
  • 网络income distribution mechanism
  1. 经营者收入分配机制创新论

    A New Outlook of the Manager 's Income Distribution Mechanism

  2. 完善构建和谐社会的收入分配机制

    Perfection of Income Distribution Mechanism to Build Harmonious Society

  3. 外卖平台要建立以工作任务、劳动强度相匹配的收入分配机制,劳动者的劳动报酬不低于当地最低工资标准。

    Food delivery platforms must establish an income distribution system based on orders the delivery workers take and the intensity of their work . The food delivery workers ' income should not be less than the locality 's lowest wage standard .

  4. 经济全球化对国际分工与要素收入分配机制的影响

    Globalization of Intellectual Economy and Its Influence on Income Allotment Mechanism

  5. 析我国高等教育收入分配机制

    An Analysis of Income Distribution System in China 's Higher Education

  6. 改革医院职工收入分配机制的探讨

    Exploration on the reform of income allocation system for hospital 's staffs

  7. 理顺收入分配机制促进国民经济发展

    Straighten up the Income Distribution System to Promote the National Economic Development

  8. 薪酬体系是基于企业的发展战略而建立的员工收入分配机制。

    Compensation system is based on the enterprise development strategy .

  9. 论我国个人所得税的调节收入分配机制

    The Adjustment Role of Income Tax in Income Distribution System

  10. 服务业跨国公司内部的公平收入分配机制研究

    The Research on the Mechanism of the Fair Income Distribution in Service MNCs

  11. 非均衡的发展战略使得我国城乡收入分配机制发生了根本性的变化;

    Non-balanced development strategy has enabled urban and rural income distribution mechanism to have a fundamental change .

  12. 构建以市场为基础、政府为主导的收入分配机制&对收入分配与经济增长关系的思考

    Building the Government-led Income Distribution Mechanism Based on the Market & Thinking about the Relationship between Income Distribution and Economic Growth

  13. 本人从管理理论和管理实践出发,利用所学的人力资源管理方面的知识,运用实证研究等方法,对武汉石油化工厂现行的收入分配机制进行了探讨和研究。

    The article studies the income distribution system of WHPCC on the basis of related management theory and practice , as well as knowledge on human resources management .

  14. 深化企业分配制度改革,必须通过建立与现代企业制度相匹配的收入分配机制和约束机制;建立正常工资增长机制等手段予以解决。

    Deepening the reform of enterprise distribution system requires the establishment of revenue distribution mechanism and restrain mechanism and regular income growing mechanism that match modern enterprise system .

  15. 他们习惯于毫无风险的平均主义,不愿面对优胜劣汰的竞争机制和多劳多得、优绩优酬的收入分配机制。

    They are accustomed to equalitarianism and unwilling to face the competitive mechanism of the survival of the fittest and the income distribution mechanism which highlights pay with optimal performance .

  16. 通过研究资本主义社会的国民收入分配机制,马克思认为一个社会需要的福利分配制度应当以劳动者得到均衡发展为标准。

    Through the research of the national income distribution mechanism in capitalism society , Marx thinks the welfare distribution system needed in a society should take the balanced development of laborers as the standard .

  17. 因此,在经济快速发展和改革不断深入的同时,建立维持我国社会公平和稳定的收入分配机制并使其成熟,就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the rapid economic development and the deepening of reform , while maintaining our society to establish a fair and stable income distribution mechanism and make it matures , it becomes particularly important .

  18. 为了形成合理的收入分配机制,客观上要求进一步改革和完善个人所得税制,而征收管理是个人所得税发挥作用的关键。

    In order to form a fair system of income distribution , individual income tax system should be reformed and improved and the key to the good advantage of individual income tax is how to collect and manage .

  19. 创新机制,建立多层次的人才流动机制、引进机制、培养使用机制、收入分配机制、保障服务机制等,以适应人才资源不断发展的新需要。

    Innovative mechanism , set up multi-level mechanism of floating of professionals , introducing the mechanism , training , using the mechanism , income distribution mechanism , ensuring , serving the mechanism , etc. , in order to meet the developing new need of talent resource .

  20. 关于加工贸易对我国行业收入分配的影响机制问题,本文着重分析了加工贸易对我国行业收入水平、行业间收入差距的影响。

    It analyses the impact of processing trade to industrial income distribution and the industrial income disparity as well .

  21. 论铁路运输收入分配和企业经营机制的转换

    On Distribution of Railway Traffic Revenue and Trans-forming of Operation Mechanism of Enterprises

  22. 文章从金融发展方面入手,首先剖析了金融发展对收入分配可能的作用机制,指出主要有三种路径:经济增长路径,金融服务路径和金融危机路径;

    This article focuses on the financial development affection , and points out that there exists three main channels that financial development can work on income distribution : economic growth channel , the access to financial services channel , financial liberalization sequence channel .

  23. 按劳分配的基本分配制度、收入分配实现的市场机制和政府的收入再分配都是建设社会主义和谐社会的需要,都应该是我国的收入分配制度的组成部分。

    The fundamental system of distribution according to work , the market mechanism to actualize income distribution and income redistribution by government all should be used in the construction of harmonious socialist society , as the necessary parts of the system of income distribution in our country .

  24. 从社会分工、人力资本的专用性、人力资本的群体性等方面分析了人力资本参与企业收入分配的一般作用机制。

    From many respectives including social division of labor , the specialty of the human capital and the mass work of the human capital , the dissertation gives an analysis of the general function system of the involvement of human capital in the distribution of the enterprise income .

  25. 缩小收入差距,一方面要完善收入分配机制,另一方面需要探索有利于公平分配的经济增长模式。

    Reducing the income gap need not only perfect the income distribution mechanism , but also seek for the economic growth model that is in favor of fair distribution .

  26. 文章对地勘单位收入分配制度及存在问题进行了分析,并对深化分配制度改革、建立工资收入分配新机制提出了建议。

    The paper analyses the system and problems of income distribution in geological prospecting units . It also offers proposals for strengthening distribution system and setting up new mechanism of wages income distribution .