
shè zhèng
  • regency;act as regent
摄政 [shè zhèng]
  • [act as regent] 代国君处理国政

  • 昔者周公摄政,践祚而治。--《礼记》

摄政[shè zhèng]
  1. 那栋有34个房间的摄政时期的白色官邸报价为1,750万英镑。

    The price tag on the 34-room white Regency mansion is £ 17.5 million .

  2. 他远渡英国到摄政王乔治四世的现代大厨房中做菜,又跨越大陆为俄国沙皇亚历山大一世准备大型宴会。

    He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent , George Ⅳ , and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander Ⅰ of Russia .

  3. 1970年的10月7日,在伦敦摄政公园的一个长椅上,一位在伦敦商学院读MBA的小伙子,遇见了一位初到伦敦的爱尔兰姑娘。

    On a bench in Regen ’ s Park , London , on October 7 , 1970 , a young man studying for MBA degree at London Business School met an Irish girl who first arrived in London .

  4. 欢迎到摄政的基督徒学院(RCA)的网上家。

    Welcome to the online home of Regent Christian Academy ( RCA ) .

  5. 正如乔治亚摄政大学(GeorgiaRegentsUniversity)的彼得&12539;巴克利(PeterBuckley)博士所说,随着你经验的增加,你的自信会越来越强。

    According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University , ' As you add experiences , you 're more likely to gain confidence .

  6. 萨迪•科尔斯(SadieColes)则正搬离自己位于新伯林顿广场(NewBurlingtonPlace)的画廊,转而在摄政王街(RegentStreet)另一边的金利街(KinglyStreet)寻找更大的展场。

    And Sadie Coles is leaving her New Burlington Place gallery for a bigger space in Kingly Street , just on the other side of Regent Street .

  7. 佐治亚摄政大学(GeorgeRegents)的理查德・托波尔斯基(RichardTopolski)及其同事最近在《人与动物》期刊(Anthrozoos)上发表的论文指出,人类与宠物的这种关系到了令人吃惊的程度。

    A recent paper by Richard Topolski at George Regents University and colleagues , published in the journal Anthrozoos , demonstrates this human involvement with pets to a startling extent .

  8. 简奥斯汀的这部小说描写了英国摄政时期(1811-1820年)的社会风貌,家喻户晓,文笔欢快,据RadioTimes网站报道,波尔达克系列的制片公司MammothScreen如今正为这部小说发展新的剧情,以适应英国独立电视公司(ITV)的要求。

    Poldark producers Mammoth Screen are developing a new take on Jane Austen 's famous ( and hilarious ) piece of Regency social commentary for ITV , RadioTimes.com has reported ;

  9. 以盈利为目的商业和法律学校的BPP大学,以及位于伦敦的私立摄政学院都表示有高涨的申请需求。

    BPP , a for-profit business and law school , and Regents College , a private college in London , report similarly heightened demand .

  10. 摄政王(PrinceRegent)就是其中之一,1815年他雇佣约翰·纳什(JohnNash)在英国布赖顿修建了一座印度撒拉逊风格的亭子(上左),作为对当时古典主义建筑风格的反击。

    One was the Prince Regent , who in 1815 employed John Nash to create the Indo-Saracenic pavilion ( top left ) in Brighton , England , as a riposte to the classicist architecture of the time .

  11. 作为摄政,硅Suriyawongse挥起了重大影响。

    As a regent , Si Suriyawongse wielded a great influence .

  12. 嗯,从你住的酒店开始出发,沿着摄政街一直走,街道左侧会有一家ScorchWale店。

    Well , there 's a Scorch Wale shop here on the left side as you go down Regent Street from the hotel you are staying .

  13. 其实,在《采访》被宣告搁置的同一天早些时候,这种事已经发生了——新摄政(NewRegency)公司宣布,它放弃拍摄一部与北朝鲜有关的惊悚片,该片原计划由史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell)主演,尚未命名。

    Actually , it happened earlier in the same day , before " The Interview " was shelved , when New Regency announced that it would drop an untitled thriller about North Korea that was to have starred Steve Carell .

  14. 正如乔治亚摄政大学(GeorgiaRegentsUniversity)的彼得・巴克利(PeterBuckley)博士所说,“随着你经验的增加,你的自信会越来越强。而自信之人将获得新的经验。”从今天开始增强你的自信吧。

    According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University , ' As you add experiences , you 're more likely to gain confidence . And with confidence , you will embrace new experiences . ' Start growing your confidence today .

  15. 在结束他的摄政,硅Suriyawonse提高到Somdet湄南河,最高的可以达到的贵族头衔。

    At the end of his regency , Si Suriyawonse was raised to Somdet Chao Phraya , the highest title the nobility could attain .

  16. 在多重权力博弈中的摄政难免陷入各种政治冲突和权力斗争中。

    The Regent inevitably came into political conflict sand power struggles .

  17. 摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。

    The regent carried out an advanced system in his country .

  18. 这所住宅封处陈列着家族成员的肖像和摄政时期的家具。

    The house itself was full of family portraits and Regency furniture .

  19. 当现任国王还是孩子时,乔治担任摄政王。

    George acted as regent when the present king was a child .

  20. 现在你得为,那个摄政王效劳了。

    You 're in the service of the steward now .

  21. 他父亲死后,长子继承了摄政职位。

    The eldest son succeed to the protectorate after his father died .

  22. 他不做摄政王,做摄影师

    He is Not a Prince Regent a Photographer No More No Less

  23. 近代早期英国摄政制度的起源(1534-1553)

    On the Origin of Regency in Early Modern England ( 1534-1553 );

  24. 就成为他的摄政王,直到他加冕时为止。

    Became his protector until the time of his coronation .

  25. 摄政王载沣与清政府的倾覆

    Prince Regent Zai Feng and the Qing Dynasty 's Overthrow

  26. 在喧嚣的摄政街和熙熙攘攘的富人区新邦德街之间

    Between the chaos of Regent Street and opulent bustle of New Bond Street

  27. 兰姆西斯,你刚被命为摄政王。

    Rameses , you were just named Prince regent .

  28. 它在波特兰地区,就在摄政王公园的南面。

    It 's in Portland place , just south of Regent 's Park .

  29. 这所住宅到处陈列着摄政时期的家具。

    The house itself was full of Regency furniture .

  30. 我看上了摄政公园附近的一套房子

    I have my eye on a suite of rooms near Regent 's Park