
tí qǐ ɡōnɡ sù
  • Instituting a public prosecution;institute public prosecution;present public prosecution;proceed with public prosecution
  1. 据此,本文从四个方面对提起公诉证明标准的要求进行了论述。

    So , this thesis demonstrate the requirement of present public prosecution from four aspects .

  2. 最后,从我国司法实践着手,理论联系实际地确立我国提起公诉证明标准的要求应为两个基本的观点。

    Lastly , install , the " Two Fundamental " should be the requirement of our present public prosecution from theory and practice .

  3. 将对此案提起公诉的律师说他不能透露具体的涉案金额。

    The attorney who will prosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved .

  4. 检察总长负责提起公诉。

    It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions .

  5. v1.对…提起公诉2.进行这辆撞坏的火车的司机因过失伤害而被提起公诉。

    prosecute The engineer of the wrecked train was prosecuted for criminal negligence .

  6. 他们可以对科恩提起公诉,也可以指控SAC涉嫌诈骗以及其他违法行为。

    They could prosecute Mr Cohen . They could charge SAC with racketeering , and other offences .

  7. 即使司法部决定不根据FBI的调查结果提起公诉,希拉里还面临着其他调查。

    Even if the justice department decides not to prosecute based on the FBI findings , Mrs Clinton faces other probes .

  8. 英特尔一直否认这些指控,但这些指控已经导致日本、韩国及欧盟(EU)采取了针对该公司的监管行动,上周美国纽约州司法部长安德鲁库默(AndrewCuomo)也对其提起公诉。

    Those complaints , which Intel denies , have already led to regulatory action against the company in Japan , South Korea and the European Union , and last week brought a lawsuit from Andrew Cuomo , New York attorney-general .

  9. 负责调查白领犯罪行为的SFO现在必须决定是否展开正式调查,这可能导致罗尔斯罗伊斯及相关人员被提起公诉并面临巨额罚款。

    The SFO , which investigates white-collar crime , must now decide whether to launch an official investigation that could result in prosecution of the company , individuals and potentially large fines .

  10. 提起公诉的证明标准新释

    The New Explanation of the Evidential Standard for Criminal Public Prosecution

  11. 陪审团对受到联邦调查局点名的十一个人一并提起公诉。

    The jury indicted all eleven men named by the FBI .

  12. 第二次世界大战后许多战犯被提起公诉。

    Many war criminals were proceeded against following World War II .

  13. 公诉证据标准仅是提起公诉的必要要件,而不是充分要件。

    6 , it is essential , not sufficiency to appealing .

  14. 目前,三人已因涉嫌伪造国家机关公文罪被提起公诉。

    They have been charged with the forging of government documents .

  15. 大多数案件最后没有被提起公诉。

    He could still face most cases have not resulted in prosecution .

  16. 现代西方国家提起公诉证明标准之考察与比较&兼及我国提起公诉证明标准之现状与改革

    The Inspection and Comparison of Proof Standard of Prosecution in Western Countries

  17. 我们应当对盗窃行为提起公诉,并重新引入高额遗产税。

    We should prosecute theft and reintroduce heavy inheritance taxes .

  18. 出庭为一诉讼案进行辩护或出庭提起公诉的行为。

    Act of come to court to defend or prosecute a case .

  19. 在他被提起公诉和保释前,这一数字上升至32。

    It rose to 32 before he was indicted and released on bail .

  20. 我国的司法实践中,提起公诉的证明标准过于抽象且标准过高,很难操作,难以适应1996年改革后的庭审方式。

    In China , verification standards in public prosecution are too abstract and high .

  21. 包括护舷材的总长度检察总长负责提起公诉。

    Over fender length It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions .

  22. 提起公诉的证据标准及其司法审查比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Evidentiary Standard to Prosecution and the Judicial Review thereof

  23. 检察权在诉讼中的职能是提起公诉。

    The function of prosecutorial power in the lawsuit is to initiate an indictment .

  24. 关于我国现行提起公诉证明标准的完善

    On the Perfection of Present Evidence Standard of the Initiation Public Prosecution in our Country

  25. 公诉证据标准是指控诉机关决定提起公诉时,依据控诉证据认定控诉事实应当达到的程度。

    The evidence standard of prosecution is the degree of when prosecutor decide to appeal .

  26. 也许大家都在这么做,却不是每个人都会被提起公诉或锒铛入狱。

    Everyone might be doing it , but not everyone can be prosecuted or jailed .

  27. 和不提起公诉的决定一样,和解趋于不适宜司法监督。

    Like decisions not to prosecute , settlements tend to be ill-suited to judicial supervision .

  28. 提起公诉的证据标准探讨

    On the Evidence Standard of Prosecution

  29. 检察总长负责提起公诉。国家总检察长办公厅

    It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions . National Public Prosecutor 's Office

  30. 抢劫是可提起公诉的罪行。

    Robbery is an indictable offence .