
ɡēnɡ shǐ
  • start anew;begin a new page;make a new beginning
更始 [gēng shǐ]
  • [make a new start] 重新开始;更新

  • 与民更始

  • 一元更始

  • 出德号,省刑罚,改制度,易服色,革正朔,与天下为更始。--汉. 司马相如《上林赋》

  1. 经由过程更始成立自力设课的粮油加工工艺学尝试;

    Supposes the class independently through the reform establishment the cooking oil processing technology experiment ;

  2. 安排日常检查像一个大肠镜检查更始障碍重重。

    That 's on top of the extra hurdles to arrange routine care , like a colonoscopy .

  3. 出格是更始开放往后,生物化工的成长进入了一个崭新的阶段。

    In particular the reform and opening-up , the development of bio-chemical industry has entered a new stage .

  4. 所以研究新课程更始布景下的课堂互动教学具有其现实意义。

    So research new course reform under the background of classroom interaction the teaching have it reality meaning .

  5. 更始朝与赤眉军间开始出现矛盾,最终不得不诉诸武力。

    Conflicts began to appear between Gengshi and the Red Eyebrow , and they had to appeal to arms .

  6. 更始的目的是为了供给一个框架,以增强宏不美观经济不变,促进经济增添。

    The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth .

  7. 说说你对医疗更始的设法:现有系统体例对经济的运动性和创业精神都是个阻截。

    Say what you will about healthcare reform : The present system is a huge drag on economic mobility and entrepreneurship .

  8. 动态效率则注重于刷新,权衡出产者能否追随顾客对各类产物和处事乐趣的转变而更始自己的出产。

    Dynamic efficiency focuses on innovation and measures how well a producer adapts to changes in consumers'tastes for different goods and services .

  9. 我们的产品每年在新西兰冰淇淋协会和美国冰淇淋协会评比中获得多项大奖,尤其是香草口味,巧克力口味更始在评比中多年获得奖项。

    We are pride of many awards from New Zealand Manufactory Association competition , especially Vanilla , Chocolate have won medals for more than three years .

  10. 公元23年,王匡、王凤等立汉室宗亲刘玄为皇帝,国号“汉”,年号“更始”。

    In 23 , the Green Woodmen installed Liu Xuan as emperor , a member of the Han royal house , using the reign title of Gengshi .

  11. 但愿双方在金融监管更始、风险提防、产物立异、信息交流及人才培训等方面,增强交流与合作。

    I hope our two sides will step up exchange and cooperation in areas such as financial regulatory reform , risk prevention , product innovation , information sharing and personnel training .

  12. 更始原因有三个首要方面:更始教会的巴望已有多年,此刻又受马丁路德成功的鼓舞,良多人认为机缘已到;

    There were three main causes : a desire for change and reform in the church had been growing for many years and now , encouraged by the success of Martin Luther , many people believed its time had come ;