
  • 网络Titans
  1. 克罗诺斯与姐姐瑞亚结婚并成为了提坦们的国王。

    Cronos married his sister Rhea and became King of the Titans .

  2. 借助于哈德斯创造的挪威海怪,奥林匹斯山诸神打败了提坦神族。

    The Olympians defeat the Titans with the help of sea monster Kraken ( Hades'creation ) .

  3. 提坦号邮轮的精细小模型新的邮轮花了5年多的时间建成。

    The new cruise liner took more than five years to build .

  4. 老虎提坦在打电话。

    Tt : Titan the tiger talks on the telephone .

  5. 您是两提坦神破坏与星夜的女儿。

    You are the daughter of Perses and Asteria which were two titans .

  6. 赫密士也是火的发明者,与提坦人(太阳神,巨人)和普罗米修斯相似。

    Hermes as an inventor of fire is a parallel of the Titan , Prometheus .

  7. 普罗米修斯是一位提坦巨神。

    Prometheus was a Titan .

  8. 海盗登上船只,抢劫旅客。‘提坦’号客轮沉入海底了。

    Pirates boarded the vessel and robbed the passengers . The ` Titanic ' went to the bottom , ie sank .

  9. 提坦Ⅱ由于有些改进因此费用要高,但大部分费用都将由空军承担。

    Titan II demanded more in the way of changes , but the air force would bear most of the cost .

  10. 欧罗巴是阿革诺耳的女儿,阿革诺耳是尼普顿的儿子,腓尼基的国王。普罗米修斯是一位提坦巨神。

    Europa was the daughter of Agenor , king of Phoenicia , son of the god Neptune . Prometheus was a Titan .

  11. 克罗诺斯:希腊神话中的一个提坦,在被他的儿子宙斯废黜之前一直统治着宇宙

    A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus . Of long duration ; continuing : chronic money problems .

  12. 提坦Ⅱ最危险的隐患、也是惟一需要自动逃逸系统的,在于第一阶段发动机的偏移。

    Titan Iris most dangerous potential failing , and the only one that demanded an automatic abort system , was first-stage engine hardcover .

  13. 如果提坦Ⅱ将森托尔送人轨道,对接后森托尔还会有足够的能量推进飞船摆脱速度限制。

    If Titan II inserted Centaur into orbit , it would have enough power after docking to boost the spacecraft to escape velocity .

  14. 哈迪斯和他的兄弟宙斯,波塞冬一起打败了提坦,了宇宙的统治权,掌管冥界,天空和海洋。

    Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld , sky , and sea .

  15. 波塞冬在诸神与提坦的战争中得到一把三叉戟,诸神打到提坦后,波塞冬选择掌管海洋。

    Poseidon was given a trident during the war of the Titans and the gods . When they overthrew the Titans , Poseidon took over the sea among other things .

  16. 潘恩也叫“牧羊人卫星”,得名于“牧羊之神”。阿特拉斯得名于“双肩顶天”的太阳神提坦,这是因为它看起来像是在支撑土星的外环。

    Pan , being what is known as a " shepherd moon , " got its name from the god of shepherds , while Atlas was named after the titan who " held the sky on his shoulders , " since it supports the rings of Saturn .