
mó mén jiào tú
  • a Mormon
  1. 给我遇到个第一天工作的摩门教徒。

    I get a Mormon new guy on his first day .

  2. 但你们是对的,他是个摩门教徒。

    But you 're right though . he 's a mormon .

  3. 这无疑正是同为共和党员的摩门教徒、曾在法国传教的米特罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)没有脱口说出法语的原因。

    That is surely why his fellow Mormon Mitt Romney , who spent his missionary years in France , has refrained from slipping into French .

  4. 教会发言人迈克尔奥特森(michaelotterson)认为,对摩门教徒而言,罗姆尼成为候选人既是一个挑战,也是一个机会。

    For Mormons , the Romney candidacy represents both a challenge and an opportunity , says Michael otterson , a church spokesman .

  5. 一些选民又因为他的摩门教徒身份而有所避忌。

    Some voters are put off by Mr Romney 's Mormonism .

  6. 还不如直接告诉大家你是摩门教徒

    You probably just tell people , That you are Mormon .

  7. 我们的宗教,我们不信任摩门教徒。

    In my church , we don 't believe in mormons .

  8. 由于摩门教徒主导市议会,酒精饮料法案非常严苛。

    Thanks to a mormon-dominated city council , drinking laws are finicky .

  9. 为何摩门教徒选择在清华任教?

    Why do the Mormons want to teach at tsinghua ?

  10. 摩门教徒们每个星期天在教堂花上3个小时的时间。

    Mormons spend three hours in church every Sunday .

  11. 我当时住在一个偏僻的沙漠小镇,跟一些非常老派的摩门教徒在一起。

    I was in a remote desert town , with very old-school Mormons .

  12. 那么,犹他州的每个人都是摩门教徒吗?

    Anyway , is everyone in Utah a Mormon ?

  13. 过去,在摩门教徒中,一夫多妻是常事。

    Polygamy used to be common practice among mormons .

  14. 美国能不能接受一位摩门教徒总统?

    Is America ready for a Mormon president ?

  15. 这种有关血缘的观点可以帮助我们解释为什么摩门教徒对家系这么感兴趣。

    This view of kinship helps explain why Mormons are so interested in genealogy .

  16. 圆领衫是给乡巴佬跟摩门教徒穿的。

    Crew necks are for squares and Mormons .

  17. 而他是北方人,他是福音派,摩门教徒。

    he 's a Northerner , that he 's evangelical , he 's Mormon .

  18. 小君:怪不得有这么多摩门教徒!我之前都不知道。

    Jun : No wonder there are so many Mormons ! I had no idea .

  19. 我不是摩门教徒,也没有在倡导这种或其他任何一种宗教。

    I am not a Mormon and am not advocating that religion or any other .

  20. 如果白宫里坐着一个摩门教徒,将很更难消除这种混淆。

    With a Mormon in the White House , that confusion would be harder to dispel .

  21. 你从摩门教徒那里偷钱?

    You stole money from mormons ?

  22. 摩门教徒于1849年提出的作为一个独立州或联邦的一个州。

    An area proposed by the Mormons in1849 as an independent state or a state of the Union .

  23. 回到十九世纪的草创时期,摩门教徒被教导说要一夫多妻才可以上天堂。

    Back in19th century pioneer days , Mormons were told they would go to heaven if they were polygamous .

  24. 这插入连接的记录刻在小板的摩门教徒的删节大板。

    This insert connects the record engraved on the Small Plates with Mormon 's abridgment of the Large Plates .

  25. 此活动自去年10月份以来,人们阅览了超过3万摩门教徒的个人资料。

    And since the launch of the October campaign there have been 30000 more Mormon profiles to look at .

  26. 摩门教徒按照宗教幻想而组织起来,他们在自己的所有村落里实行一夫多妻制。

    The Mormons , organizing themselves in response to a religious vision , practiced polygamy in all their settlements .

  27. 杰夫里斯说,摩门教徒都是道德良好的人,但并不属于基督教的主流。这一点许多摩门教徒并不同意。

    Jeffress says Mormons are moral people , but are not part of mainstream Christianity-a view many Mormons dispute .

  28. 关于摩门教徒和犹太人在商界为何往往混得很成功,人们有着很多猜测,这些猜测通常相当阴暗。

    There 's much speculation - often quite dark - about why Mormons and Jews tend to succeed in business .

  29. 我们的邻居是摩门教徒,他们的传统里会做一些点心,并送一些给我们。

    Our neighbors , who are Mormon and kind of traditional , will also make cookies and bring some to us .

  30. 我们的法律捍卫我们的宗教自由,并不是因为存在着长老教会友基因、佛教徒基因或者摩门教徒基因。

    Our laws safeguard religious freedom , and that 's not because there 's a Presbyterian , Buddhist or Mormon gene .