
shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhí
  • aquaculture;aquiculture
水产养殖[shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhí]
  1. 基于PLC工厂化水产养殖监控系统的设计

    The design of a factory aquiculture monitor system based on PLC

  2. Winsock在工厂化水产养殖监控网络系统中的应用

    Application of Winsock on the Data Monitor and Control of Aquiculture

  3. 滩涂牡蛎养殖场是一种水产养殖方式。

    Oyster beds , on the mudflats , are a form of fish farming .

  4. WindowSDNA体系在智能化水产养殖信息系统中的应用

    Application of Windows DNA System on Intellectual Aquacultural Information System

  5. 针对工厂化水产养殖多环境因子展开广泛的研究,系统分析水体温度、溶解氧、PH值检测与控制;

    The extensive study is aimed to multi-environment factor of facility aquaculture .

  6. PCR技术在水产养殖动物疾病诊断中的应用研究进展

    Research Progress and Applications of PCR Technology on Diseases Diagnose in Aquaculture Animal

  7. 粮农组织(TheFoodandAgricultureOrganization,FAO)表示,水产养殖正以每年6.6%的速度增长。

    The Food and Agriculture Organization says aquaculture is growing by a rate of 6.6 percent a year .

  8. 平水期COD含量较高的水体为水产养殖场周围水体。

    And in normal water season , that was the water around aquiculture site .

  9. 新型水产养殖消毒剂的制备、性能及其临床应用I.碘伏

    Preparations , properties and clinical practice of the new type aquatic farming disinfectant ⅰ . iodophor

  10. 基于OLAP的水产养殖信息一体化系统的应用研究

    Application Research of Aquaculture Information Integration System Based on OLAP

  11. 稳定态二氧化氯(StabilizedChlorineDioxide,SCD)是水产养殖中常用的一种消毒剂。

    Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide ( SCD ) was a kind of disinfectants applied in aquaculture .

  12. 16Srdna技术及在水产养殖细菌分析中的应用前景

    Perspectives for Application of 16S rDNA Technology on Bacterial Analysis in Aquaculture

  13. 基于Profibus-DP的水产养殖多环境参数测控系统

    Measurement and Control System of Aquiculture with Multi-Environmental Factors Based on Profibus-DP

  14. 结合水产养殖环境各因子的特点和我国传感器的现状,确定系统对水域的温度、溶氧、PH值进行监测。

    Combine aquaculture the characteristics of environment factors and status of our sensors to determine the system water temperature , dissolved oxygen , and PH to monitor .

  15. 营养液膜技术栽培牧草净化循环流水水产养殖废水的试验水产养殖(Aquaculture)对环境的影响

    Utilization of nutrient film technology grass to treat wastewater from a recirculating aquaculture system Effect of Aquaculture on Environment

  16. 本系统在实际现场测试中运行稳定,实现了对溶解氧、PH值和温度等水产养殖环境因子的自动监控。

    In practice , the system functions can measure and control some kinds of environmental factors , such as , DO ( Dissolved Oxygen ), PH , and Temperature .

  17. SebastianBelle是缅因州水产养殖协会主任。

    Sebastian Belle is director of the Maine Aquaculture Association .

  18. 天然沸石用于水产养殖的研究Ⅰ.丝光沸石和斜发沸石对水中NH4~+的吸附

    Study on the use , of natural zeolites in aquaculture ⅰ . absorbing nh_4 ~ + in waters with mordenite and clinoptilolite

  19. 目前,在水产养殖种类中使用的遗传标记主要包括线粒体DNA、RFLP、RAPD、AFLP、微卫星、SNP和EST标记。

    Popular genetic markers in the aquaculture community include mitochondrial DNA , RFLP , RAPD , AFLP , microsatellite , SNP , and EST markers .

  20. 水产养殖环境中抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的研究及进展

    Research Advancement of Antibiotics Resistance Genes ( ARGs ) in Aquaculture Environment

  21. 各水文期不同水体COD平均含量排序为:枯水期COD含量较高的水体为水产养殖场及居民生活区周围水体;

    In low water season , the water body , which contents of COD were higher than the others , were the water around aquiculture site and residential area ;

  22. 膜生物反应器(MBR)主要用于工业污水和城市生活污水的处理,但在水产养殖污水处理方面的应用研究,国内外尚未见报道。

    Membrane bioreactors ( MBR ) are widely adopted in treatment systems for industrial sewage , but never for treating sewage from aquaculture .

  23. 研究了膜式氧合器3种不同解吸方式,即:O2对流法、真空抽取法和酸吸收法去除水产养殖水体中氨氮的影响因素,并比较其对氨氮的去除效果。

    Using membrane oxygenator , 3 stripping methods O 2 sweeping , vacuum extracting and acid absorbing were employed to remove the ammonia-N from aquaculture water .

  24. 但全球水产养殖联盟的沃利•史蒂文斯(WallyStevens)表示,水产养殖行业必须继续发展以供养日益增长的人口。

    But Wally Stevens of the trade group Global Aquaculture Alliance says the industry must continue developing to feed growing populations .

  25. 介绍了一种利用Winsock控件在TCP和UDP协议基础上建立的网络化水产养殖监控系统。

    There is a design of monitor and control system in aquiculture is proposed in this paper , that is based on TCP and UCP protocol and using Winsock control .

  26. 喹诺酮类(Quinolones)药物是一类人工合成的人畜共用抗生素类药物,对革兰氏阴性菌和阳性菌、支原体、衣原体等有抗菌作用,常被用于水产养殖中的病害防治。

    Quinolones were synthetic antibiotics for people and animals , acting on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterias , always used in preventing diseases in aquaculture .

  27. 本文首先通过对国内外水产养殖环境监控研究现状的分析,提出了本课题的整体设计方案,确立了以溶解氧、pH值、温度为监控系统的主要监控对象。

    First of all , this paper put forward the whole devise project after the analyze of latest research all over the world and the structure introduction of the environment in aquaculture . In the system , the main monitoring objects are dissolved oxygen , pH and temperature .

  28. BillThompson:“即使野生的鳕鱼储备达到饱和状态,也仍然不能满足全世界的需求。所以,水产养殖就是未来的趋势。由一个家庭来经营一个企业是可行的。”

    BILL THOMPSON : " the wild stocks came back to their fullest capacity , they still wouldn 't be able to feed the world . So I think this is the way of the future . And it 's for a family to run a business . "

  29. 生态产品评价系统在水产养殖机械设计中的应用

    The application of ecological product assessment system in aquaculture mechanism design

  30. 关于中国水产养殖动物对营养物质需要量的研究

    A review : nutrient requirement of aquatic animals cultivated in China