
fàn zuì jí tuán
  • criminal gang;criminal group;underworld
  1. 他为一个犯罪集团作掩护。

    He is the front man for a criminal gang .

  2. 他落到了犯罪集团的魔爪中。

    He fell into the clutches of the criminal gang .

  3. 获得,引起(注意)n.逮捕警方终于逮捕了该犯罪集团的首脑。

    Police have finally captured the leader of the criminal organization .

  4. 该丑闻对日本银行业造成了自2007年以来最严重的影响。2007年,东京三菱银行(BankofTokyo-Mitsubishi)因与犯罪集团有业务往来遭到处罚。

    The scandal is the most serious to affect the Japanese banking system since 2007 , when Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi was sanctioned for doing business with criminal groups .

  5. 据说他是犯罪集团的成员。

    He is say to is a member of the mob .

  6. 这起丑闻可能涉及有组织犯罪集团。

    Organized crime groups are suspected to have been the fraudsters .

  7. 组织犯只能存在于犯罪集团中。

    An organizing criminal can only be in a criminal group .

  8. 我的公司是国际犯罪集团的掩护者。

    My company is a front for an international crime syndicate .

  9. 这不是简单的犯罪集团,而是邪教组织。

    Not just a criminal organisation . It 's a cult .

  10. 有人说她是给犯罪集团运东西的。

    They say she runs stuff for some crime syndicate .

  11. 官员们仍然相信,“想哭”是一个犯罪集团的产物。

    Officials still believe WannaCry is the creation of a criminal group .

  12. 首先是犯罪集团中主犯的刑事责任范围。

    First , it is about the criminal syndicate in the principal range .

  13. 职业杀手,我为西海岸一个犯罪集团打工。

    Professional hitman . I freelance for a major West Coast crime syndicate .

  14. 看似是纽约警局对犯罪集团做的调查。

    Looks like NYPD intelligence on a criminal network .

  15. 我记得那种感觉,摧毁犯罪集团。

    I remember how that used to feel , busting up crime syndicates .

  16. 是亚美尼亚犯罪集团在东海岸的头目

    east coast head of an Armenian crime syndicate .

  17. 他曾是犯罪集团的一员。

    He was once a member of the mob .

  18. 以下是根据预估收入排名列出的全球五大有组织犯罪集团:

    Here are the top five criminal gangs , ranked by revenue estimates :

  19. 一名年轻警察被指控与一个犯罪集团相勾结。

    A young policeman has been accused of conspiring with a gang of criminals .

  20. 你有计划地干掉了你父亲的犯罪集团中的每个人

    You 've been systemically taking down everyone in your father 's criminal organization .

  21. 不过在此之前,犯罪集团将不会让合法经营的企业有好日子过。

    Until it does , criminal enterprises will make life difficult for legitimate ones .

  22. 年内,警方继续打击三合会及有组织犯罪集团。

    Throughout the year , the fight against triads and organised criminal syndicates continued .

  23. 犯罪集团伙同一起对抗法律和社会治安力量。

    These criminal groups were leagued together against the forces of law and order .

  24. 重大的犯罪集团案件;

    Grave cases that involve criminal gangs ;

  25. 据称,这家公司和犯罪集团中的某个主要人物有关系。

    The company is alleged to have ties with a leading figure in organized crime .

  26. 这个犯罪集团非常危险,我们必须出其不意。

    This gang is dangerous , so the raid has to be a complete surprise .

  27. 敌对的犯罪集团为争夺霸主地位而争斗。

    Rival gangs battled for supremacy .

  28. 计算机为国内和国际有组织犯罪集团开辟了犯罪的广泛领域。

    The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups , both national and international .

  29. 苹果不断增长的用户量使其产品成为了受犯罪集团攻击的有价值目标。

    Apple 's growing base of users makes its products a more promising target for criminal groups .

  30. 他是一个犯罪集团的头头,所以当他一进门,所有人都自动闪出一条道来给他。

    Everybody steps aside when he comes in because he is the big shot of a mafia gang .