
sài chuán
  • Boat racing;wherry
赛船 [sài chuán]
  • [wherry] 窄小的敞开式的用于训练或比赛的由一个用短桨的人划行的小艇

赛船[sài chuán]
  1. 他下在赛船上的赌注是50美元。

    His bet on the boat race was $ 50 .

  2. 为即将来临的飞的斯科特赛船会的表下面点按。

    Click below for list of upcoming Flying Scot Regattas .

  3. 海宁赛船,选手兼在船上作武术表演。

    Haining boat racing , player and on board for martial arts .

  4. 赛船后他们彻夜欢闹。

    They were rioting all night after the boat race .

  5. 赛船之夜,大学生们异常兴奋,喧哗不已。

    On boat race night , the college stds paint the town red .

  6. 大部分人都会同意,赛跑、自行车和赛船运动员应该获得优待。

    Most would agree the runners , riders and rowers should be cossetted .

  7. 你们将看到赛船和游泳比赛。

    You 'll watch boat races and swimming competitions .

  8. 一年一度的游艇俱乐部赛船大会

    The annual regatta of the yacht club

  9. 在美国的最旧、最大的高中赛船会的正式地点。

    Official site of the oldest and largest high school regatta in the United states .

  10. 回到赛船会时间表页。

    Return to the regatta schedule page .

  11. 赛船时,这八小我动作和谐,似乎一个人似的。

    The eight men kept together during the boat race as though they were one .

  12. 设计了一种新型赛船固定启航装置。

    A new type device for fixing and starting racing boats is described in this paper .

  13. 它是一艘赛船,我们要是能抢到它的风路该多好。

    She is a race ship , and if we can but recover the wind of her .

  14. 备注:因为赛船会日期不是一容纳的测试天,时间表从去年变化了。

    Note : schedule has changed from last year because the regatta date is not a SAT test day .

  15. 请帮助我翻译这个句子:在2003年牛津和剑桥在附近赛船比赛。

    Please help me to translate this sentence : In the2003 Boat Race Oxford beat Cambridge by a foot .

  16. 在英国的最高的国内赛船会之一。吸引国内、国际的许多亨德森皇室成员赛船会进入者。

    One of the top domestic regattas in the UK . Attracts many Henley Royal Regatta entrants both domestic and international .

  17. 在古希腊各地都进行着田径赛、舞蹈比赛、赛马、赛船,以及火炬赛跑。

    All over ancient Greece , athletic contests , dance contests , and horse , boat , and torch races were held .

  18. 检查为还没为近似日期和联系信息列出的结果和赛船会飞斯科特赛船会的以前的年表。

    Check out previous years list of flying Scot regattas for results and regattas not yet listed for approximate dates and contact information .

  19. 鱼赛船会的第23年度头展示2.5英里功课,到划划船的俱乐部和萨拉托加的萨拉托加弹簧共同招待协会。

    The23rd annual head of the fish Regatta features a2.5 mile course , co-hosted by the Saratoga Springs rowing club and the Saratoga rowing association .

  20. 赛船可能需要使用能移动的排气口,使船在航行中能够保持甲板上没有可能存在的障碍。

    Racing boats may need to use vents that can be removed while the boats is in use in order to keep the decks free of possible snags .

  21. 如果他们真有那么好,那么他们不仅能赢得欧洲杯,而且能赢得莱德杯,赛船比赛甚至全国越野障碍赛马!

    Had they been that good , they 'd not only have won the European Cup but the Ryder Cup , the Boat Race and even the Grand National !

  22. 清明节赛船习俗遍及各县,嘉兴称踏白船,海盐称出跳船,平湖称摇快船,均为划船比赛。

    Ching Ming Festival regatta practices throughout the county , Jiaxing , said stepping white boat , sea salt , said a jump ship , Pinghu shake Clippers said , are boat races .

  23. 请提醒你的全体乘务员这条很严格地强制的规则:不光明正大的行为-任何竞争者的全体乘务员抓住了偷或从事任何不光明正大的行为愿望,依据见解赛船会委员会,被无资格。

    Please remind your crews of this very strictly enforced rule : unsportsmanlike Conduct-The crew of any competitor caught stealing or engaging in any unsportsmanlike conduct will , at the discretion of the regatta committee , be disqualified .