
  • 网络swing part;Swing
  1. 体操摆动动作系统的结构分析

    An analysis about the swing movement system structure on the gymnastics

  2. 体操摆动动作力学原理演示仪

    The Demo Instrument for the Gymnastics Swing Movement Mechanics Principle

  3. 摆动动作又是以怎样的形式完成的呢?

    How is swinging completed ?

  4. 研究目的:深入认识短跑途中跑支撑摆动动作系统中各环节协同的关系,完善短跑技术和专项力量训练理论。

    The main purpose was to deeply understand relation between each connection of supporting movement in running , perfect running technique and specific strength training theory .

  5. 跳远的摆动动作主要包括摆动腿的摆动、摆动腿侧髋的前送、两臂的摆动等动作。

    The swinging movement in long jump mainly includes swinging of leg , the stretching of hip at swinging leg 's side , the swing of arms etc.

  6. 不同技术类型背越式跳高摆动动作对起跳效果的影响跳远最佳踏跳效果的探讨

    The effect on kinds of technical athletes ' swing to the take - off The Study of the Best Take - off Pushing Effect on the Long Jump

  7. 运用影片解析等方法对我国部分优秀男女直道栏运动员跨栏步摆动动作相关运动学参数进行对比研究。

    This article delves in conducting a comparative study on the relevant kinematics parameters of the swinging motion of hurdle strides of some excellent straight track athletes , by using film analysis .

  8. 本文从运动生物力学的角度,对摆动动作结构的传统理论进行深入研究,提出了新的观点,可供体操教学训练参考。

    This paper makes a thorough study in the traditional theory about swing movement structure in terms of biomechanics . It advances some new points of view which are for teaching and training reference .

  9. 本研究的主要目的是:描述、演示体操摆动动作中,不同的阶段回转半径的改变对转动速度、角加速度、幅度的影响。

    The aim of the research is to describe and demonstrate the influence of turn speed , corner acceleration and range for the change of turn around radius in different phase of circle movement in gymnastics swing movement .

  10. 解析结果表明,由面对低杠的高杠倒立开始的大摆动作,屈髋(腿加速)开始于过杠垂面之前,这与传统的摆动动作技术原理相悖。

    The results have showed that the hip flexion ( acceleration of leg ) of the long swing from the handstand on HB facing to LB starts before the pass of the vertical plane of HB , which is contrary to the traditionary principle of swinging technique .

  11. 短跑途中跑摆动腿动作技术对速度影响的分析

    Analysis on Speed Influence of Free Leg Movement Skill in Sprint

  12. 一种在游泳或体操中腿有节奏地摆动的动作。

    A rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics .

  13. 论背越式跳高摆动腿动作的技术原理

    Technical principles of back style swing leg movements

  14. 肩膀不平整,但他仍然有一个非常好的摆动腿动作。

    The shoulders are not square , but he still has a very good trail leg action .

  15. 结果表明,合理的起跨距离和规范的摆动腿动作是提高跨栏成绩的主要因素。

    It was showed that the reasonable distance of the striding hurdles and normal movement of the swing leg is the main factor of affecting the striding hurdles result .

  16. 运用理论分析和实践考察的方法,分析短跑途中摆动腿动作技术对速度的影响因素和改进方法,为提高短跑技术、促进短跑教学与训练提供可靠依据。

    By means of theoretical analysis and investigation , the authors of this essay analyze the effect of swinging leg movement skills at a sprint on running speed and the improved methods in order to enhance sprint techniques and to provide reliable basis for teaching and training .

  17. 对掷铁饼旋转技术中摆动腿的动作走向的探究

    Explorations To The Movement Trajectory Of Swinging Legs In The Technology Of Rotating Throwing Discus

  18. 运用生物力学原理,根据起跳腿的运动特点,把起跳阶段摆动腿的动作划分为体后前摆、体前前摆、突停制动三个阶段。

    According to the principle of biomechanics , base on sport characteristic of taking-off leg .

  19. 起跳腿与摆动腿的技术动作在影响H1高度的同时又不同程度影响到H2高度;

    Both of H1 and H2 are affected by technique of take-off leg and swing leg .

  20. 使用方法:双手紧握把手,双脚放在脚踏板上,两脚前后交替自然摆动,进行漫步动作。

    Use Method : hold the handle , step on the pedal , and the teo legs swing naturally as walking .

  21. 就有关跳远起跳阶段摆动腿的摆动动作功能,运动生物学特征,及其产生的作用进行初步的探讨。

    The paper made a study on the function of lifted leg 's action , the features of sports biology and the effect caused in the takeoff phase of long jump .

  22. 另外,在前腔室内设置有一个装饰件,该装饰件通过一个驱动机构驱动装饰件摆动或进行其他动作,以增强产品的趣味性。

    In addition , the front cavity is provided with a decorative piece which is driven by a driving mechanism to sway or take other actions to make the product more interesting .

  23. 她早期的舞蹈技巧比较松散,只是建立在儿童自然的动作的基础上,跑动,跳跃,表演故事,还有大自然中的动作,海浪冲击海岸,树木在风中摆动。她的表现动作只是自然的流露而没有严格的技术指导。

    Her early dance technique was loosely based on the natural movements of children , running , skipping , acting out stories , also on motions from nature , waves crashing onto shore , trees swaying in the wind . Her expressive gestures were motivated from within rather than from being dictated by strict technique .

  24. 起跳蹬伸阶段本文分析了摆动腿与两臂摆动制动动作对身体重心腾起初速度,身体重心高度增加值和起跳腿侧伸艘蹬地动作的影响与作用机制。

    The paper choose stopping accelerations of swinging leg in the takeoff phase , to analyze the affection between this acceleration and the beginning speed of lift , the increased height of body gravity , the high extension and stamping at the board .

  25. 摆动腿的摆动技术作为起跳动作结构中的一个重要组成部分,也是跳远的一系列技术环节中最为关键的部分。

    How to swing leg is an important component in logn jump , and the most critical part in long jump .

  26. 将跑分解为下肢摆动、下肢蹬起、落地和上肢的摆动动作,模拟动作有空蹬自行车、水平跳台阶;

    It would run was decomposed into swings , the lower limb pedaling for the lower limb getting up , falling to the ground swings the movement with the upper limb , the simulation movement of the spatial pedal bicycle , stair experiment ;