
  • 网络Baseball Field;Ballpark;diamond;Baseball Diamond;baseball park
  1. 有人提出,我们可以在旧金山巨人队(SanFranciscoGiants)棒球场的豪华套房举办一场盛大的派对。

    Someone came up with the notion that we should throw a blowout party in a luxury suite at the San Francisco Giants " ballpark .

  2. 15.看球赛&去附近的棒球场和露天运动场。

    15.Take me out to the ballgame - Visit your local ballpark or stadium .

  3. 他是我在棒球场上见过的跑得最快的家伙。

    He was the fastest thing I ever saw on a baseball field

  4. 他在20世纪60年代告别了棒球场。

    He departed baseball in the ' 60s .

  5. 地震发生时,该电视网正在烛台棒球场直播世界系列赛。

    The network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck .

  6. 在紧要关头,劳工部长沃兹进来干预,制止了给棒球场开幕造成威胁的罢工。

    Labour Secretary Wirtz stepped in at the last minute to halt a strike which threatened opening day at the ball park .

  7. 6月3日,他在首尔最大的棒球场为LGTwins棒球队投出开赛第一球。

    On Sunday , Mr. Sandel threw the opening pitch for the LG Twins at Seoul 's biggest baseball stadium .

  8. 计划中的另一个人行道项目涉及的是第二街。它是通往巨人队(Giants)的棒球场AT&T球场(AT&TPark)的主要道路之一。

    A third sidewalk project is planned for Second Street , one of the main routes to AT & T Park , the baseball stadium where the Giants play .

  9. 他写道,这个国家正在经历一场“权威危机”,美国国会山(CapitolHill)、华尔街(WallStreet),乃至棒球场和天主教会(CatholicChurch)的一系列丑闻就是例证。

    He argues that the country is experiencing a " crisis of authority , " illustrated by the scandals on Capitol Hill and Wall Street , in baseball and the Catholic Church , among others .

  10. Blagojevich还被起诉在出售WrigleyField棒球场后扣缴政府基金。该棒球场由ChicagoTribunenewspaper的母公司TribuneCompany所有。

    Blagojevich is also charged in withholding state funds in the sale of the Wrigley Field baseball park , which is owned by the Tribune Company , parent company of the Chicago Tribune newspaper .

  11. 纽约明星AlexRodriguez最近因对其有髋关节行关节镜手术而成为了头条新闻,这个决定使得他离开棒球场若干周。

    New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez recently made headlines when he opted to have arthroscopy on such a tear in his right hip , a decision that has him sidelined from baseball for weeks .

  12. 与此同时,机器人制造商发那科(Fanuc)为了吸引新员工到其位于富士山脚下的不方便的总部工作,计划扩大其健身房,并修建新的网球场和棒球场。

    Robot maker Fanuc , meanwhile , plans to woo recruits to its inconvenient headquarters at the foot of Mount Fuji by expanding its gym , and building a new tennis court and baseball field .

  13. 与此同时,机器人制造商发那科(Fanuc)为了吸引新员工到其位于富士山脚下的“不方便”的总部工作,计划扩大其健身房,并修建新的网球场和棒球场。

    Robot maker Fanuc , meanwhile , plans to woo recruits to its " inconvenient " headquarters at the foot of Mount Fuji by expanding its gym , and building a new tennis court and baseball field .

  14. 天津地区棒球场草坪病害诊断及防治

    Diagnosis and Control of Disease of Baseball Field Lawn in Tianjin

  15. 我要去棒球场可以在这里下车吗?

    Shall I get off here to go to a stadium ?

  16. (想象一下,差不多正好能够放入一个棒球场内场。)

    ( picture it fitting comfortably within a baseball infield . )

  17. 他在空地上划出棒球场的内野。

    He laid off a baseball diamond on the vacant lot .

  18. 棒球场浸了水,湿漉漉的,所以比赛只好取消

    The baseball field be waterlogged so the match have to be cancelled

  19. 我们已经制订了去棒球场的计划。

    We made plans to go to the baseball stadium .

  20. 棒球场,你在说什么啊?

    In , infield , what are you talking about ?

  21. 它是任何一个露天棒球场的两倍大。

    It was twice the size of any baseball stadium .

  22. 马德森:杰森跟我定好了,我们要去棒球场。

    Madsen : Jason and I are going to hit the park .

  23. 原因是他在棒球场上谋杀了另一个男孩。

    For killing another boy on the baseball field .

  24. 去棒球场的公共汽车在这儿停吗?

    Does the bus for baseball stadium stop here ?

  25. 棒球场上发生了一场群殴。

    A free-for-all broke out on the baseball diamond .

  26. 我站在一座土丘上,恰好是当年的棒球场附近。

    I stand on the rise near what was once the baseball diamond .

  27. 我为什么对去棒球场这么感兴趣?

    Why would I even be interested in going to a baseball stadium ?

  28. 我要在绿色魔鬼棒球场结婚了!

    I 'm getting married under the Green Monster !

  29. 棒球场分为内场和外场。

    To hit ( a ball ) into the air just beyond the infield .

  30. 你记得吗?棒球场的那个呀?

    You remember ? From the ball park ?