
  • 网络climbing wall;Rock-Climbing Wall;Rock Climbing Wall
  1. 我们经常会搭一个五人制充气足球场或蓝网球(netball)场。不久后,我们还会有一面攀岩墙,活动经理凯特奥尔森(KateOlsen)表示。

    We often put up an inflatable five-a-side football pitch or set up netball courts and we 're having a climbing wall in soon , says Kate Olsen , events manager .

  2. 这是一面15米高的攀岩墙。

    It 's a15 meter tall climbing wall .

  3. 从西端的阿尔玛桥(Pontdel’Alma)入口开始,走过主题经常变化的艺术展览场地、攀岩墙以及跳房子游戏和板手球运动场地。

    Start at the Pont de l'Alma entrance to the west and make your way past the rotating art exhibitions , climbing walls and stations for hopscotch and paddleball .

  4. 亲爱的那是道攀岩墙那安全吗

    Sweetie , that 's a rock wall . Is that even safe ?

  5. 有些学校有昂贵的攀岩墙;

    Some schools have expensive climbing walls ;

  6. 你想试试吗不我去玩攀岩墙了

    Do you want to ? Nah . I 'm gonna do the rock wall .

  7. 船上有供锻炼身体的篮球场、攀岩墙、溜冰场和迷你高尔夫球场。

    For exercise , there are basketball courts , rock-climbing walls , an ice-rink and mini-golf .

  8. 有些学校有昂贵的攀岩墙;另一些学校有如同五星级宾馆那样豪华的保健中心。

    Some schools have expensive climbing walls ; others have wellness centers worthy of five-star hotels .

  9. 鉴于在其他地方工作有可能面临的挑战(既没有免费食物,又没有攀岩墙),谷歌的员工为什么要离职呢?

    Given the challenges of working elsewhere no free food , no climbing wall why would an employee leave at all ?

  10. 学校修建了三个大型多功能室内运动场地,并且在周围有专业的环形跑道。俯瞰下去,面积足足达到了4800平方米!同时学校还修建了攀岩墙和有氧健身房。

    Three full sized multi-purpose gym courts surrounded by a four lane track , complete cardiovascular area overlooking a4800 square foot weight room , also a climbing wall and an aerobics room .

  11. 皇家加勒比公司为此新船耗资约十亿美元,船上有二十家餐馆、十七间酒吧与休息室、一座可以穿行其中的纽约中央公园模型,以及两处攀岩墙。

    The new ship cost Royal Caribbean around $ 1 billion and has20 restaurants , 17 bars and lounges , a walk through mock-up of New York 's Central Park and two rock-climbing walls .

  12. 这艘游轮自带水上公园,其中包括五个水上滑梯、一个巴西风格的牛排餐厅、一个莫吉托酒吧、热水浴缸、一个“感应海滩俱乐部”、一个攀岩墙、一个户外舞蹈俱乐部,还有一个突击娱乐项目。

    The ship boasts its own Aqua Park , including five multi-storey waterslides , a Brazilian-style steakhouse , a mojito bar , hot tubs , a ' Vibe Beach Club ' , a rock-climbing wall , an outdoor dance club and a rope assault course .

  13. 皇家加勒比已经将其最先进的邮轮派往中国,船上配有高速网络、智能支付手环、300英尺高的摇臂观景舱、机器人调酒师、攀岩墙、碰碰车以及可玩甲板跳伞的垂直风洞,以吸引中国家庭中各代人的兴趣。

    Royal Caribbean has sent its most advanced ships to China , complete with high-speed internet , smart bracelets for payments , a 300ft high viewing pod , robot bartenders , a rock climbing wall , bumper cars and a skydiving wind tunnel , in order to appeal to every generation of Chinese families .