
  • 网络description logic
  1. 推理是实现语义搜索的基础,描述逻辑已经成为了语义Web的逻辑基础。

    Description logic has become the logic base for Semantic Web .

  2. 语义web中以描述逻辑为本体语言的推理

    Reasoning of Description Logic as Ontology Language in the Semantic Web

  3. 基于Ontology和描述逻辑推理的Web题目资源检索

    Web Problem Resources Retrieval Based on Ontology and Description Logic Inferences

  4. 描述逻辑是一类知识表示的形式系统,并成为语义Web的逻辑基础。

    Description logics are a family of knowledge representation formalisms which become logical foundation of semantic Web .

  5. 语义Web中的本体是以描述逻辑为基础的,因此它支持简单的推理能力。

    The ontology in Semantic Web is fundamental by Description Logic , so it support simple induction .

  6. 基于描述逻辑的Agent组织

    A Description - Logic Based Agent Organization

  7. 分析了用传统描述逻辑和动作理论作为智能Web中服务的逻辑基础的不充分性。

    The insufficiency of using description logic and action theory as the logical foundation for services in intelligent Web is analyzed .

  8. 基于描述逻辑的UML类图一致性检测

    Consistency checking of UML class diagram based on description logics

  9. 基于此点,本文针对语义Web中描述逻辑构建的多知识库整合进行较为全面的分析与研究。

    Based on this point , multiple knowledge bases integration bases on description logic in semantic web is systematically researched and analyzed in this paper .

  10. 该编辑器允许更细致地描述逻辑层次,而无需去编写底层的Java代码文本。

    This editor lets you describe a more detailed level of logic without having to drop down to textual Java .

  11. 描述逻辑由于有很好的建模和推理特性,已成为语义web本体描述语言的逻辑基础。

    Description logics ( DLs ), because of their proper expressiveness for modeling and computable property , become the logical basis of ontology language in semantic web .

  12. 基于时态描述逻辑的服务行为描述模型反应了服务行为中的行为时序约束特征,能够在Web服务发现过程中保证服务行为时序的准确性和服务行为语义描述的正确性。

    The TDL-based service behavior description model can describe temporal constraint of service behavior and ensure correctness of the service scheduling in process of web services discovery .

  13. 描述逻辑εLN循环术语集的不动点语义及推理

    Fixpoint Semantics and Reasoning of Terminological Cycles in Description Logic ε LN

  14. 本文首先分析了语义Web的体系结构及其相关知识,然后对本体论的逻辑基础一描述逻辑进行了研究。

    This thesis firstly analyzed the framework of the semantic Web and other related knowledge , and then we make the research on the base of logic about ontology .

  15. 本文还对本体的表达语言从表达能力和推理方面进行比较,提出要以描述逻辑为产品本体的抽象表达语言,以OWL为XML文档表达语言为基本工具;

    Description logic is the choice of the abstract representation language , and OWL as the concrete documents one .

  16. 此外,还提出了xml文档的语义有效性和xml文档的推理问题,并把它们规约到描述逻辑语言∑ΗΟΙΝ(?)的知识库不可满足性问题。

    The semantic validity and entailment problem of XML documents are further provided and they are reduced to the knowledge base unsatisfiability problem in description logic language ΣΗΟΙΝ(?) .

  17. 最大不动点模型下的描述逻辑系统FL0的有穷基

    Finite Basis in Gfp-models of Description Logic FL_0

  18. 描述逻辑(DescriptionLogic)是基于对象的知识表示的形式化,它依据提供的构造器,在简单的概念和关系上构造出复杂的概念和关系。

    Description Logic is the object-based formal way to represent knowledge , it depends on the provided constructors and construct the complex concepts and roles on the simple concepts and roles .

  19. 介绍描述逻辑中的基本概念、推理机制,特别的介绍了描述逻辑AC和SHIQ的语法和语义;

    Introduce the basic concepts and inference of description logics .

  20. 一种扩展的动态描述逻辑语言及其Tableau算法

    An extended dynamic description logic language and its Tableau algorithm

  21. 介绍了描述逻辑推理系统RACER。

    Afterwards , the RACER is introduced , which provides the description logics reasoning .

  22. 探讨了Petri网描述逻辑条件与时序关系的方法,并给出了维修工作建模的程序。

    The approach to describe the logical and temporal relation by Petri net was studied , and the procedure of setting up the model of maintenance task was also presented .

  23. 计算机与Internet的快速发展,使得语义网和描述逻辑在人工智能等领域扮演着越来越重要的角色,基于语义网的知识获取与知识推理应用也在不断增加。

    With the rapid development of computer and Internet , semantic web and description logic become more and more important in artificial intelligence and other fields , and the knowledge acquisition and knowledge reasoning based on semantic web has also increased .

  24. 针对模糊知识的处理,已经存在多种形式的模糊描述逻辑和模糊语义数据库模型&模糊ER模型和模糊面向对象数据模型,但是研究基于描述逻辑的模糊语义数据库模型的工作却相对甚少。

    So , in order to deal with the fuzzy information , the fuzzy description logics and fuzzy semantic database models-fuzzy ER model and fuzzy Object-Oriented data model have been extensively investigated .

  25. 它的语义基于CARIN(一种结合Horn规则和描述逻辑的表示语言),语法是OWL的扩展。

    Its syntax extends OWL and its semantics is based on CARIN , a representation language combining description logic and Horn rules .

  26. Tableau算法是目前描述逻辑中最主要的推理方法,但其并不是在所有情况下都表现最好。

    Tableau algorithm is the most important method in description logic reasoning , but not the best in all cases .

  27. 从ALC到SHOQ(D):描述逻辑及其Tableau算法

    From ALC to SHOQ ( D ): A Survey of Tableau Algorithms for Description Logics

  28. 接着我们对MSR中的LFB按照Rose语言规范进行分类,并在Rose语言中详细定义这五类LFB。使用Rose语言描述逻辑功能模块。

    Then we sort the LFB in MSR according to the Rose language specification , and particular define these five categories of LFB in Rose language .

  29. 使用OWLDL的好处在于:(1)利用描述逻辑的推理机能够发现在知识定义过程中相互矛盾之处,并且发现隐藏知识。

    The advantages of using the OWL DL are as follows : ( 1 ) we can find much connotative knowledge and inconsistencies about the knowledge base .

  30. 这两种限制形式间的不同就是全称量词与存在量词间的不同。带传递关系和存在量词的描述逻辑MSC推理

    The difference between the two formulations is the difference between a universal and existential quantification . Computing Most Specific Concept in Description Logic with Transitive Roles and Existential Restrictions