
  1. 专注于亚洲的消费者研究公司FivebyFifty的趋势研究负责人福尔(NicoleFall)说,不满情绪现在扩散得更快、更猛。

    ' Complaints now spread quicker and harder , ' said Nicole Fall , head of trends at Asia-focused consumer research firm Five by Fifty .

  2. 到七点钟时,风刮得比以前更猛了。

    By seven o'clock , the wind was blowing harder than ever .

  3. 在欧洲其他地方,一些国家给经济下了更猛的药。

    Elsewhere in Europe , even stronger medicine was administered .

  4. 风在夜间刮得更猛了。

    The wind strengthened during the night .

  5. 这种现象已经逐渐成为每年一次的危机,而今年这场危机似乎要比往常来得更早和更猛。

    What is now becoming an annual crisis in capacity looks set to hit earlier and harder in2006 .

  6. 海雁因为历经了风吹雨打,才能喊出“让暴风雨来得更猛一些”的豪言壮语。

    Hai Yan because , after the wind and rain to cry " Let the Tempest come steeper some " rhetoric .

  7. 左边的炮火山摇,右边的炮火地动,前面的炮火更猛,有如惊雷敌人万炮齐轰;

    Cannon to right of them , Cannon to left of them , Cannon in front of them Volley 'd and thunder 'd ;

  8. 2008年证明了全球化时代既能创造更快的增长,也能带来更猛的衰退“美国制造”的危机迅速蔓延至全球。

    2008 showed that our global era can bring faster growth , but faster declines too as a crisis made in America spread quickly .

  9. 左边的炮火山摇,右边的炮火地动,后面的炮火更猛,有如惊雷敌人万炮齐轰;

    Cannon to right of them , Cannon to left of them , Cannon behind them Volley 'd and thunder 'd ; Storm 'd at with shot and shell ,

  10. 近水楼台先得月,2001年因“九运会”而一朝兴起的东圃天河新城,又将兴起另一波来势更猛的“造城”运动。

    Those , in2001 for " Games " and the rise of Dongpu Milky Way once Metro , will rise another wave of challenges ahead " creates city " campaign .

  11. 不过,虽然看起来情形很糟,但是很多官员都表示,要是飓风风力更猛,持续时间更长,损失还会严重得多。

    As bad as it was , however , many officials say it could have been far worse had the storm stalled over the region or grown stronger than a Category 2 hurricane .

  12. 在这些影响减弱后,大概在10年内,随着碳排放的变暖效应重新成为改变气候的主要因素,气温可能以更猛的势头上升。

    After these effects wear off , within about a decade , temperatures are likely to rise much more strongly as the warming effect of carbon emissions regains the upper hand in altering the climate .

  13. 我们本来不该在此停泊太久,而是应该趁着潮水驶入河口。无奈风刮得太紧,而停了四五天之后,风势更猛。

    We had not however rid here so long , but should have Tided it up the River , but that the Wind blew too fresh ; and after we had lain four or five Days , blew very hard .

  14. 不同于数十年前抵达的老一辈广东移民,所带来的适应西式口感的港式风味,凯(音译)和她的同辈想要更猛,更辣的菜式,这些时髦的菜肴能让他们想起故乡。

    Unlike the older generation of Cantonese immigrants who arrived decades ago , bringing with them Hong Kong flavours adapted to western tastes , Kai and her contemporaries want to eat bolder , spicier food , and the trendy dishes that remind them of home .

  15. 我的心就这么忽冷忽热,像冬天的风,休息一会儿,刮得更要猛;

    That was how my mood kept changing . Like a winter wind - halting a moment , then blowing fiercer than ever .

  16. 我亦倨傲如宇也随唱,战争更久更猛似乎不歇。

    I too haughty Shade also sing war , and a longer and greater one than any .

  17. 根据工程和应用科学学院的研究,答案是缓慢的气候变化。它提高了地球温度,创造了条件,能引发规模更大火势更猛的火灾。

    The answer , according to SEAS , is gradual climate change , which has raised the Earth 's temperature , creating conditions that spawn bigger and fiercer wildfires .