
jiàn zhù shānɡ
  • builder
  1. 目前这家建筑商有几项工程在进行。

    The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment .

  2. 另一个弗吉尼亚州建筑商SteveAlloy则回想起有关美国违约的谈论使得他许多客户打消念头。

    Steve Alloy , another Virginia builder , recalls how the talk of America defaulting deterred many of his customers .

  3. 小建筑商认为不可能招收很多见习生。

    Small builders cannot see their way clear to take on many trainees .

  4. 安娜与几个建筑商有过接洽,并且很幸运地碰到了埃迪。

    Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie .

  5. 欧洲建筑商联合会拥有逾35万家建筑公司会员。

    The European Builders Confederation has a membership of over 350,000 building companies .

  6. 建筑商耗尽了材料。

    The builders ran out of materials .

  7. 他给房屋建筑商提供了现代的木构架。

    He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames

  8. 建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。

    Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work

  9. 首先是设计师抑或监管者,其次是建筑商和运营商,每一组接受培训的工人都必须知道在培训结束后还有工作要做。

    One needs the designers , and perhaps the regulators , before the builders and operators , and each group of workers in training has to know there is work waiting beyond graduation .

  10. 房屋建筑商kbhomes的创始人、著名收藏家伊莱布罗德(elibroad)正在洛杉矶兴建一所博物馆。

    Eli Broad , the founder of builder KB homes and a well-known collector , is setting up a museum in Los Angeles .

  11. 全美房屋建筑商协会(NationalAssociationofHomebuilders)和美国全国地产经纪商协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)已经开始争取延长针对买房者的8000美元减税计划。

    The National Association of Homebuilders and the National Association of Realtors have already started their predictable campaigns for the extension of the $ 8000 homebuyer credit .

  12. 瑞银分析师(UBS)戴维•戈德博格指出,2012年来住宅建筑商的股价已平均上涨了49%,人人都在期待大复苏的出现。

    Shares of homebuilding stocks have surged 49 % on average in 2012 in anticipation of the big rebound , according to UBS analyst David Goldberg .

  13. NPR新闻的戴夫·马丁利将带来全美住房建筑商协会/富国银行发布的最新调查。

    NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports on the latest survey from the National Association of Home Builders / Wells Fargo .

  14. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的报道称,沃尔玛通过行贿获得了土地审批、降低建筑商费用等一切,快速地开设了数百家新店,将竞争对手轻松地甩在了后面。

    For Wal-Mart ( WMT ) , bribes allegedly bought the retail giant everything from zoning approvals to reductions in builder fees , helping it build hundreds of new stores at a pace where competitors struggle to catch up , according to the New York Times .

  15. 随着我国加入WTO,为了应对国际建筑商的涌入与竞争,必须加强我国建筑业及相关产业的发展,商品混凝土产业作为建筑业的相关产业应受到重视。

    As the entry of the WTO , our country 's construction industry and relevant industries must reinforce their power to adapt the cruel international competition . As the relevant industry of the construction industry , the Ready-Mixed concrete industry should be paid more attention .

  16. HighFrequencyEconomics的经济学家伊恩•谢泼德森(IanShepherdson)表示:随着房屋价格骤降,买房动机如今已不复存在,因此销售会继续下滑,直至建筑商减产幅度足以拉低库存的时候才会停止。

    With house prices plummeting the incentive to buy a home is now non-existent , so sales will keep falling until builders cut production far enough to bring inventory down , said Ian Shepherdson , an economist at High Frequency Economics .

  17. 美国西海岸一家住房建筑商WoodsideHomes的首席执行长肖恩(JoelShine)说,我们正在看到一个开始变得非常健康的住房市场。

    ' We are seeing what is beginning to look like a pretty healthy housing market , ' said Joel Shine , chief executive of Woodside Homes , a West Coast home builder .

  18. 大和房建同样充满信心,认为自身比中国本土开发商具备优势,因为“中国建筑商的工程质量相当低劣”,eto表示。

    Daiwa House is equally confident that it has an edge over local developers because " the quality of the work of Chinese builders is low " , says Mr ETO .

  19. 除泰山石膏外,还有可耐福石膏板(天津)有限公司(KnaufPlasterboardTianjin)等中国石膏生产公司正面临房主及建筑商提起的若干诉讼。

    In addition to Taishan Gypsum , other companies based in China , including , Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin , or KPT , are facing a number of lawsuits by homeowners and home builders .

  20. 有一桩备受关注的交易是,美国大型房屋建筑商LennarCorp.目前正与中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)就一笔约17亿美元的贷款进行磋商,这笔资金将用于把位于旧金山的两个前海军基地改造成大型住宅项目。

    In one closely watched deal that is being negotiated , Lennar Corp. , LEN + 0.47 % a major home builder , is in talks with the China Development Bank for about $ 1.7 billion in capital to transform two former San Francisco naval bases into huge housing developments .

  21. 设计博物馆馆长RiaHawthorn称:他们的灵感来源于自行车的设计,亮度和比赛用的自行车的速度,他们想在建筑商尝试和反映。

    Ria Hawthorn , curator of Design Museum , said , They were inspired by the design of the bicycle so the lightness and the speed of any racing bike and they wanted to try and reflect that in the architecture .

  22. 周四,中国营收最高的住宅建筑商万科(Vanke)和大连万达(DalianWanda)公布了一份《战略合作框架协议》,该协议将同时涵盖国内和国际市场。

    China Vanke , the country 's largest homebuilder by revenue , and Dalian Wanda , owner of China 's top commercial developer , on Thursday announced a " strategic co-operation agreement " that will cover both domestic and international markets .

  23. 他还说,负债较高的建筑商,比如KBHome、Beazer和霍夫纳尼安的债务水平介于市值的77-186%,它们反弹速度可能会慢一些。

    Builders with higher debt , such as KB home ( KBH ) , Beazer ( bzh ) , and hovnanian whose debt levels range from 77 % to 186 % of market cap , will likely see a slower rebound , he says .

  24. SEC指控称,2009年3月31日,万格在市场收盘前半小时将WoodbridgeHoldingsCorp.(一家住房建筑商,该股现已不再公开交易)股价由40美分推高至62美分。

    On March 31 , 2009 , the SEC alleged , he drove the price of Woodbridge Holdings Corp. , a home builder that is no longer publicly traded , to 62 cents , from 40 cents , a half-hour before the market closed .

  25. 于是,除了Geico等保险商以外,伯克希尔还拥有铁路、租赁公司、建筑商、汽车经销商以及其它很多坚实、平凡、稳定的企业。

    Thus , as well as insurers such as Geico , Berkshire owns railways , leasing companies , housebuilders , auto dealerships and many other solid , mundane , steady operations .

  26. 成百上千的高端共管公寓拔地而起,很多建筑商已不再考虑当地买家,也就是当地有线电视频道NY1新闻所说的那些“真正的纽约人”了;

    Hundreds of high-end condominiums have been built , and many of the builders no longer have , as the local cable channel NY1 News might put it , " real New Yorkers " in mind .

  27. 有些住宅建筑商最近一个季度所获订单的增幅更加可观:莱纳(Lennar)订单量增长40%,Meritage多拿了49%的订单,霍夫纳尼安更实现了52%的涨幅。

    Some individual homebuilders have reported even higher orders in the latest quarter : Lennar ( len ) saw orders spike 40 % , Meritage ( mth ) 49 % and hovnanian ( HOV ) 52 % .

  28. 建筑商答应在星期五拆除脚手架。

    The builders promised to take the scaffold down on friday .

  29. 一定要拿到建筑商的书面报价。

    Make sure you get a written quotation from the builder .

  30. 建筑商正将那块荒地开发为住宅用地。

    The builders are developing that tract of wasteland for housing .