
  • baseball cap;baseball hat
  1. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。

    Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap .

  2. 他把棒球帽反戴着。

    He wears his baseball cap back to front

  3. 球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。

    The team 's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps .

  4. 他戴着一顶很不起眼的棒球帽。

    He 's wearing a deeply unappealing baseball hat

  5. 他以前常用一顶棒球帽裹住满头金发。

    He used to hide his blonde hair underneath a baseball cap .

  6. 《静水城》的大致情节基于阿曼达·诺克斯谋杀案件。马特·达蒙在该片中饰演居住在美国俄克拉荷马州静水城的肌肉发达、留着大胡子、戴着棒球帽的石油工人比尔·贝克。

    Loosely based on the Amanda Knox case , Stillwater stars a brawny3 , bearded , baseball-capped Matt Damon as Bill Baker4 , an oil worker who lives in Stillwater , Oklahoma .

  7. 桑科戴的达拉斯牛仔队(DallasCowboy)的棒球帽产自中国。

    Alyssa 's Dallas Cowboy baseball cap was made in China .

  8. 出口B挤满了出去过MemorialDay周末出城的大学生:背着后背包,松松垮垮牛仔裤,棒球帽,粗布包。

    Terminal B was bustling with college kids fleeing town for the long Memorial Day weekend : backpacks , baggy jeans , baseball caps , duffel bags .

  9. 作为一个历史系学生,前保守党领袖威廉黑格(williamhague)和其挥之不去的梦魇般的棒球帽足以让他学到点什么。

    He is enough of a student of history to have learnt something from former Tory leader William Hague and the baseball cap that came back to haunt him .

  10. 如果您想知道我为何佩戴黑色太阳镜、假胡须和棒球帽(模仿一个专业冰壶球队TheFloatingStones的徽标),那是因为我正在逃亡之中。

    If you 're wondering why I 'm wearing dark sunglasses , a fake moustache , and a baseball cap ( featuring the logo of professional curling team , The Floating Stones ), I 'm on the lam .

  11. 比如,在华尔街上ThomasPink新店开业时,一堆交易员穿着该品牌的新款水洗休闲衫&还戴着一顶多余而丑陋的棒球帽。

    At the opening of the new Thomas Pink store on Wall Street , for example , there was a scrum of traders wearing the brand 's new prewashed casual shirt – with a surfeit of ugly baseball hats .

  12. 而同一时间,Algonquin的常客往往头戴棒球帽、身穿T恤,奔向百老汇观看表演。

    At about the same hour , the Algonquin 's regulars , in baseball caps and T-shirts are headed out to catch a Broadway show .

  13. 上个月,Zippo推出了一个休闲服饰系列,产品包括套头衫、棒球帽和牛仔裤,在香港JointBase授权下生产。

    Last month . Zippo introduced a casual-clothing line . including hoodies . ball caps and jeans . made under license by Joint Base Ltd. . Hong Kong .

  14. 例如,巴黎时装品牌OlympiaLe-Tan制作了带金色流苏的大号学院风棒球帽,意大利品牌莫斯基诺为纯铜的(英文中美出现纯铜)棒球帽设计了标志性的金属字母,并有多种颜色可选。

    For instance , Paris-based fashion house Olympia Le-Tan created slightly oversized school caps with golden tassels , and Italian brand Moschino designed its iconic metallic letters encompassing traditional baseball caps with different color options .

  15. 参赛者头戴odor-eaters的棒球帽,身穿odor-eaters体恤衫,必须跳入赛场,然后在场内转一圈,最后脱下鞋子交给评委。

    Clad in odor-eaters baseball caps and odor-eaters T-shirts , each contestant had to jump in place once and then make one full turn in place before taking off his or her shoes and handing them to the judges .

  16. 他为了好运戴上他最喜欢的棒球帽。

    1 he donned his favorite baseball cap for good luck .

  17. 我大部分的时候都会戴一顶棒球帽,一副划船手套,还有是面带微笑

    Mostly , a baseball cap , rowing gloves and a smile

  18. 快要秃顶的男人们总是戴着棒球帽。

    Men who are going bald often wear baseball caps .

  19. 这个印在棒球帽上肯定好看。

    This is gonna look great on a baseball cap .

  20. 你可以看到他们分别戴着白色和黑色棒球帽。

    You can see them here in white and black baseball caps .

  21. 我有一顶带有奥运会标志的棒球帽。

    I have a baseball cap with the Olympic logo .

  22. 戴棒球帽的时尚是直接从美国引入的。

    The fashion for wearing baseball hats was imported directly from the States .

  23. 我能戴棒球帽去上班吗?

    Can I wear a baseball cap to work ?

  24. 同时,棒球帽也可以搭配运动风。

    Also , they go well with athletic wear .

  25. 哥哥神气地戴着他的棒球帽到处张望。

    Older brother is proudly wearing his baseball hat and looks all around .

  26. 他身穿黑色裤子和红色衬衫,头戴一顶红色棒球帽。

    He wore black pants , a red shirt and a red baseball hat .

  27. 我注视着雨水沿着汤姆棒球帽的边缘滴落。

    I watched the water drip off the rim of Tom 's baseball cap .

  28. 对于女性时尚范儿追求者来说,棒球帽绝对是遮掩油头垢面必备产品。

    For female fashion aficionados , baseball caps are perfect for greasy hair days .

  29. 她给过我一顶棒球帽。

    She brought me a dodger baseball cap .

  30. 带有奥运会标志的棒球帽。

    A baseball cap with the Olympic logo .