
  1. 那位摔跤手给对手来了个头部擒拿。

    The wrestler put his opponent into a head hold .

  2. 这个摔跤手终于遇到了劲敌。

    The wrestler finally met his match .

  3. 较壮的那个摔跤手第一跤就赢了。

    The stronger wrestler won the first throw .

  4. 这款新的闹钟应用(免费的,在iTunes和GooglePlay上)同样也会向你发送由职业摔跤手削减演员录制的动力视频。

    The new alarm app ( free ; iTunes and Google Play ) also sends you motivational videos recorded by the pro-wrestler-slash-actor .

  5. 美国在哈瓦那驻有使团,美国的摔跤手也曾到德黑兰去参加波斯湾杯(persiangulfcup)的比赛。

    The US has a mission in Havana and American wrestlers have travelled to Tehran to compete in the Persian Gulf Cup .

  6. WWE历史上最著名的职业摔跤手之一。

    WWE history , one of the most famous professional wrestler .

  7. 你认为同性恋摔跤手在WWE圈内会获得成功吗?

    Do you think that a gay wrestler man could be like successful within the WWE ?

  8. 《狐狸猎手》最引人入胜的是最近发生在现实中的情节,杜邦十分关注的摔跤手马克·舒尔茨(MarkSchultz,在剧中由查宁·塔图姆[ChanningTatum]扮演)在Twitter上发飙了。

    More engrossing than anything in " Foxcatcher " were the recent real-life Twitter tantrums of Mark Schultz , the wrestler at the center of du Pont 's obsessions , played by Channing Tatum in the movie .

  9. 该片旁敲侧击的暗示,富得惊人的实业家约翰·杜邦(JohnduPont)赞助工人阶级摔跤手却没带来好结果的故事,在一定程度上反映了这个国家的症结所在:片中有大量国旗、老鹰和提到民族自豪感的地方。

    It insinuates that the story of the spectacularly wealthy industrialist John du Pont 's ill-fated patronage of working-class wrestlers is some sort of mirror of the country 's dysfunctions : Flags , eagles and references to national pride abound .

  10. 迈阿密律所Barranco&Kircher公司合伙人巴兰科(A.J.Barranco)是佛罗里达州一位经验丰富的婚姻律师,曾在职业摔跤手霍根(HulkHogan)最近的离婚案中代理女方。

    A.J. Barranco , a partner at Barranco & Kircher in Miami , is an experienced Florida matrimonial lawyer and represented Hulk Hogan 's wife in their recent divorce .

  11. 你真是疯了,竟然要做一名摔跤手。

    You have to be crazy to be a wrestler .

  12. 她想知道一个摔跤手怎么能聪明到可以当医生的。

    She wonders how a wrestler got smart enough to be a doctor .

  13. 你是泥地女摔跤手?

    You some kind of wilderness female mud wrestler ?

  14. 黛丝和山姆森正在讨论女摔跤手凯莉?威廉斯。

    Daisy is talking with Samson about Kelly williams , the female wrestler .

  15. 伊朗籍美国人也不遗余力的支持声援伊朗摔跤手们。

    Iranian wrestlers had vocal supporters among Iranian Americans .

  16. 更重要的是,这个摔跤手的珍宝是一个万灵药-它可以去除所有的感染。

    Moreover , the wrestler 's jewel is a panacea-it can eliminate all infections .

  17. 最年轻的杜克哈尔是一名摔跤手。

    The youngest , Dzokhar was a wrestler .

  18. 他们通常身高体健,高大、强健的摔跤手。

    They are usually tall and strong .

  19. 两个摔跤手站在一圈嚣叫的旁观者中心,互相打量着对方。

    Two wrestlers stood in a circle of shouting onlookers and sized up each other .

  20. 医生给摔跤手称体重。

    A doctor weighed in the wrestler .

  21. 你想做名好摔跤手?

    You wanna be good a wrestler ?

  22. 而有线电视仍被视作一块充满诸如摔跤手和电视布道者的蛮荒之地。

    Cable is still viewed as a rather wild frontier populated by wrestlers and televangelists .

  23. 她认识的大部分摔跤手都是白痴。

    Most wrestlers s knows are dumb .

  24. 有些人说摔跤手交了一些糟糕情人。

    Some say wrestlers make bad lovers .

  25. 他有六英尺八英寸高,长得就像一个摔跤手,他的手臂长得好像要碰到地上了。

    Six feet eight , built like a wrestler , arms hanging down to the ground .

  26. 一对对摔跤手采取声东击西的佯攻手法,使对方猝不及防,终于揪住了对方,开始搏斗起来。

    With lightning feint , one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple .

  27. 首先,出场、收场、双方摔跤手都要跳跃。

    Yes . First of all , they must jump either to begin or end their performance .

  28. 这位17岁的小摔跤手一年之前刚刚开始训练,然而如今,她已经达到竞赛级别的水准了。

    The 17-year-old started training just one year ago but has already progressed to a competitive level .

  29. 一名职业摔跤手,或者叫相扑手,需要遵守很多不同的规则。

    A professional sumo wrestler , or rikishi , has many different rules and regulations to follow .

  30. 药检显示:前摔跤手克里斯.本纳特的尸体内含有类固醇和处方药。

    Toxicology tests revealed steroids and prescription drugs were found in the body of pro-wrestler Chris Benoit .