
  • 网络two-story;two floor;TWO STOREY;Levels
  1. 到了九年级,乔布斯去了家园髙中(HomesteadHigh),这所学校的校园有些杂乱,由几栋两层楼的砖砌建筑构成,建筑都被刷成了粉色,当时有2000名学生。

    In ninth grade Jobs went to Homestead High , which had a sprawling campus of two-story cinderblock buildings painted pink that served two thousand students .

  2. 苹果谷——戴比縠伯茨(DebbieAlberts)是一名兼职餐饮业服务人员,在她家位于工薪阶层社区的两层楼房屋之外,她已经把大部分的草皮铲掉了。

    APPLE VALLEY , Calif. - Outside her two-story tract home in this working-class town , Debbie Alberts , a part-time food service worker , has torn out most of the lawn .

  3. 两层楼均可即时欣赏水景,这帮助这些价值1000万美元的房子成功售出。

    The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $ 10 million houses .

  4. 愚蠢的富翁仍旧固执地说:“我不要下面的两层楼,你一定可以给我造最上面的一层楼。”

    But the fool insisted , " I don 't need the first two storeys . You must build only the top storey for me . "

  5. Gucci首席执行官马克•李(MarkLee)表示:最初的计划一直是,用两层楼作零售店,然后再加几间公司办公室。

    Originally the plan had been to have two floors of retail and then some corporate offices , says Mark Lee , Gucci chief executive .

  6. 室内环境:这栋砖砌结构、灰泥粉饰并铺着瓷砖屋顶的两层楼房屋由Dorr&Dorr公司设计,于1916年完工,近15年内曾经翻修。

    INDOORS : The two-story house , of brick and stucco with a ceramic tile roof , was designed by Dorr & Dorr , completed in 1916 and renovated over the last 15 years .

  7. 室内环境:这栋灰泥粉饰的两层楼当代住宅建于2005年。

    INDOORS : The two-story stucco contemporary was built in 2005 .

  8. 在两层楼的办公室里,有100个人在里面工作。

    As many as 100 people work inside the two-story office .

  9. 现在我的房跟兄弟们隔了足足两层楼

    There 's two floors between me and the boys now .

  10. 怎么了他们关了两层楼

    What 's going on ? They shut down two floors .

  11. 你的头太大了帽子有两层楼高

    Your head so big , your hat got two floors .

  12. 我刚到的时候这里的建筑都是两层楼,带有院子的。

    When I just arrived , buildings were two-floor ones with yards .

  13. 你可轻易建造一栋面积3000平方英呎、两层楼高的房子

    you could build a 3000-square-foot two-story home quite easily .

  14. 在两层楼中间是美编室。

    In between the floors was the art department .

  15. 他住的是两层楼的房子。

    He lives in a house of two storeys .

  16. 李家住在一栋两层楼的房子。

    The Lee family live in a two-story house .

  17. 第一起爆炸产生两层楼高的烟雾。

    The first blast sent a quick plume of smoke two stories high .

  18. 电梯在两层楼的中间突然停下来,电灯也熄了。

    The elevator stopped suddenly between floors , and the lights went out .

  19. 他们高声大笑着和唱着歌,走到了一幢两层楼前。

    Laughing and singing loudly , they walked up to a two-story home .

  20. 刚升到一半,突然停下来悬在两层楼之间。

    And then , half way up , it suddenly stopped between two floors .

  21. 我们得连结两层楼

    And we have to connect both levels ,

  22. 但我喜欢两层楼的房子。

    But I prefer a two-story home .

  23. 这是幢普通的两层楼房子。

    It 's a normal two-storeyed house .

  24. 这幢房子有两层楼。很快拉泽娜就冲上了楼梯。

    The building had two floors , and soon Razeena was charging up the stairs .

  25. 咱们还是别乘电梯,因为电梯可能会困在两层楼之间。

    Let 's not take the lift as the lift may become trapped between floors .

  26. 你可轻易建造一栋面积3000平方英呎、两层楼高的房子,我曾经计算过。

    you could build a 3000-square-foot two-story home quite easily . I did the math .

  27. 我的家会是两层楼,所有的家具都是北欧风格。

    My house would have two floors , and all the furniture would be Scandinavian .

  28. 大火和浓烟从公寓的两层楼中冒出,残骸如雨点般的飞落。

    Flames and smoke shot out of two floors of the building and debris rained down .

  29. 他住的是两层楼的房子。她的房间在那边楼上。

    He lives in a house of two storeys . Her room is up those stairs .

  30. 这家书店明朗宽敞,内顶很高,可以容下两层楼的图书;二楼还有阳台。

    The bright , soaring space includes two stories of books , the second accessible by balcony .