
  • 网络The Rain Man
  1. 我必须成为雨人(RainMan)才能记住那么多的密码。

    I 'd have to be Rain Man to memorize that many passwords .

  2. 这部电影改编自伊夫林·麦考恩的小说《女皇》,由《雨人》编剧RonBass执笔。

    The film is an adaptation of the novel " Empress " by Evelyn McCune , with a screenplay by Ron Bass ( " Rain Man " ) .

  3. 一个由国际投资者组成的财团也和中粮集团共同参与了这一交易。该财团包括由前高盛(GoldmanSachs)“造雨人(rainmaker)”方风雷领导的中国私募股权基金厚朴基金管理公司(HopuInvestmentManagement)。

    A consortium of international investors including Hopu , a Chinese private equity fund led by former Goldman Sachs rainmaker Fang Fenglei , are joining Cofco in the deal .

  4. 在《雨人》这部片子之后,Peek作为真正的雨人环游世界,用他唤起历史深处的事实和日期的能力震惊了观众和来访者。

    After Rain Man , Peek traveled the world as " the real Rain Man ," amazing audiences and visitors with his ability to recall dates and facts deep into history .

  5. Peek和他的爸爸Fran利用Peek的名声为残疾人发起了一场活动,他们写了一本书叫真实的雨人的生活和消息。

    Peek and his father , Fran , used Kim 's notoriety to campaign for the disabled . They produced a book called The Life and Message of the Real Rain Man .

  6. 它们母公司总裁的年薪极少超过25万美元,所以在香港竞选所谓的“造雨人”(rainmaker,即知名经纪商)时,他们只能旁观。

    The presidents of their parents rarely receive more than $ 250000 a year , which leaves them on the sidelines when it comes to bidding for so-called rainmakers , the big-name deal brokers , in Hong Kong .

  7. 请来一张《雨人》的票。

    A ticket for Rain Man , please .

  8. 达斯汀霍夫曼,'雨人'看迟钝,行动迟缓,没有迟钝。

    Dustin Hoffman , 'Rain Man , 'look retarded , act retarded , not retarded .

  9. 雨人的原型没数过牌,但脑力也很出众。

    While the real Rain Man never counted cards , his mental abilities were just as unbelievable .

  10. 他以1988年的影片《雨人》证明了他的表演天赋,在该片中他与奥斯卡影帝达斯廷·霍夫曼演对手戏。

    He proved his dramatic talents in the1988 drama Rain Man , where he co-starred with Oscar-winner Dustin Hoffman .

  11. 有些自闭症个体在某一特定领域会表现出极高的智力或突出的技巧,可以称之为天才,比如在电影《雨人》的主角所表现的那样,但这种情况非常罕见。

    Autistic individuals exhibiting high intelligence or outstanding skills in a particular area , called " savants ", such as the main character in the film " Rain Man ", are rare .

  12. 公路上驾车也可能是危险的,说到底还是取决于你开多快。我是一个胆怯的滑翔飞行员,我唯一的目标是安全回家深圳雨人于。

    ' But roads can be dangerous too , it depends on how fast you drive . I 'm a very cowardly pilot , my only goal is to come back home . '

  13. 并且现已确认除变形金刚的制作团队之外,以“雨人”和“绝命毒师”而出名的马克强森也会参加后期制作

    Also confirmed to be behind the new movie is the Transformers supporting crew as well as producer Mark Johnson , who is known for " Rain Man " and " Breaking Bad . "

  14. 在电影《雨人》中,达斯汀?霍夫曼饰演的雷蒙德?巴比特曾打趣说:“澳航从未出过事故。”事实也几乎如此:澳洲航空公司自1951年以来从未有过致命飞行事故。

    Raymond Babbitt ( Dustin Hoffman ) famously quipped in Rain Man that Qantas has never had an accident . That 's almost true : the Australian carrier hasn 't had a fatal crash since 1951 .

  15. 虽然只有5英尺6英寸高,男影星达斯汀•霍夫曼却能让自己和汤姆•克鲁斯在电影《雨人》中同台献技,赢得了他第二个奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。

    Even at five feet , six inches , the actor Dustin Hoffman HELD HIS OWN AGAINST Tom Cruise in the movie " Rain man " and went on to win his second Academy ward for BEST Actor .

  16. 他丰富的技能包括记住地图上的每一条路,无数歌曲的作曲家和日期,以及详细得令人难以置信的的历史事实。《雨人》出名后,皮克将毕生投入到在美国各地奔走,为残疾人发起活动,用自己的独特天赋鼓舞他们。

    Among his many skills , Peek memorized every road on the map , the composers and dates of countless songs , and incredibly detailed historic facts . After Rain Man , he spent his life touring the country and campaigning for the disabled , to the delight of many who were able to witness his unique gift in person .