
qīnɡ sōnɡ de ɡōnɡ zuò
  • cushy job;light work;soft job;bludge
  1. 马尔科姆在某处行政机构获得一份轻松的工作。

    Malcolm has a soft job somewhere in the civil service .

  2. 我想夺取他那轻松的工作。

    I tried to move in on his cushy job .

  3. 超过1/10的人口拥有稳定且相对轻松的工作。

    Over a tenth of the population have secure , undemanding jobs

  4. 他找到一份轻松的工作。

    He got a comfortable job .

  5. 假设您拥有一个用Java™或C++语言编写的工具且需要修复和更改一些地方,这并不总是一项轻松的工作,即使您拥有源代码。

    If you have a tool written in Java ™ or C + + languages and you need to fix or change something , you can 't always easily do it , even if you have the source .

  6. 这是我干过的最轻松的工作。

    This is one of the jammiest jobs I 've ever had .

  7. 选择二则给了我一份安全而轻松的工作。

    The other option is a secure and cushy job .

  8. 你有一份这么轻松的工作真幸运。

    You 're lucky to have such a cushy job .

  9. 用食品加工器切洋葱是一件轻松的工作。

    Chopping onions is a cinch with a food processor .

  10. 写稿员?你有世界上最轻松的工作。

    Writer ? You 're gonna have the easiest job in the world .

  11. 这以后他做了两年很轻松的工作。

    He functions easily through the next two years .

  12. 法兰欣:我也是!尤其自从乔治得到最轻松的工作后。

    Francine : Me too ! Especially since George gets the easiest work .

  13. 这当然不是份轻松的工作,可是它值得我辛苦。

    It 's definitely not an easy job , but it 's worth it .

  14. 他父亲利用私人关系后,他在市政府里谋到一个轻松的工作。

    He get a plush job in city hall after his father pull string .

  15. 大卫负责公司里最轻松的工作。

    David carried the ball in the firm .

  16. 用“超级去污”厨房清洁剂。它使清洁厨房成为轻松的工作。

    It makes cleaning the kitchen a snap .

  17. 我交待他一些轻松的工作。

    And I assigned him small tasks .

  18. 这对他来说可不是轻松的工作。

    It meant hard work for him .

  19. 决定哪支队伍会赢得总冠军并不是一个很轻松的工作。

    Deciding on which team will come away with the trophy is the unenviable task here .

  20. 与前辈们相比,90后们希望在一种更为平等的基础上营建一种轻松的工作关系。

    Post-90s hope to establish a relaxed working relationship on a more equal basis than their predecessors .

  21. 他正在担任湖人的球探,享受这份轻松的工作。

    He 's scouting for the Lakers and enjoys the light workload that comes with his job .

  22. 本系统的开发,为网上办公的人打造一个健康轻松的工作环境。

    Development of the system for on-line office of the people easily create a healthy working environment .

  23. 接下来您将会学到将您已有的代码整合到应用程序中,将会是一项多么轻松的工作。

    Next you learn how easy it is to incorporate your existing Java code to the application .

  24. 为了能轻松的工作,设计师在紧邻着交易台的地方放置了一块突破区域。

    For relaxation on the job , the designers placed a break-out area next to the trading desk .

  25. 下午感动疲劳时做一些较轻松的工作。试着听听音乐,这有助于你放松身心,例如听听海浪拍打岩石或鸟儿歌唱的声音。

    Try listening to music recordings , such as a pounding surf or , to help you relax .

  26. 我知道这不是件轻松的工作,但我年轻,而且我现在身体很健康。

    I know it 's not a easy job , I 'm young , besides I 'm in good health .

  27. 你能在承受沮丧痛苦折磨的情况下,找到一个像你期待中的更轻松的工作么?

    With the depression torturing you , is it likely that you can find an easier job as easily as you expected ?

  28. 但是,他又写到,这不是一个轻松的工作&尤其在李健熙董事长健康状况不佳时。

    But that , he notes , is no easy task & especially with the health of Chairman Lee Kun-hee in question .

  29. 但是,他又写到,这不是一个轻松的工作——尤其在李健熙董事长健康状况不佳时。

    But that , he notes , is no easy task -- especially with the health of Chairman Lee Kun-hee in question .

  30. 档案保管人,负责规划以及检查展览安排,是一份比其他工作更悠闲,轻松的工作。

    Archivists , who plan and oversee the arrangement of exhibitions , have a more leisurely pace of work than many other professions .