
  • 网络Locker;Wardrobe;ABS locker
  1. 凡更衣柜中存有酒店物品者将处予纪律处分。

    Any associate in whose locker there are hotel goods will be subjected to disciplinary actions .

  2. 准备申请或提供名牌,员工证和员工更衣柜,并保存相关记录。

    Prepare requisition and issuance of nametag , associate ID Card and associate locker , maintaining all relevant record promptly , efficiently and systematically .

  3. 更衣柜中禁止存放易燃、易爆、腐蚀性及强烈气味或一切非法物品。

    Inflammable , explosive , corrosive , gas or other unlawful materials are prohibited to keep in the change cabinet .

  4. 本会所不提供更衣柜的锁,如有需要,请您到商品部进行购买。

    The Chamber do not supply any lock for the change cabinet , if necessary , you may buy in the water .

  5. 非球会会员:¥00/人/36洞果岭、球童、更衣柜、自助午餐及颁奖晚宴。

    Non-Club member : ¥ . 00 / 36 holes green , caddy , wardrobe , lunch buffet dinner and prize presentation .

  6. 赛后他说,他的老鹰队队友,其中一些比他小20多岁——“洗劫”了他的更衣柜,“抢走”了他的鞋子和其他纪念品。

    He said after the game that his Hawks teammates - some of whom are more than two decades younger than him - raided his locker for shoes and other mementos .