
  • 网络milk;Harvey Milk
  1. 他站在好莱坞米尔克工作室(MilkStudios)里,这个堡垒般的建筑是当晚汤姆·福特(TomFord)时装秀的举办地。

    He was standing in the fortresslike Milk Studios in Hollywood , which was the site of that evening 's Tom Ford fashion show .

  2. 米尔克是第一位加州公开的同性恋政治家,他于1978年遇刺身亡。

    Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in California . He was assassinated in 1978 .

  3. 米尔克将其巨大的影响力和巨额财富全部贡献到癌症研究当中,2004年《财富》杂志(Fortune)的专题报道称米尔肯是“改变医学的人。”

    Milken devoted his considerable influence and wealth to cancer research , prompting a 2004 fortune feature story proclaiming Milken as " the man who changed medicine . "

  4. 哈维•米尔克(HarveyMilk)本应有机会见到这一版本,尽管时间短暂。就在八色彩虹旗出现几个月之后的11月27日,他和旧金山市长乔治•莫斯康尼(GeorgeMoscone)在市政厅被米尔克的一个疯狂的前同事射杀身亡。

    This is the version that Harvey Milk would have known , if all too briefly , in the few short months before he and the Mayor of San Francisco , George Moscone , were shot to death in City Hall on 27 November by a deranged former colleague of Milk 's.

  5. 肖恩·潘爆冷赢得最佳男主角奖,他在影片中扮演为同性恋争权益的政治家哈维·米尔克。

    The big surprise of the night was Sean Penn , winning best actor for his role as gay rights activist Harvey Milk .

  6. 体内缺乏蛋白质在指甲上的表现就是甲床上会出现横条纹,这种横条纹叫做米尔克线。

    A protein deficiency in a person will show as horizontal bands that extend across the nail bed . These lines are known as Muehrcke 's lines .

  7. 结果基本上与预期吻合,唯一一点例外是西恩•潘凭借《米尔克》获封最佳男主角,片中他饰演一名有开创精神的同性恋政治家。

    The results were generally predictable , with the only mild upset being Sean Penn 's Best Actor win for Milk , where he plays a pioneering gay politician .

  8. 但是他并没有多少角色可以让我们说“他被忽视了”等等。尽管我们认为他在米尔克中的表演可以获得最佳男配提名。

    However he hasn 't had too many roles we can point to and say " He was snubbed there " Although we think he could of been nominated for his supporting role in " Milk " .

  9. 弗兰科曾因在2001年主演影片《詹姆斯•迪恩》而获得艾美奖提名。他还曾与他人联袂出演奥斯卡获奖影片《米尔克》,并在《菠萝快车》中改走喜剧路线,饰演一个精神恍惚的毒贩,令人印象深刻。

    Franco had an Emmy nomination for the title role of 2001 's " James Dean , " costarred in the Oscar-winning " Milk " and delivered a memorable comic turn as a spacey pot dealer in " Pineapple Express . "