
miáo tú zhǐ
  • tracing paper
  1. 所谓TP制图法乃是用透明的描图纸(TracingPaper,TP)取代传统的不透明绘图纸以绘制机械图的方法。

    TP drawing method is the abbreviation for mechanical drawing in transparent tracing paper ( TP ) instead of in traditional opaque drawing paper .

  2. 描图纸作为铺垫材料在烧伤治疗中的应用效果

    The application of tracing paper as bedding material in the treatment of burn

  3. 将描图纸打洞是刺绣设计的前置步骤。

    Each embroidery is designed step by step .

  4. 但是在本节目中,你只需要普通的水彩颜料和描图纸就可以了!

    But for this Art Attack you just need ordinary watercolour paints and tracing paper !

  5. 描图纸:用黑色碳素复写纸和擂盘将样板上的线条转移到面料上。

    Tracing Paper : carbon-coated paper used in conjunction with the tracing wheel for transferring pattern markings to fabric .

  6. 在专用描图纸上建立直角坐标系,描绘出埋伏牙的轮廓曲线,轮廓图按照顺序编号。

    Then build right-angle coordinate on tracing paper , trace out the figure curve of impacted tooth and number the figure paper .

  7. 成卷或成张的植物羊皮纸、防油纸、描图纸、半透明纸及其他高光泽透明或半透明纸。

    Vegetable parchment , greaseproof papers , tracing papers and glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers , in rolls or sheets .

  8. 描图纸:坚固,结实,磨砂玻璃似的半透明纸。它的平滑表面,适合描图和绘画。

    Tracing paper : Stable , strong , ground glass like , translucent paper , Its smooth surface are very suitable for drawing kand tracing .

  9. 最终设计的演变:如何将研究翻译成视觉图像,简略草图,描图纸的试用,绘画纸,画报印刷纸决定颜色,等等。(拼图)

    Evolving final designs : How to translate research into visual images , thumbnail sketches , tracing paper trials , construction paper , magazine papers to determine colors , etc. ( collage )