
  • 网络fitness training;Conditioning
  1. 我想了解一下你们俱乐部提供的这个健身训练项目。

    I would like to know about the fitness training program in your club .

  2. 一些有趣的研究表明,有氧健身训练实际上可以逆转的脑组织中老年人逐渐流失,增加他们的脑容量。

    A few fascinating studies have indicated that aerobic fitness training can actually reverse the gradual loss of brain tissue in older adults and increase their brain volume .

  3. 他把更多的时间用于完善舞蹈动作,而不是健身训练。

    He spent more time perfecting his dance moves instead of gym work .

  4. 我们这里的健身训练中心有一位很棒的教练。

    We have a terrific instructor here in our aerobics center .

  5. 健身训练要经过一段时间坚持不懈的努力才能有所收获。

    Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body .

  6. 力健是全球最大的商用健身训练设备供应商。

    The company is the largest commercial fitness exercise equipment provider in the world .

  7. 克里斯多夫·威廉姆·麦肯是一名个人训练师,他在加州的橘子郡经营一家健身训练营。

    Personal trainer Christopher William McCombs runs Fitness Boot Camp in Orange County California .

  8. 但是与前一天相比,已经开始慢慢适应这种健身训练了。

    But already begin to have adapted to this body-building training slowly compared with front day .

  9. 事实证明,失业人士花一些时间进行健身训练往往会起到意想不到的效果。

    For a motivated few , extra time for conditioning actually proves a rare upside of unemployment .

  10. 逼自己在假期中去不同的城市参加比赛或是周末健身训练营。

    Force yourself to vacation by registering for a race in a different city or try a weekend fitness retreat .

  11. 间歇训练的健身训练课或者系统的锻炼是提高你的耐力,降低静息心率的好办法。

    A gym class or workout routine that emphasizes interval training is a great way to boost your endurance and lower your resting heart rate .

  12. 在拍摄《古墓丽影》时,她为能亲身完成众多特技动作而进行了高强度的健身训练。

    She went through an intensive training regime for her role as Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movies to ensure she could perform her own stunts .

  13. 克里斯还是一名健身训练市场专家,帮助全世界的健身训练师缩短一半的工作时间,实现收入翻三倍。

    Chris is also a Fitness Training Marketing expert and helps fitness trainers all over the globe to triple their income while cutting their work hours in half .

  14. 参加一堂健身训练课虽然你可能对它们有一些恐惧,但锻炼可是更好的选择,这比你和朋友一起要好的多。

    Join an exercise class Although they might seem to be a little bit on your own , exercise classes can be a lot better when you 're doing them with a friend .

  15. 采用文献资料、身体成份测试、人体测量、数理统计以及实验研究等方法,对西安市20名成年女性进行为期3个月的水中有氧健身训练。

    By using the method of documentary , body composition testing , body measurement , mathematical statistics , experiment , this paper makes three months aerobic exercise in water for 20 adult women in Xi'an .

  16. 他在减肥方面有他独特的方法。克里斯还是一名健身训练市场专家,帮助全世界的健身训练师缩短一半的工作时间,实现收入翻三倍。

    He is radically different in his approach to losing fat . Chris is also a Fitness Training Marketingexpert and helps fitness trainers all over the globe to triple their income while cutting their work hours in half .

  17. 小儿麻痹后遗症学生的体质与运动能力均比正常学生差,因此,研究一种适应小儿麻痹后遗症学生健身训练、防止肌肉继续萎缩的运动处方非常重要。

    As the constitution and exercise performances of infantile paralysis students are poorer than those of the normal students , it is important to seek an exercise prescription for physical fitness activities of infantile paralysis students and prevent further muscular atrophy .

  18. 振动力量训练是国际上最新发明的一种力量训练方法,它对有效提高肌肉的力量具有重要作用,目前振动力量训练已在国外高水平运动员力量训练和大众康复健身训练中得到较好应用。

    Vibration strength training is the latest invention of a strength training method , which plays an important role on effectively enhancing the strength of muscles , currently vibration strength training has been well applied in high-level athletes ' strength training abroad and for the public fitness training .

  19. 对A、C进行9个月健身瑜伽训练。

    The group A and C were required to take part in 9-month fitness yoga exercise .

  20. 高校女子健身健美训练特性研究

    Study on Characteristics of Woman Body Building Training in College and University

  21. 器械健身健美训练对大学男生心理健康影响的实验研究

    Influence of Experimental Strength Training for Bodybuilding on the Mental Health of Male College Students

  22. 为了使练习者能更好地学习乒乓球技术以达到健身和训练的目的,本文针对乒乓球发球的特点,从总体上设计了一种新型的乒乓球发球机:自动乒乓球发球机。

    In order to enable the practicer to study the table tennis technology well and achieve the goal of building their body and exercise , considering the characteristics of the table tennis served , a new kind of table tennis serving machine was designed in this thesis .

  23. 迭戈的家庭儿科医生、美国运动协会(AmericanCouncilonExercise)(这是一家提供健身认证和训练的非盈利机构)医疗保健解决方案负责人纳塔莉・穆特(NatalieMuth)称,久坐会让人感觉更加疲惫。

    Sitting for a long stretch of time can make people feel more tired , says Natalie Muth , a San Diego primary-care pediatrician and health-care solutions director at the American Council on Exercise , a nonprofit that provides fitness certification and training .

  24. 在你的锻炼中,你会经历有氧健身比力量训练更重要的阶段,反之亦然。

    You may go through phases in your training when developing your cardio fitness is more important to you than developing strength , or vice versa .

  25. 这个场地为各种运动提供了特制的游泳设备、专门的有疗效的健身器材,训练设备等等。甚至还有一些视觉、表演艺术的内容。

    The complex offers a specially-equipped swimming facility , specialized and therapeutic fitness , training facilities for all types of sports and even visual and performing arts .

  26. 结果表明:竞技健美操和健身健美操训练并不能改善静息状态下的平衡能力,但有氧及无氧运动后即刻的平衡能力明显提高;

    The results showed that : Sports Aerobics and Aerobics training does not improve resting state of balance , but the aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacity immediately improved balance ;

  27. 试论健身锻炼与运动训练的差异性

    Difference of Body - building and Sports - training

  28. 只有脊椎指压治疗师和理疗医师可以买到,不过它们主要还是用在有经过认证的健身教练指导的训练体系中,那也是动感单车走红的模式。

    They will be available to chiropractors and physiotherapists , but primarily they will be integrated into your workout through the certified gym-instructor network that has helped make Spinning what it is .

  29. 无数的医学及科学研究证实改变目前健康的危机的终于因素是提高健身活动,力量训练,有氧训练,柔韧训练及适量营养。

    Countless medical and scientific studies have proven that the most important factors to change the current health crisis are increased activity , weight training , aerobic conditioning , flexibility and proper nutrition .

  30. 为了评定瑜伽运动对痛经的疗效,将69名患痛经的女大学生分成三组,分别进行18个月的健美操、健身走、瑜伽训练。

    To study of the curative about Yoga of the menstrual disorders , the 69 cases of menstrual disorders are divided into three groups with different loads of exercise treatment , and the exercise items are aerobics , walking and Yoga .