
  • 网络Impactor;striker;Collider;LPI
  1. 在实验室条件下,以沉降炉作为燃烧设备,用8级Andersen粒子撞击器分离并收集燃烧后的颗粒物,研究了3种煤粉燃烧后生成的一次颗粒物中可吸入颗粒物排放的特性。

    Three different pulverized coals were combusted in a drop tube furnace and an 8-stage particle sizing impactor was used to separate and collect the primary particulate matter for investigating the emission features of inhalable particulate matter .

  2. 级联撞击器应用中的几个问题

    Some questions in the application of cascade impactor

  3. 试验用低压撞击器(LPI)按不同粒径大小从0.03~10μm分为13级,分别采集燃烧后的可吸入颗粒物。

    The inhalable particulates after combustion were collected into a Low Pressure-Impactor ( LPI ), which discriminates 13 grades of particle sizing in the range from 0.03 μ m to 10.0 μ m.

  4. 基于行人保护的头部撞击器开发与冲击试验

    Pedestrian Protection Based Head Impactor Development and Measurement Test

  5. 组合电器中熔断器撞击器动作特性的研究

    Research on The Fuse Striker Operation of Combination

  6. 减小体积,分子就更加频繁地撞击器壁。

    A decrease in volume causes the molecules to hit the walls more frequently .

  7. 怎么做呢你可以发明一个动力撞击器。

    What are you going to do ? You 're going to have a kinetic impactor .

  8. 本文介绍了应用级联撞击器和佩戴口罩的人头模型在天然铀燃料元件加工现场测定吸入气溶胶粒度的方法。

    This paper describes a method for measuring particle size of inhaled aerosol with a phantom of human head wearing dust-proof mask anda cascade impactor .

  9. 这种装置结构简单,操作简便,成本较低,作为高速碰撞和动高压加载的撞击器,具有重要的应用前景。

    This kind of high speed impactors have the advantages of simple structure , lower cost , smart design and promising in many applications of high dynamic pressure loading and high velocity impact .

  10. 以沉降炉作为燃烧设备,燃烧温度1100℃、氧化气氛下,用8级安德森粒子撞击器分离并收集燃烧后的颗粒物样品。

    With a sedimentation furnace serving as a combustion device under an oxidizing atmosphere and combustion temperature of 1 100 ℃, sample particles after combustion were separated and collected by use of a 8-stage Anderson particle impactor .

  11. 实验表明,增加转速可以显著提高反应速率k,在等比有效功率下,浸没循环撞击流反应器中的化学反应速率常数k明显高于搅拌釜反应器。

    The experiments show that the reaction rate k can be significantly improved by increasing the rotational speed in the impinging streams reactor . The reaction rate constant k was significantly higher than that in the stirred reactor at the geometric proportion effective power .

  12. 浅析循环撞击流反应器中的混合

    Simple Analysis of Mixing in a Circular Impinging Stream Reactor

  13. 撞击流除尘器中单一颗粒动力学特性理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Dynamical Characteristics of Single Particles in Impact-flow Dust Collector

  14. 立式撞击流反应器破碎酵母菌的研究

    Study on Breaking Microzymes in A Vertical-type Impinging Stream Reactor

  15. 侧、轴向夹角进料水平撞击流反应器研究

    Study on Level Impinging Stream Reactor with Feeding from Side and Axial Direction

  16. 外循环撞击流反应器混和时间实验研究

    The Mixing Time of Exterior Circulative Impinging Stream Reactor

  17. 内循环撞击流反应器中聚丙烯固相接枝共聚改性研究

    Solid phase graft copolymerization of PP in the internal circulating impinging stream reactor

  18. 浸没循环撞击流反应器制备牙膏用磷酸氢钙

    Preparation of the micro-particle calcium hydrophosphate for toothpaste in submerged circulation impinging stream reactor

  19. 撞击流反应器停留时间分布

    Residence Time Distribution of Impinging Stream Reactor

  20. 撞击流反应器萃取电镀废水中Cr~(6+)的实验研究

    Study on Extraction of Cr ~ ( 6 + ) from Electroplating Effluent Using Impinging Stream Reactor

  21. 两侧及轴向进料同向流水平撞击流反应器研究

    Study on the Same Direction Flow Horizontal Impinging Stream Reactor with Feeds from Axis and Both Sides

  22. 最后,给出计算实例,进一步揭示了颗粒在撞击流除尘器中的减幅振荡运动特性。

    Finally , calculation examples were given according to the theoretical analysis of single particle movement and the characteristics of single particle 's oscillation in the impact-flow dust collector were further revealed .

  23. 以空气和SO2混合气体作为模拟烟气,以Ca(OH)2悬浮液作为吸收剂,在一个新型撞击流气液反应器中进行了湿法脱硫试验研究。

    An experimental investigation on the wet desulfuration was conducted in a new type impinging stream reactor with air and SO_2 mixed gas as simulation fume and Ca ( OH ) _2 suspended liquid as adsorbent .