
  • 网络CONTRAST;contrast color
  1. A字型服饰、撞色袖和亮色组合都是相当不错的选择。

    A-line shapes are great as well as contrast sleeves and color blocking .

  2. 雅可布等,黑白撞色频频亮相各大秀场,定了黑白配的回归之势。

    The extreme contrast between black and white has paved the way for a return .

  3. 纱线表达:轻薄风格的单色纱线居多,主要通过与底布的撞色效果突显层次。

    Yarn expression : mostly light yarns of a single color , impacting the colorful backer and show difference .

  4. 不对称的泳装有助于把大家的目光吸引到颈线上,而撞色系列的泳衣则有利于凸显你的曲线。

    Asymmetrical suits are perfect for drawing attention to the neckline , whilst colour blocking can help highlight your shape .

  5. 这一次,她走更个性格更独特的路线,她将大色块的撞色、皮质摩托背心、透视雪纺衫加入她的孕妇装中。

    This time around , she incorporated edgier trends – color-blocking , leather moto vests and see-through chiffon – into her maternity wardrobe .

  6. 美国娱乐网站hollywoodlife.com建议追求个性的女孩试试撞色方根凉鞋与西短裤或是牛仔裤的搭配;

    US entertainment website hollywoodlife.com suggests girls who want to make a personal statement try to contrast colorful block heels with tailored shorts or jeans .

  7. 当时维多利亚正怀着哈珀,怀胎六月她还是成功坚持了她独具特色的平滑线条以及由亲自设计的略略宽松的女装,还是没有任何图案,然而却让当时玩撞色的皇后黯然失色。

    Victoria , who was five months pregnant with Harper at the time , still managed to stick to her trademark smooth lines with a gently skimming frock of her own design . No pattern for her , either . The queen of colour blocking went tonal instead .

  8. 71岁的怀特海德夫人还穿了一条与女王着装颜色很相近的绿色套裙,很显然撞了色,差点遭到皇室的反对。

    Dame Whitehead , 71 , had already risked royal disapproval by wearing a green ensemble similar to the Queen 's - which actually appeared to clash .