
  • 网络bilateral animal;Bilateria;Three germ layers&Bilateria;Three germ layers&Bilateria
  1. 状况变得很清楚:只有真实的化石,才能为两侧对称动物出现的时间提供确凿的证据。

    It had become clear that only actual fossils would furnish incontrovertible evidence for the time at which bilaterians had emerged .

  2. 而分布在地球上数个地区的艾迪卡拉特异埋藏点(名自首次发现的澳洲艾迪卡拉山)里面藏有奇妙的前寒武纪软体化石与虫穴,包括早期两侧对称动物的证据。

    And , at several spots on the planet , the Ediacaran lagerst ? Tten , named after the Ediacara hills of Australia where the first example was found , harbor strange Precambrian soft-bodied fossils and animal burrows , including evidence for early bilaterians .