
shè zhènɡ wánɡ
  • prince regent
摄政王 [shè zhèng wáng]
  • [pirnce regent] 当名义上的君主未达法定年龄、不在或无能时统治国家的君主

  1. 他远渡英国到摄政王乔治四世的现代大厨房中做菜,又跨越大陆为俄国沙皇亚历山大一世准备大型宴会。

    He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent , George Ⅳ , and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander Ⅰ of Russia .

  2. 摄政王(PrinceRegent)就是其中之一,1815年他雇佣约翰·纳什(JohnNash)在英国布赖顿修建了一座印度撒拉逊风格的亭子(上左),作为对当时古典主义建筑风格的反击。

    One was the Prince Regent , who in 1815 employed John Nash to create the Indo-Saracenic pavilion ( top left ) in Brighton , England , as a riposte to the classicist architecture of the time .

  3. 萨迪•科尔斯(SadieColes)则正搬离自己位于新伯林顿广场(NewBurlingtonPlace)的画廊,转而在摄政王街(RegentStreet)另一边的金利街(KinglyStreet)寻找更大的展场。

    And Sadie Coles is leaving her New Burlington Place gallery for a bigger space in Kingly Street , just on the other side of Regent Street .

  4. 当现任国王还是孩子时,乔治担任摄政王。

    George acted as regent when the present king was a child .

  5. 现在你得为,那个摄政王效劳了。

    You 're in the service of the steward now .

  6. 他不做摄政王,做摄影师

    He is Not a Prince Regent a Photographer No More No Less

  7. 就成为他的摄政王,直到他加冕时为止。

    Became his protector until the time of his coronation .

  8. 摄政王载沣与清政府的倾覆

    Prince Regent Zai Feng and the Qing Dynasty 's Overthrow

  9. 兰姆西斯,你刚被命为摄政王。

    Rameses , you were just named Prince regent .

  10. 它在波特兰地区,就在摄政王公园的南面。

    It 's in Portland place , just south of Regent 's Park .

  11. 甚至,当时的摄政王会从不同的裁缝那里搭配不同的衣服。

    Moreover , the Regency rake would purchase different garments from different specialist tailors .

  12. 但是,所有她的读者甚至包括这位摄政王却都并不知道她是何许人也。

    None of her readers even the Prince Regent knew her identity , however .

  13. 他会封哈曼为摄政王。

    He will appoint Haman as his regent .

  14. 她拜访了匈牙利的摄政王。

    She visited the Regent of Hungary .

  15. 你没有权力去否决国王的复位,你只是个摄政王。

    Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king , steward .

  16. 摄政王钻石争夺战

    Wars of Contending for Regent Diamond

  17. 哦!真是太客气了!我会向摄政王面禀,说你很合作,也很有效率。

    Oh ! How very kind ! I will speak to the Regent of your cooperation and efficiency .

  18. 由于这是真正属于摄政王的财产,所以他曾付出一笔高价。

    and for which he had paid a high price , having been the genuine property of the Prince Regent .

  19. 王子离开时,洛尔瑟玛·塞隆被任命为奎尔萨拉斯摄政王。哈杜伦·明翼成为了新的银月城游侠将军。

    In the prince 's absence , Lor'themar was named regent of Quel'Thalas , and Halduron Brightwing became the new ranger-general of Silvermoon .

  20. 醇亲王载沣的大儿子溥仪在两岁时被任命为皇位继承人,这使得载沣成为了摄政王。

    The Puyi , eldest son of Zaifeng , Prince Chun , was appointed successor at age two , leaving Zaifeng with the regency .

  21. 当天晚上的宴会上,拉美西斯就被任命为摄政王,他很高兴地将摩西冠以皇家首席建筑师的头衔。

    Later in the evening , a banquet is held where Rameses is named Prince Regent who joyfully names Moses as the Royal Chief Architect .

  22. 当你来到摄政王街的街角,立刻就意识到发生了什么事,一群人聚在“马克斯和斯潘瑟商场”外面,那儿正是你平时等公共汽车的地方。

    As you turn the corner of Regent Street , you realise immediately that something is up . A crowd has gathered outside Marks and Spencer , right where you normally wait for the bus .

  23. 吴三桂被夹在两个敌人中间,最终决定将赌注下在清朝身上并与6岁顺治帝的摄政王多尔衮结成联盟,顺治帝是皇太极的儿子,皇太极于前一年驾崩。

    Wu caught between two enemies decided to cast his lots with the Manchus and made an alliance with Dorgon , regent to the then six-year old Shunzhi , son of Huangtaiji who had passed away the year before .