
  • 网络Morley;John Morley;maury
  1. 摩利公司的民意测验显示,有68%的人反对这一禁令。

    A MORI poll showed that 68 % of people opposed the ban .

  2. 英国各大超市连锁店佳世客、沃尔玛、塞恩斯伯里、沃玛特分店ASDA和WM摩利西医等店的销售量都在增长。

    Britain 's leading supermarket chains , Tesco , Sainsbury , Wal-Mart Stores subsidiary ASDA and WM Morrison all reported sales were bearing up well .

  3. 我们刚刚翻译了一份给摩利上校的电报。

    We 've just transiated a teiegram to coionei mori .

  4. 摩利,帮巴里夫人上上装。

    Molly , work the magic of your art on Mrs barry .

  5. 蒙特哥摩利正悄悄忙于勘察克什米尔境内的山峰。

    G.Montgomerie , was quietly busy in surveying the mountains of Kashmir .

  6. 是的,生意很摩利,希望好运常在。

    B : Yeah , business has been great . Knock on wood .

  7. 没有一只雌性摩利鱼能看见任何雄性摩利鱼。

    None of the female Mollies can see any of the male Mollies .

  8. 早在1857年,他曾加入到蒙特哥摩利中尉在克什米尔的勘察站。

    Earlier , he had joined Montgomerie at a survey station in Kashmir in1857 .

  9. 所以你认为雌性摩利会花更多时间在哪只雄性摩利身边呢?

    So which males do you think the female Mollies spent most time around ?

  10. 亚比述的妻名叫亚比孩,亚比孩给他生了亚办和摩利。

    Abishur 's wife was named Abihail , who bore him Ahban and Molid .

  11. 最难的还要数摩利的《四月照在我情妇的脸庞上》。

    And the worst of all ," April is in My Mistress'Face " by Morley .

  12. 然而,有趣的是穴居的摩利鱼身上所发生的事。

    What 's interesting , though , is what happens with Mollies that live in caves .

  13. 我领你们到约旦河东亚摩利人所住之地。

    I brought you to the land of the Amorites who lived east of the Jordan .

  14. 但是有一种较好的猜测认为穴居的摩利鱼是使用器官来感知排出的水。

    A good guess , though , is that the cave-dwelling Mollies use organs that sense water displacement .

  15. 本文对《摩利支子情诗》中的东方文化意象试作探讨。

    This paper tries to explore the images of the oriental culture in The Love Poems of Marichiko .

  16. 亚伯兰经过那地,到了示剑地方摩利橡树那里。

    Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem .

  17. 摩利查尔顿死了又走了一个我讨厌的人

    Good riddance ! Murray Chilton died . That 's one less person l ' m not speaking to .

  18. 阿诺德·施瓦岑摩利能比比尔.盖茨摩利排出更多的水。所以它们能做的更好,即使是相亲。

    Arnold Schwartzen-Mollie displaces more water than Bill Gates-e-Mollie , so he 'll do better - even on blind dates .

  19. 摩利臣街由其与文咸东街交界处起,至其与德辅道中交界处止的路段;

    The section of Morrison Street from its junction with Bonham strand to its junction with DES Voeux Road central ;

  20. 犹大阿,你要将礼物送给摩利设迦特。亚革悉的众族,必用诡诈待以色列诸王。

    Therefore shalt thou give presents to Moreshethgath : the houses of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel .

  21. 和在希实本作王亚摩利王西宏的诸城,直到亚扪人的境界。

    And all the towns of Sihon king of the Amorites , who ruled in Heshbon , out to the border of the Ammonites .

  22. 摩利鱼想变得尽可能庞大,因为雌性摩利鱼对大的雄性鱼比小的更感兴趣。

    The Mollie wants to be as big a fish as possible , because the females show more interest in big fellows than little ones .

  23. 1857年古拉·辛格王公驾崩后,由于蒙特哥摩利中尉具有和王公继承人马哈拉加·兰吉特?辛格一样的影响力,他得以继续他的勘察工作。

    After Gpab Singh 's death in1857 , Montgomerie continued his survey work as he carried the same influence with Maharaja Ranjit Singh , the successor of Gpab Singh .

  24. 自然界中有很多雌性动物被体积最大的雄性动物吸引的例子。这真实体现在一种叫做大西洋摩利的鱼身上。

    There are plenty of examples in nature of females being attracted to the biggest males . This is especially true for a species of fish called the Atlantic Mollie .

  25. 郑和与李童都信仰密宗,尊崇摩利支天菩萨,两人法名同称“福善”并不矛盾。

    They shared common faith in the " Mizong School " of Buddhism with admiration for Molichitsian Bodhisattva , and both of them had a religious name as " Fushan " .

  26. 当德国汉堡大学的研究者们研究穴居的摩利鱼的性偏好时,他们发现这些摩利鱼和洞外的摩利鱼有相同的取向——雌性摩利偏爱体积更大的雄性鱼。

    When researchers at Hamburg University in Germany studied sexual preference in Mollies that lived in caves , they found the same pattern as in Mollies living outside caves - the females preferred the larger males .

  27. 神说,你带着你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子,你所爱的以撒,往摩利亚地去,在我所要指示你的山上,把他献为燔祭。

    And he said to him , take your son , your dearly loved only son isaac , and go to the land of Moriah and give him as a burned offering on one of the mountains of which I will give you knowledge .