
Mó nú
  • Manu
  1. 依靠自我,是真福乐。《摩奴法典》(印度教)

    True happiness consists in self-reliance .

  2. 这种巴克提形式的所有特征也在《薄伽梵往世书》里找到,也在罗摩奴者的注释里面。

    All the features of this form of bhakti are found in the Bhagavata-Purana and in the commentaries of Ramanuja .

  3. 在秘鲁的摩奴河附近,一条身上长着刷子似的吸管的刺毛虫正盘踞在一片叶子上。

    Brushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar resting on a leaf near Peru 's Manu River .

  4. 主妇应该总是高高兴兴,善于料理家务,保持日常用具清洁,节省开支。《摩奴法典》(印度教)

    The housewife must always be joyous , adept at domestic work , keep her domestic wares clean , and be thrifty .

  5. 摩奴法典是古印度一部集大成的经典,法典中具体阐释了种姓婚姻制度。

    Manavadharmasastra was an agglomeration of ancient Indian scriptures , which made a con-crete explanation of the marriage law in the caste system .

  6. 《摩奴法典》作为古印度历史上最为著名的法典,规定了有关社会生活方方面面的法律和规则,其中有关继承制度的规定更是别具特色。

    The Laws of Manu , as the most famous code in ancient Indian history , embraced various laws and rules related to social life , in which the succession system is of characteristics .

  7. 他们是救世主,站立在中间;生命形态之主,摩奴,站立在他的右边;文明之主,站立在他的左边。

    These are the christ , who stands in the center ; the Lord of living forms , the manu , who stands at his right ; and the Lord of civilization , who stands to his left .