠕变性能,特别是它比许多其它超合金有着更低的密度(3.91g/cm~3)和更高的推重比,因而被认为是理想的轻量型航天航空用高温材料。

    TiAl alloys retain high strength and resist creep at high temperatures , especially , it has lower density and higher thrust-to weight ratio than other superalloys ; thus , TiAl alloys are considered perfect materials for aircraft industry .

  5. 介绍了径向式可变几何旋流器开度特性计算方法,随着航空发动机推重比(p/w)的不断提高,涡轮前温度在逐年提高,目前先进发动机涡轮前温度高达1800K。

    The paper describes a computational method for open degree characteristics of radial direction variable geometry swirl . With the increase of aero-engine 's propulsive-weight ratio ( p / w ), the temperature ahead of turbine has increased yearly .

  6. 推重比12~15发动机技术途径分析

    Technical Approaches to Thrust-Weight Ratio 12 ~ 15 of Aeroengine

  7. 推重比&10级发动机综述

    The summarization of grade 10 thrust / weight ratio engines

  8. 21世纪航空制造技术将发生质的飞跃&谈高推重比发动机的关键制造技术(上)

    Key Manufacturing Technologies of High Thrust-Weight Ratio Engine ( part 1 )

  9. 推重比10一级发动机技术改进方案分析

    Technical Improvement Scheme Analysis of Thrust-Weight Ratio 10 Aeroengine

  10. 高推重比发动机热端部件发展的技术途径与战略对策

    Technology Ways and Strategic Countermeasures for Developing Heated Ends of High Thrust-to-Weight Ratio Engine

  11. 参数小偏差对某高推重比航空发动机性能的影响分析

    Analysis of the Effects of Parameter Small Deviations on a High Thrust-Weight Ratio Aeroengine Performance

  12. 高推重比发动机全权限数字电子控制系统研究和半物理仿真试验验证

    Investigation and Semi - Physical Simulation of the FADEC System on a High Thrust - Weight Ratio Engine

  13. 推重比15一级发动机有关总体性能的关键技术和难点分析

    Performance Related Key Technologies and Difficulties of Engines with Thrust to Weight Ratio up to Level of 15

  14. 格里亚泽夫-希普诺夫GSh-6-30加特林机炮的重量只有GAU-8的一半,但射速更高,它的推重比接近40。

    The Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 weighs half as much as the GAU-8 and has an even higher fire rate .

  15. 设计变量为导弹的推重比、翼载和被动段的比例导引系数。

    Variables are the thrust to gravity ratio ; the load of wing ; proportional coefficient in passive trajectory .

  16. 提高涡轮前燃气温度是提高涡轮效率、增加推重比的重要手段之一。

    Increasing turbine inlet gas temperature is one of important means to improve turbine efficiency and increase thrust-weight ratio .

  17. 镍基单晶高温合金是高推重比发动机涡轮叶片的关键材料。

    Nickel base single crystal superalloy is a key material blade for turbine engine blade having high thrust-weight ratio .

  18. 高推重比航空发动机中的钛火在燃烧过程中燃烧界面对钛合金燃烧行为有重要影响。

    Titanium fire found in advanced aircraft engines has attracted interesting attentions . Influences of interface on the burning behavior are important .

  19. 在分析当前高推重比发动机需求的基础上,结合目前国内外加力燃烧室的技术水平,根据新一代军用发动机的加力燃烧室进气参数,论证了该方案所具有的现实可行性。

    Based on the analysis of the requirements of high thrust-weight ratio engine , the feasibility of the new concept is demonstrated .

  20. 随着航空科技的飞速发展,要求提供推重比越来越高的航空动力。

    With the rapid development of aero science , it requires the aero engine ratio of traction to weight is higher and higher .

  21. 界限线图上的每条界限线都描述了不同的飞机性能要求下的翼载和推重比之间的关系。

    In the sizing diagram , the boundaries of different performance requirements are plotted as functions of the wing loading and thrust-to-weight ratio .

  22. 在工程领域里,一个飞船的推力和自身重力的比值被称为推重比。

    In the engineering world , the ratio between a craft 's thrust and the weight is called , appropriately , thrust-to-weight ratio .

  23. 航空发动机的高效率以及高推重比的发展方向对压气机部件性能提出了更高的要求。

    The development of higher efficiency and larger thrust-weight ratio of aeroengine has put a further demand on the aerodynamic performance of compressor component .

  24. 燃气涡轮发动机向大功率,高推重比方向发展的同时,排气污染也不断增加。

    With the development of gas turbine engines towards high thrust-weight ratio and high power , pollutants discharged from turbine engines has increased steadily .

  25. 现代航空燃气涡轮发动机为了获得更高的推重比和热效率,不断提高涡轮前温度,精简涡轮级数。

    In order to obtain higher thrust weight ratio , nowadays , aero engine improves inlet temperature of turbine and reduces turbine stage constantly .

  26. 根据月球研究和行星际飞行任务的需要,为了提高火箭的推重比,要为运载火箭新安装一个第三子级。

    Missions for study of the Moon and interplanetary flight required re-equipping the launch vehicle with a third stage to increase its power-mass characteristics .

  27. 本文从发动机总体性能方面分析了推重比15一级发动机设计研制的关键技术及难点。

    Performance-related critical technologies and difficulties in the development of engines with a thrust to weight ratio up to the level of 15 are considered .

  28. 利用这些关系分析的结论是:垂直起飞的推重比必须达到1.3左右,它只适合多级火箭的发射;

    Though analysing , author come to the conclusion that the thrust / weight ration must be 1.3 , which only suit to launch the multistage rocket .

  29. 现代航空发动机朝着高推重比的方向发展,要求压气机具有高负荷、高效率、高稳定性的特点。

    Modern aero-engine developed towards high thrust-ratio has put a further demand on compressor , required it has a high load , high efficiency , high stability characteristics .

  30. 在提高压气机压比的同时,提升涡轮前温度是改善航空燃气涡轮发动机性能(推重比、耗油率)的有效措施。

    The performance of aero engine ( thrust-to-weight ratio , specific fuel consumption ) can be improved by increasing the turbine inlet temperature and the compressor pressure ratio .