
bàng bàng táng
  • lollipop;Candy;bonbon;rock
棒棒糖 [bàng bàng táng]
  • [lollipop] 放在嘴里吮溶的带棍的硬质糖果

  1. 我吃了爆米花、香蕉和棒棒糖。

    I ate popcorn , banana and lollipop .

  2. 宝宝可喜欢长长柄的气球棒棒糖啦!

    Yue loves this kind of balloon lollipop with long shaft !

  3. 他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。

    They stuffed themselves with ice creams , chocolate and lollies .

  4. 去杂货店给我买点棒棒糖来。

    Go down to the grocer 's and get some bonbons .

  5. 他们把所有的棒棒糖都吃光了,真贪吃。

    It was greedy of them to eat up all the bonbons .

  6. 情人节的时候,母亲收到一份心形盒装的美味棒棒糖

    For St. Valentine 's Day , Mother received a heart-shaped box of delicious bonbons .

  7. 本公司主要出口棉花糖、棒棒糖、泡泡糖、巧克力、儿童玩具等

    Our company specialize marshmallows , lollipops , bubble gums , chocolates and toys with candy .

  8. KH报道。过去,生病的小朋友在去了医院之后,就会从医生那里得到一只棒棒糖。

    Used to be that sick kids got lollypops after a visit with the doctor .

  9. 除了卖茶叶,茶商还对茶叶进行蒸馏和提炼,并将这些精华加入到口香糖、软饮料和润肤露中,在亚洲,神早还加入到KITKAT棒棒糖中。

    In addition to selling green tea leaves , tea merchants have distilled the brew 's essence and added it to gum , soft drinks and skin creams-even , in Asia , to Kit Kat candy bars .

  10. 我想我还能从他这得到些棒棒糖。

    I think I can get some lollipops out of him .

  11. 吃起了生日棒棒糖,开心地翩翩起舞啦!

    With the birthday lollipop in my mouth , I danced happily !

  12. 诱惑红:经常在果冻和棒棒糖中使用。

    Temptation red : often used in jellies and lollipops .

  13. 蚁后就住在驾驶座位下的棒棒糖上。

    Queen lives on a blow pop under the driver 's seat .

  14. 在英格兰,冰棒被称为冰棒棒糖。

    In England a popsicle is called an ice lolly .

  15. 有饼干、糖果、巧克力和棒棒糖。

    like these biscuits , sweets , chocolate and lollipops .

  16. 就像从小孩子手上抢棒棒糖一样简单

    lt 'll be like taking candy from a baby .

  17. 你妈妈让我给六岁大的小孩子们发无糖棒棒糖

    Your mom is making me hand out sugar-free lollypops to six-year-olds .

  18. 去年开出了253例验光处方,还派送柠檬棒棒糖。

    He wrote up253eye-glass prescriptions last year and gives out little lemon lollipops .

  19. 今早你还吃棒棒糖来着。

    This morning you were chewing on candy canes .

  20. 理发师把棒棒糖分发给所有的孩子们。

    The barber gives out free out free collipops to all the children .

  21. 就像咱原来那样只是不是棒棒糖和啤酒

    Like we used to , except instead of candy bars and beer ,

  22. 它用棒棒糖来标示(有时也称为一个球)。

    This is denoted as lollipop ( also known as a ball ) .

  23. 出去时自己拿个棒棒糖。

    Get yourself a sucker on the way out .

  24. 我们需要铲子和更多棒棒糖棍

    We need shovels and five more popsickle sticks .

  25. 我给她买了棒棒糖,一吹就呜的打响的小喇叭。我就往回走。

    I bought lollipops and a toot-toot bugle . I started for home .

  26. 能不能把这个棒棒糖给我?

    Can I have the rest of the lollipop ?

  27. 约翰,而她偷了一支棒棒糖。

    John , and she stole a candy bar .

  28. 没错,你需要这根棒棒糖。

    Yeah , you 're gonna need that lollipop .

  29. 他们正在吃生日蛋糕和棒棒糖。

    They are eating birthday cake and lollipops .

  30. 她卖很多不同口味的棒棒糖。

    She sold many flavors of cool lollipops .