
  • 网络More than;proportion by alternation
  1. 一代更比一代强。

    Each generation surpasses the preceding one .

  2. 长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强。

    As in the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those ahead , so each new generation excels the last one . ; Time makes it inevitable that in every profession the rising generation is worthier than the former one .

  3. 同时含有S、Cl和Na的颗粒物检出率为62.0%,其中Na的含量更比所有颗粒物平均值高出1.4倍。

    Particles containing S , Cl and Na were 62.0 % of total number of particles , in which the concentration of Na was 1.4 times higher than average value of all particles .

  4. 她和云霖待我更比以前亲热。

    Both she and Yunlin are even , kinder to me than before .

  5. 没有什么更比仁慈受欢迎。

    Nothing is so popular as goodness is .

  6. 我想告诉他有关事实更比其他任何东西都更有效。

    I think telling him more about the facts is more effective than anything else .

  7. 其实我更比什么歌手唱的思维兴趣。

    In fact I 'm more interested in what a vocalist is thinking than singing .

  8. 航空公司说,飞行员更比平常人没有出工作机会。

    The airline had said more pilots than usual were not showing up for work .

  9. 祝您事业爱情双丰收,一年更比一年高!

    I wish you the cause of love pairs of harvest , year on year high !

  10. 在这里,魔鬼穿着塔夫绸和脚本更比泡沫时代的尖端。

    Here , the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge .

  11. 仅仅因为你是美国人,并不能使你更好或更比其他人见地。

    Just because you 're American , does not make you better or more knowledgable than anyone else .

  12. 美国梦的一个基本信条就是,一代更比一代强。

    A key tenet of the American dream is that each generation will do better than the last .

  13. i担心决策失误,以及补充的压力,令我作出更比我一贯的份额。

    I feared making mistakes , and the added pressure caused me to make more than my usual share .

  14. 木船比不上轮船,更比不上飞机,千真万确。

    It is absolutely true that a wooden boat cannot compare with a steamer , much less than airplane .

  15. 这些斧头比较容易使用,更比战斧容易携戴,但不那麽有威力。

    These axes are relatively easy to use , more portable than a battle axe , but less powerful .

  16. 霍夫林相信,智商测试的客观性令其更比老师和教授主观的评判更可靠。

    Hoeflin believes the objectivity of IQ tests makes them more reliable than the subjective evaluations of teachers and professors .

  17. 年糕的同音就是“一年更比一年高”,象征着人们的生活一年更比一年好。

    Nian Gao is a homonym for " higher each year " and symbolizes improvement in life , year by year .

  18. 关于中国人美盲更比文盲多的学术批评&与吴冠中先生商榷

    Academic Criticism on " More People Ignorant of Fine Arts than Illiterates " in China : A Discussion with Mr. Wu Guanzhong

  19. 他对这一规则的十二生肖地区就像在他自己国家的国王,更比其他任何强大。

    He rules over this area of the zodiac and is like a king in his own country , more powerful than anywhere else .

  20. 总储蓄会更比足以弥补这额外的时间和费用修改软件迅速。

    The total saving would be much more than adequate to compensate IT for the additional hours and cost incurred in modifying the software quickly .

  21. 你可以把它自己的良心和直觉,它是你的一部分同样重要,如果不是更比你清醒头脑。

    You can call it your conscience or intuition ; it is a part of you equally important if not more so , than your waking mind .

  22. 轻量涂布纸市场则更比新闻纸市场容量大,目前我省涂布印刷纸是空白。

    The market of light paint fabric paper is much bigger than the press paper of newspaper , now there is nil paint fabric paper in the province .

  23. 在这个系列鲁斯兰签署了他的名字一遍又一遍在一个美丽的线性重复,使每一块黑暗,更比前一次油墨层。

    In this series Ruslan signed his name over and over in a beautiful linear repetition , making each piece darker and more layered with ink than the one before .

  24. 在中国热得更比常年利害,事后大家都说是兵戈之象,因为这就是民国二十六年(一九三七年)。

    This is a clue to the coming striking war , it is called , when people make recalls years later , for it is the twenty-sixth year of the Republic ( 1937 ) .

  25. 很多人满心以为上了高峰能有片刻喘息,谁知攀上高峰才绝望地发现,一山更比一山高,喘息的一刻永远在前头。

    Many people think that indeed there will be a peak pause for breath , and now reached the peak of despair only to discover that the mountain more than hypocritical , breathing moment forever ahead .

  26. 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌如同月中仙。

    2010is a full moon night , on three-under for you to : a child to dream of a round like , two days more than willing to sweet cakes , like beauty to three months cents .

  27. 唐代首都大宫殿,设计更比舒适表明,必须已在西安悲惨生活的残酷寒冷,干燥,多风,多尘冬天研究。

    The large palaces in the Tang capital were designed more for show than for comfort and must have been miserable to live in during Xi'an 's brutally cold , dry , windy , and dusty winters .

  28. 第三,少数民族地区保险深度普遍低于全国平均水平,更比不上东部经济形势较好的省区,虽然保险密度较高,但也是受人口过少因素的影响。

    Third , insurance depth in the minority areas is below the national average and at the same time insurance depth much lower than the eastern areas although minority areas enjoy a higher insurance density due to rare population .

  29. 因为,一浪更比一浪强,因为我们不再处于黑暗时代,不论您在实际生活中地位如何为孩子创造把你们拍在沙滩上的机会很重要。

    It 's the reason we 're not in the Dark Ages anymore . No matter your position of place in life , it is imperative to create opportunities for children so that we can grow up to blow you away .

  30. 股市的问题的确很多,但我仍太爱这个市场了,就像自己的孩子一样,即便它百般不是,我们仍相信它未来会更比现在好。

    The problem of the stock market is a lot , but I still love this market , as their own children , even if it has not , we still believe that the future will be more better than now .