
  • 网络Health Science;health studies;Fitness
  1. 申请人须持有医学、腔外科、医学、众健康学或相关领域的学士学位。

    The candidate must hold a Bachelor 's degree in Medicine , Dental Surgery , Veterinary Medicine , Public Health or related fields .

  2. 第三部分:以生态系统健康学和景观生态学理论为基础,通过遥感与GIS技术,建立评价模型,对尉犁县土地荒漠化现状进行评价。

    Third : Based on the theory of ecosystem health and landscape , by RS and GIS , the assessment model is build . The author finishes the assessment of land desertification .

  3. 伦敦大学学院的全球健康学教授ThereseHesketh通过一份来自中国东部浙江省的电邮告诉外交政策:普通中国民众相信因为不想生女儿而堕胎是一对夫妇个人的决定,而且他们有权利这样做。

    Therese Hesketh , a professor of global health at University College London , told Foreign Policy via email from eastern China 's Zhejiang province that many ordinary Chinese believe that aborting a girl is simply a choice made by a couple & and they are entitled to this .

  4. 旅游健康学研究

    A Research on Science of Tourism Health

  5. 教授这一网络公开课的教授都来自美国加州欧文分校,包括物理学、公共健康学以及社会科学的教授。

    The professors of the course are all from UC Irvine and include professors of physics , public health , and social sciences .

  6. 从哲学、健康学和经济学层面上就资源废物化和废物资源化问题加以理性思考。

    The problem for the conversion of source into waste and resource of waste was considered based on philosophy , healthy science and economics .

  7. 在大学或是学院里,老年医学通常是健康学的一部分,并且强调随着年龄的增长找寻健康的生活方式的必要性。

    Gerontology is normally a part of wellness studies at a college or university , emphasizing the need for finding healthy lifestyles as we advance in age .

  8. 也就是说,生物学(包括医药与健康学)提出问题,而化学提供理论和技术的工具去寻求答案。

    Thus biology , including the medical and health sciences , poses the questions and , in this context , chemistry provides the intellectual and technical tools for their answer .

  9. 创建旅游健康学是现代双康旅游发展及旅游业可持续发展的现实需要,也是现代科学发展的必然趋势。

    Therefore , to set up the Science of Tourism Health is the need of modern tourism and regional tourism sustainable development ; it is also the inevitable trend of the development in modern science .

  10. 因此,仅从心理学、教育学、文化学、健康学或一般系统理论等角度认识和研究体育是不够的,还应借鉴生态学的原理和方法。

    Thus , it is insufficient to study the physical education and sports , a complicated ecosystem , just by psychology , pedagogy , culture , healthiness or normal system theory without ecological laws and methods .

  11. 生态系统健康学是近年来出现的一门探讨资源环境管理对策的综合性新学科.本文介绍了生态系统健康概念的由来、内涵以及生态系统健康学的主要研究内容;

    Ecosystem health is a new integrative science , which deals with implementing strategies in natural resources and environmental management . Authors introduce the origination and connotation of the concept of ecosystem health and main research contents in ecosystem health ;

  12. 旅游健康学是以旅游健康为研究对象,研究其形成机制、时空规律以及防范对策的学科,它和旅游心理学、旅游经济学、旅游市场学一样,是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科。

    The research focuses on the occurrence pattern , the spatio-temporal rules and the precautionary measures of tourism health and its risks . As same as Tourism Psychology and Tourism Economics , the Science of Tourism Health is a newly rising cross-discipline .

  13. 提出了湖滨带生态系统恢复与重建的几个重要理论,即恢复生态学理论、生态保育理论以及生态系统健康学理论。

    Firstly , the paper gives the definition of aquatic-terrestrial ecotone , presents the basal connotation of restoration and reconstruction for aquatic-terrestrial ecotone , and addresses the goals , principles and some important theories , such as restoration legitimacy , ecology conservation theory , ecosystem health theory etc.

  14. 英国女子日间公学信托在女性运动和健康学基础里的调查表明,英国只有四分之一的女孩达到每周应该的体育运动量,在10岁以后,参加常规运动的比例更是猛跌。

    The GDST draws on research from the Women 's Sport and Fitness Foundation which suggests only a quarter of girls in England meet current recommended levels of physical activity each week , with the proportion taking part in regular sport falling steeply after the age of 10 .

  15. 其后,她们开始在监督下执行锻炼计划,而且,据该研究的资深作者、亚利桑那州立大学的营养和健康促进学教授格伦·盖瑟(GlennGaesser)称,该计划设计的运动强度很大,但还在大多数人可以接受的范围内。

    Then each woman began a supervised exercise program designed to be vigorous but manageable by most people , said Glenn Gaesser , a professor of nutrition and health promotion at Arizona State and senior author of the study .

  16. 医科大学学生对健康教育学的认识与评价

    Understanding and evaluation of health education curriculum among medical students

  17. 换位教学在《护理健康教育学》教学中的应用

    Application of Transposition Teaching Method in the Teaching of Nursing Health Pedagogy

  18. 加强健康社会学在中国的研究已势在必行。

    Consequently , research of health sociology is rery important .

  19. 浅谈《护理健康教育学》教学体系

    Discussion about Teaching System of Health Education of Nursing

  20. 二者的具体结合点就是人口健康信息学。

    A case in point is the Concept Frame of Population Health by Russell .

  21. 我国平面媒体糖尿病报道内容分析&健康传播学的视角

    Content Analysis on Diabetes Information of Mass Media in China & A Perspective of Health Communication

  22. 所以,为了我们的健康和学,习,我们必须吃早餐。

    So for the sake of our health and our study , we must have breakfast .

  23. 健康社会学在理解健康类期刊的存在必然性问题上提供了诸多有启发性的观点。

    Health Sociology offers many stimulating ideas on the understanding of the necessity of the health periodicals'existence .

  24. 中医病因学在师范院校体育专业健康教育学中的应用

    Comment On the Use of the Traditional Chinese Medical Etiology in the Health Education of Physical Education

  25. 性健康教育学绪论

    Introduction to sex health education

  26. 目的探讨换位教学法在提高《护理健康教育学》教学效果中的价值。

    Objective To explore the values of transposition teaching method in improving the teaching effect of Nursing Health Pedagogy .

  27. 对北京市252名9~17岁健康中小学男生进行了24小时及4小时尿肌酐值测定。

    24 hour and 4 hour urinary creatinine excretion was measured in 252 healthy school boys aged 9 to 17 in Beijing .

  28. 不论人们怎样看待他的思想,欧克肖特已经为健康政治学所必须的理论提供了历史哲学的支持。

    Whatever one may think of his philosophy , Oakeshott provided philosophy of history support for the theories necessary in health politics .

  29. 联合使用流行病学、行为医学、健康教育学等学科的方法是开展和道路伤害预防相关研究和实践的基础。

    Combination of methods concerning epidemiology , behavioral medicine , health education and the like was the basis for road traffic prevention .

  30. 本文回顾了环境健康信息学的建立与发展,系统总结了其特点和主要应用领域、关键技术,提出了环境与健康研究发展的新方向。

    Its features , structure and major approach for application have been summarized . The future development of environmental health informatics was discussed .