
  • 网络Architectural History
  1. 牛津大学里各个古老的学院都有着悠久的建筑历史。

    The old colleges of Oxford have an ancient architectural history .

  2. 中国近、现代建筑历史整合的可行性研究

    The Feasibility Research of the Integration of Chinese Modern Architectural History

  3. 对话:AA学校的建筑历史与理论的教学思想

    Conversation : aa 's method and belief in teaching architecture histories and theories

  4. 南岳宗教建筑历史及保护的研究

    The Research on History and Protection of the Religious Constructions in Nan Yue

  5. 近代建筑历史文化价值辨识

    Identification of historic and cultural value of modern architectures

  6. 中国的建筑历史悠长。

    China 's construction history is long .

  7. 1937-1949:不应被遗忘的现代建筑历史&抗日战争爆发后的现代建筑思潮

    1937-1949 : To Memorize the History of Modern Architecture - Modern Architectural Trends after Anti-Japanese War

  8. 回溯中国建筑历史中许多章节,会发现同样是功能在主导形式。

    Remount to Chinese architecture history , we acknowledge that function is as such leading form .

  9. 中国古代建筑历史悠久,其中最具中国特色的当属古代木结构。

    Chinese ancient architecture has a long history , the most representative of which are ancient wood structures .

  10. 在1930年代中中国的建筑历史的领域真实地对空前的发现刺激开放。

    In the1930s the field of Chinese architectural history was truly open to the excitement of unprecedented finds .

  11. 对海南近代建筑历史乃至中国近代建筑历史的研究具有特殊的社会与文化意义。

    The research of Hainan Modern Architectural History and the Chinese Modern Architectural History has special social and cultural significance .

  12. 王平:首先,场馆的建筑历史就是一部完整的体育发展的历史。

    Wang Ping : First , the history of the stadiums and gymnasiums is a complete history of sports development .

  13. 古埃及是建筑历史的第一章,是人类历史上重要的建筑美学体系。

    Ancient Egyptian is the first chapter of architecture history , also it is the important aesthetic system in human history .

  14. 山西独特的地理位置和悠久的文化历史,决定了它在建筑历史研究中的重要性。

    Shanxi has a great important position in study of architectural history because of it 's characteristic position and long standing culture .

  15. 本文主要初步地讨论了在建筑历史领域中进行空间形式研究的必要性与可行性问题,进而提出了相应的研究构想。

    This thesis is about the space form study in architecture history . It estimate the need and feasibility of the study .

  16. 一些所谓的现代利益的价值无法同古建筑历史和美学的价值相提并论。

    First , some so-called modern values often cannot reach the same class of the historical values which the ancient buildings possess .

  17. 对其详加研究无疑会进一步加深我们对传统文化及乡土建筑历史与现实价值的认识。

    A detailed study on that will certainly further our understandings on traditional culture and the historical and present values of the agrestic architecture .

  18. 简要介绍了美国国会图书馆的建筑历史、社会职能和馆内收藏,及该馆正在奋斗的目标。

    This text briefly introduces the construction history , the social functions , the collection and the struggling target of the Library of Congress .

  19. 苗族民居建筑历史悠久,文化内涵丰富多彩,具有极高的文化研究价值和审美价值。

    The Miao dwelling architecture has a long history , rich and colorful cultural connotation , and high cultural research value and aesthetic value .

  20. 这些研究既是对传统哈尔滨地方建筑历史的充实,也是对哈尔滨俄籍建筑师研究的深入探索。

    These research not only enriches the traditional Harbin local architecture history , but also explores deeply about the research of Russian architects in Harbin .

  21. 试图突破既有的中国近代建筑历史研究范式,为中国近代建筑历史研究提供新的切入点和研究视角。

    This essay intends to break through the former study pattern and offers a new angle of view for the research of Chinese modern architectural history .

  22. 中国古代建筑历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,其精美的造型特征和独特的结构技术堪称世界建筑史上的奇葩。

    Chinese ancient architecture has long history and profound culture connotations , whose elegant mould characteristics and special structure technology are famous in the world architecture history .

  23. 在人类建筑历史的发展中,权力对建筑的影响随处可见,建筑从某一方面反映了权力的意志。

    In the development of human architectural history , it 's quite evident that power affects architecture . Architecture reflects the will of power to some extent .

  24. 这里说的是建筑学研究生教育其中的两个方向,即建筑历史与理论、建筑设计及其理论两个研究方向。

    In this article , we involve two directions of architecture graduate education , one is architectural history and theory , the other is architectural design and its theory .

  25. 历史记录着世博会的发展历程,与此同时世博会也一步一步地见证着建筑历史的前进。

    The history record the development of the Expo , the Expo will be at the same time also witnessed the construction step by step the progress of history .

  26. 中国传统建筑历史悠久,底蕴深厚,在漫长的发展过程中逐步形成了自己别具一格的形制与精神。

    The Chinese traditional architecture has a very long history and great value in culture , its unique shape and spirit are formed in this long process of development .

  27. 综上所述,无论是看东西方建筑历史,还是谈古论今,建筑与室内的设计无论在形式上怎样变革,其核心的内容是基于研究功能的本质。

    To sum up , the core value of architecture and interior design lies in function no matter how to reform in form viewed from oriental and western architecture history .

  28. 论文的创新之处在于:从历史研究角度,尝试借鉴通史类建筑历史研究的体例,以建筑学的视角,将改造案例还原于史实中。

    The innovations are : From the historical view point , it tried to use for reference the body of general architecture history study and revert to the cases in scenes .

  29. 受南洋文化影响的琼北民居在海南近代建筑历史中占据着极其重要的位置,是海南近代民居建筑文化中不可或缺的组成部分。

    North Hainan residences is affected by Nanyang culture a lot , meanwhile it is occupy a very important position of modern architectural history and is an indispensable part of modern residential architecture culture in hainan .

  30. 中国古代木结构建筑历史悠久,而且古代木构建筑技术的水平当时处于领先的地位,但是进入21世纪,这种古木结构建筑体系已不能满足现代建筑功能的需要。

    In China , the wooden architecture technique has long history , and lead the world . But enter into the 21st century , the old technique is not satisfying the need of the present architecture .